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Don`t be the First on the Bandwagon - July 2018
A great way to save money is to delay trends. The media is great at hyping electronics, games, movies, CDs etc. that really may not be very good. Wait a while; use this time to read reputable reviews and make up your own mind. This can save you loads of money. For example, I did not read any of the Twilight books when they first came out: I waited until they were available at the library (even if I reserved them the most I would pay is $8). Considering that they retail for at least $20 each, this gives me a net profit of $72. Similarly, I could rent the Twilight movies from the library (if I reserved them - $4) and as they retail for approximately $30, this has given me a net profit of $56. Think about it - this saves heaps of shelf space and you do eventually get to see it/read it...just a little later!
Contributed by Ruth
Contributed by Ruth