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A MOO Treatment for Strong Nails - November 2019
Pour a quarter of a cup of olive oil into a small jug. I use a Tupperware jug with a lid. Warm the oil in the microwave for 45-50 seconds. Place one hand (up to the first joint on the fingers) in the jug and soak for five minutes. Wrap that hand in a hand towel and then reheat oil again and repeat process with the other hand. After soaking each hand individually, then wipe excess oil from fingers, but not nails. When completed put lid back onto jug and store in the fridge. I usually keep it for about 6 months and then it is discarded and I start on a fresh batch of olive oil. Rest hands while watching your favourite tv show, then off to bed. That’s it. In the morning your nails will feel great and gently file them into shape required. If you do this treatment twice weekly, your nails will be strong shiny and enviable.
Contributed by Jan Slape
Contributed by Jan Slape