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Brain Food
For those of senior years, when time is more plentiful than money, may I suggest joining U3A (University of the Third Age) run by volunteers from all walks of life, eager to inform with thought-provoking and interesting courses and one-off talks on many, many topics in a warm, social environment. U3A is available in all capital cities, regional cities and towns all over Australia and the world. The annual membership fee is about $50 and for this you have the opportunity to join any course listed in the 60-odd page (Sydney) course book. Victoria, I am told has even more to offer. The only other thing you might have to contribute financially is a gold coin donation for a cuppa in the half-time break. But hey, this is also a social group with opportunities to expand your mind and your circle of friends.
Contributed by Lesley Thompson
Contributed by Lesley Thompson