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Tip Store: Cleaning: Air Fresheners
Essential Air Fresheners
I use recycled spray bottles filled with water and essential oil drops to use as a bathroom spray or anywhere in the house that needs freshening. Lasts for ages and costs very little. I have also used fragrance oil from soap making instead of essential oils. Citrus oils are especially good for bathrooms.
Contributed by Ann Jones
Contributed by Ann Jones
DampRid & Butter Containers
I wanted some DampRid being in Sydney and after all the rain. I was waiting for a sale - the little containers are very expensive. I found the bulk DampRid on 40% discount at Big W = bargain, I’ll take two.
I saved a few butter containers and sliced cuts in the lids - problem solved! And I saved the sliced pieces of lids to mark my plants in the garden- zero waste!
Contributed by Marija Radovic
I saved a few butter containers and sliced cuts in the lids - problem solved! And I saved the sliced pieces of lids to mark my plants in the garden- zero waste!
Contributed by Marija Radovic
All Year Round Air Freshener
Spring tempts you to open windows and doors wide, to blow away the staleness of winter. But it's not always practical to do that - the sun may be shining, but the wind can still be cold. Get a little spring freshness all year round with this simple, fragrant MOO air freshener.
You will need:
6 Drops Eucalyptus Oil,
10 Drops Rose Oil,
10 Drops Lavender Oil
250ml spray bottle
Half fill the spray bottle with boiling water. Add the oils and stir. Fill the bottle with cool water. Spritz the air throughout your home for a spring fresh scent whenever you need it. Warning: don't spray directly on furniture or soft furnishings.
Tip of the Day, 5th September 2018
You will need:
6 Drops Eucalyptus Oil,
10 Drops Rose Oil,
10 Drops Lavender Oil
250ml spray bottle
Half fill the spray bottle with boiling water. Add the oils and stir. Fill the bottle with cool water. Spritz the air throughout your home for a spring fresh scent whenever you need it. Warning: don't spray directly on furniture or soft furnishings.
Tip of the Day, 5th September 2018
MOO Febreeze
You will need:
a small spray bottle
1/2 cup rubbing (Isopropyl) alcohol (or vodka)
30 - 50 drops essential oil/s
1 cup water
Step 1. Fill the spray bottle with 1 cup water and 1/2 cup rubbing alcohol or vodka.
Step 2. Add the essential oils. Start with 30 drops and add more if you would like a stronger scent. You can also mix oils to create custom scents.
To use: Using the mist setting on the spray bottle lightly mist over the item you want to freshen and deodorise.
Note: You will be able to smell the alcohol, but only for a minute or so until it dries. After that you'll be able to smell your custom febreeze. Test the spray on an inconspicuous spot before spraying on furnishings to make sure it won't stain or mark the item.
The 31 Days of MOO NO. 6
a small spray bottle
1/2 cup rubbing (Isopropyl) alcohol (or vodka)
30 - 50 drops essential oil/s
1 cup water
Step 1. Fill the spray bottle with 1 cup water and 1/2 cup rubbing alcohol or vodka.
Step 2. Add the essential oils. Start with 30 drops and add more if you would like a stronger scent. You can also mix oils to create custom scents.
To use: Using the mist setting on the spray bottle lightly mist over the item you want to freshen and deodorise.
Note: You will be able to smell the alcohol, but only for a minute or so until it dries. After that you'll be able to smell your custom febreeze. Test the spray on an inconspicuous spot before spraying on furnishings to make sure it won't stain or mark the item.
The 31 Days of MOO NO. 6
Dampness Gone with Kitty Litter
I have a severe problem with rising damp in the rental property that I am living in , especially in my linen cupboard. And as you could imagine once it's damp mould sets in. I have been buying the "Damprid" containers (approximately 6 per month/month and a half) to rectify this problem. Thinking outside the square, you can use kitty litter instead. All you have to do is buy a cheap bag, put it in a few take away containers, puncture a few holes in the lid and place them in your damp areas. Not only does the kitty litter absorb the moisture it also helps with nasty smells.
Contributed by Nicole Liddicoat
Contributed by Nicole Liddicoat
MOO Air Freshener
Approximate $ Savings: $36/yr
Make your own toilet deodorant spray simply by mixing 1 cup water, 6 drops of lavender oil (or other essential oil your prefer) and a splash of any type of cooking oil. Pour into a plastic spray bottle (you can buy these for less than $2 and reuse over and over, or reuse a spray bottle you already have), shake well and spray as needed. Smells divine and the lavender really covers those nasty odours! Saves $6+ on every purchase of toilet deodoriser.
Contributed by Alicia, Mount Gravatt
Make your own toilet deodorant spray simply by mixing 1 cup water, 6 drops of lavender oil (or other essential oil your prefer) and a splash of any type of cooking oil. Pour into a plastic spray bottle (you can buy these for less than $2 and reuse over and over, or reuse a spray bottle you already have), shake well and spray as needed. Smells divine and the lavender really covers those nasty odours! Saves $6+ on every purchase of toilet deodoriser.
Contributed by Alicia, Mount Gravatt
Gel Room Fresheners
I recently tried this great tip for a gel room freshener and it works and saves money on commercial air fresheners. Just dissolve a sachet of gelatine in a bowl with 200 ml boiling water, stir until completely dissolved. Add a few drops of food colouring, then add 300 ml water, let it cool to room temperature and then add drops of your favourite essential oil. Pour into decorative glass bowls or jars and refrigerate. You can add all sorts of interesting objects to the bowls to decorate like shells or pebbles. if you make large batches a spoonful of salt or a splash of vodka stops it from going mouldy. This is easy to make and great gift idea Just use your imagination.
Contributed by Marianthi, Cheltenham
Contributed by Marianthi, Cheltenham
Multi-Purpose Lavender Spray
Make your own refreshing, non-toxic room spray/deodoriser which smells beautiful and goes such a long, long way. My husband can't stand any commercial deodorisers or plug-ins so I started to make my own. Simply buy a small jar of water soluble lavender oil (I use EUREKA brand) available in Woolies, Coles etc. Slip a few drops into a spray bottle of water and shake. The spray is now ready to use after nappy changes, when cleaning, in the toilet - or just to spray around the house before guests arrive. Best of all, the smell is really pleasant (not artificial), simple to make and very cost effective at around $4 for 100 ml bottle. I even use this "magic" spray at night when my sons ask me to kill the monsters hiding in their rooms. I have explained to them that lavender repels all evil and they happily roll over and sleep trusting they are protected and I haven't had to spray anything toxic! Oh, and by the way, you might have to hunt as the bottles are often hidden on the very top shelf on top of all the vitamins and expensive concoctions but definitely worth the effort!
Contributed by Nicole, Gowrie
Contributed by Nicole, Gowrie
Homemade Air Freshener
100mls household methylated spirits
12 - 15 drops essential oil, fragrance to suit
500 mls warm water.
Add to 600ml spray bottle. Shake well; use in bathroom or anywhere in house. Can also be used to wipe down bench tops etc. Can be sprayed on curtains and furniture.
Contributed by Gale, Bribie Island
100mls household methylated spirits
12 - 15 drops essential oil, fragrance to suit
500 mls warm water.
Add to 600ml spray bottle. Shake well; use in bathroom or anywhere in house. Can also be used to wipe down bench tops etc. Can be sprayed on curtains and furniture.
Contributed by Gale, Bribie Island
Really Cheap, Really Easy Air Freshener
I used to buy plug in air fresheners to keep my house smelling nice and not like my pets (2 cats and 1 dog). I had to refill 5 every month plus the cost of electricity. I bought perfumed oil from the Body Shop for $17 and put a bit on each light globe in house and when you turn the light on it heats up and radiates a nice smell. The saving is HUGE. I was paying $6.99 a month for each refill plus electricity for each plug in on top of that. The perfumed oil will last a long time and will only cost $17 to replace when it runs out.
Contributed by Catherine
Contributed by Catherine
Homemade Deodoriser
Approximate $ Savings: Up to 75% off original store bought product
Purchase a 500g bag of bi-carb soda. Mix together with 10 - 12 drops of eucalyptus oil. Shake well until there are no damp clumps left. Place into an airtight container. Sprinkle on your carpets before vacuuming. This will deodorize your house, leave it smelling fresh and clean and also kill dust mites. You can sprinkle on your mattresses as well for a fresh mite free sleep. You could also use it as a shoe deodorizer and as a car freshener (place in your car ashtray). There would be many more uses for this cheap homemade product. (You could use any essential oil instead of the eucalyptus oil if you prefer).
Contributed by Kris
Purchase a 500g bag of bi-carb soda. Mix together with 10 - 12 drops of eucalyptus oil. Shake well until there are no damp clumps left. Place into an airtight container. Sprinkle on your carpets before vacuuming. This will deodorize your house, leave it smelling fresh and clean and also kill dust mites. You can sprinkle on your mattresses as well for a fresh mite free sleep. You could also use it as a shoe deodorizer and as a car freshener (place in your car ashtray). There would be many more uses for this cheap homemade product. (You could use any essential oil instead of the eucalyptus oil if you prefer).
Contributed by Kris
Cheap Spray for Furniture
I am currently selling my house and I have been using a large amount of fabric spray (as I have pets and young children). The refills were costing me $4.00 or so each. I decided to use fabric softener mixed with water. I pick up a cheap smelly mix for about $1.00 and mixed about a 1/4 with water. It works fantastically I can even smell it later in the day, which I never could with the pre-made one. Being fabric softener it is perfectly safe to spray on your lounge etc.
Contributed by Alexandra
Contributed by Alexandra