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Tip Store: Health: Exercise Gyms and Health Clubs
Weight Loss and Health and Exercise
Use your computer, iphone or android phone instead of the gym, and save over $1000 per year in weight loss costs You can save an absolute fortune in weight loss fees (around $70 per month for weekly meeting weight loss clubs) and around $40-$80 per month in gym membership fees. This quickly adds up to big savings of around $1000 or more per year. Track your fitness on a website like calorie king (prevents calorie amnesia and there is heaps of information on nutrition) or on a google play store app or iTunes store app (search for the free fitness apps). You can access tailored exercise programs and nutrition programs that will help you keep track of your weight loss. You can find outdoor gym equipment at a lot of city parks. Go for walks, or buy some simple exercise equipment (you can buy inexpensive exercise equipment from k-mart), or even use vegetable cans or filled water bottles as weights. There are several common sense keys to weight loss - regular tracking of weight, exercise, food eaten and portion sizes. You have to eat less and exercise more in order to burn more kilojoules than what you are eating, to get weight loss, and it has to be done consistently. Follow healthy eating guidelines like that at Nutrition Australia, and the weight will fall off, without your wallet being lighter. Always check with a doctor or medical practitioner prior to embarking on a weight loss program, because you may need to implement some modifications in order to stay safe. A weight loss program is always better to be monitored by your registered health practitioner, who can support you in your efforts.
Contributed by Lori Woodward
Contributed by Lori Woodward
Thinking Outside the Square to Find Replacements for Expensive Non-Essentials
I am new to being a Cheapskate but am learning lots! I am fortunate to have a city car park as part of my employment package which saves me public transport costs to and from work (saving me $1,606/annum). However, this of course costs me fuel which is getting more expensive. After work I would drive to the gym 2-3 times a week and then home again or be tempted to go to shops etc. I was filling my fuel tank once a week, but wanted to cut that back if possible. I realised that I mainly used the treadmill at the gym and have a weekly personal training session and questioned if that was really necessary even though I enjoyed the challenge. As I live about 6km from my work, I decided to cancel my gym membership and PT. I now walk to and from work on average 2-3 days each week. It is fantastic exercise and I love being outdoors more. Added bonus is that I am actually losing more weight walking than at the gym (and I was no slacker!). The savings means that my fuel tank now lasts me 2 weeks instead of 1 and I am saving $60 a month on unnecessary gym membership and $40 a week on PT sessions. This roughly totals $4,500 per annum! I had been going to a gym for 10 years and realised it was a routine that I could change or at least try. I actually now much rather being outdoors. Even when the weather turned on me the other week and I got soaked it just made me laugh and be better prepared for next time! Other ways I have saved included stopping my every day morning takeaway latte which adds up to $1,092 a year - for a cup of coffee! I didn't need that, it was just an expensive luxury. Not only am I now saving myself $5,592 a year, the majority of this savings is being paid off my mortgage which in the long run will save me megabucks in interest! I am realising how disposable my money used to be and that being frugal is really not that hard and doesn't mean stopping living. So thank you everyone for your good advice. I have a long way to go, but love the fact that there are so many other ways in which I can still change my spending habits.
Contributed by Bronny Wood, 23rd May 2012
Contributed by Bronny Wood, 23rd May 2012
Get Smart about Getting Fit
Approximate $ Savings: $600
I am not having anymore babies so now is the time for me to get back in to shape. After being horrified by the prices of weights and the gym I decided to get smart about getting fit. I then set the 2011 challenge to get fit at no cost. I will now use bottles filled with water as weights, hit the library for books on toning exercises, walk the hills of my suburb twice a week, walk the beach early Saturday morning, ride round the river, and will go bushwalking on local trails. I want to make it as pleasurable as possible so all activities must be set outside. It will be a family goal so by the end of 2011 we will all look trim and terrific at no cost at all.
Contributed by Rachel North, 4th January 2011
I am not having anymore babies so now is the time for me to get back in to shape. After being horrified by the prices of weights and the gym I decided to get smart about getting fit. I then set the 2011 challenge to get fit at no cost. I will now use bottles filled with water as weights, hit the library for books on toning exercises, walk the hills of my suburb twice a week, walk the beach early Saturday morning, ride round the river, and will go bushwalking on local trails. I want to make it as pleasurable as possible so all activities must be set outside. It will be a family goal so by the end of 2011 we will all look trim and terrific at no cost at all.
Contributed by Rachel North, 4th January 2011
Health & Fitness for All Ages
Approximate $ Savings: $30 per week at least!
Recommended amount of exercise is 30 minutes per day, or 1 hour three times per week at least. I do more. Gym memberships can cost from at least $30 per month and going up. Some people pay for their membership and rarely or never attend which is a waste. Tai Chi, Pilates and Yoga lessons are from approximately $10-$20 each session, plus the fuel and wear and tear on your car to attend (or public transport costs). A way to fix this is to purchase a few DVD/videos of Yoga, Pilates and/or Tai Chi, etc from $2 shops or garage sales for approximately $5 each (which I have done). This way you always have some form of instruction on hand and available at home. If you buy three, you have 3 different types of exercise for variety and most are generally longer than 30 minutes. Once the initial outlay has been paid there is no more money to pay. Just make a point of using them as many times a week as you want (not just 3 time a week) to get the full benefit from them. Get the kids to join in or friends/neighbours too. There are also no transport costs of having to get to the gym either. To make even more savings I walk to the library and borrow DVD's to supplement my small home collection. This also helps to keep interest and motivation up by having more variety, and each DVD also uses different muscle groups and has a different fitness level requirement. Using your body weight is a good form of exercise and can be done at home in front of the TV or your fave movie. For example push-ups, sit-ups, leg-lifts/ raises, standing on toes or heels, squats and more. Using different size milk containers filled with water or sand make great weights because of their handles. Walking to shops and sports in the park with your children gets you out and about and fitter. For families who have experienced cancer in their family there are free meditation/yoga and other classes available through the Cancer Foundation, giving healing exercise and support. The approx saving of $30 per wk is based on exercising 3x per wk using a gym, etc. I feel I save even more because I try to do some form of exercise everyday at home, therefore saving approx $70 per week ($3650 per year). Thanks, I have read the book and I am already on your mailing list. I had a basic idea I was doing the right thing, but your book confirmed that and also gave me heaps more tips to save even more. Thank you again!
Contributed by Anais, Forrestfiled, 22nd May 2009
Recommended amount of exercise is 30 minutes per day, or 1 hour three times per week at least. I do more. Gym memberships can cost from at least $30 per month and going up. Some people pay for their membership and rarely or never attend which is a waste. Tai Chi, Pilates and Yoga lessons are from approximately $10-$20 each session, plus the fuel and wear and tear on your car to attend (or public transport costs). A way to fix this is to purchase a few DVD/videos of Yoga, Pilates and/or Tai Chi, etc from $2 shops or garage sales for approximately $5 each (which I have done). This way you always have some form of instruction on hand and available at home. If you buy three, you have 3 different types of exercise for variety and most are generally longer than 30 minutes. Once the initial outlay has been paid there is no more money to pay. Just make a point of using them as many times a week as you want (not just 3 time a week) to get the full benefit from them. Get the kids to join in or friends/neighbours too. There are also no transport costs of having to get to the gym either. To make even more savings I walk to the library and borrow DVD's to supplement my small home collection. This also helps to keep interest and motivation up by having more variety, and each DVD also uses different muscle groups and has a different fitness level requirement. Using your body weight is a good form of exercise and can be done at home in front of the TV or your fave movie. For example push-ups, sit-ups, leg-lifts/ raises, standing on toes or heels, squats and more. Using different size milk containers filled with water or sand make great weights because of their handles. Walking to shops and sports in the park with your children gets you out and about and fitter. For families who have experienced cancer in their family there are free meditation/yoga and other classes available through the Cancer Foundation, giving healing exercise and support. The approx saving of $30 per wk is based on exercising 3x per wk using a gym, etc. I feel I save even more because I try to do some form of exercise everyday at home, therefore saving approx $70 per week ($3650 per year). Thanks, I have read the book and I am already on your mailing list. I had a basic idea I was doing the right thing, but your book confirmed that and also gave me heaps more tips to save even more. Thank you again!
Contributed by Anais, Forrestfiled, 22nd May 2009
Cheaper Batteries
Approximate $ Savings: $24.55
Since I have joined cheapskates, I have also started to walk rather than take the car everywhere. I now have a pedometer to tell me how many steps I have taken and how many calories I have burnt. I had to get a new battery for the pedometer the other day and I went to a Mr. Minit shoe repair and battery outlet and he was going to charge me $15.95 which I thought was very expensive. I thought I would try to see if K-Mart sold them and they did, they had packs of 2 batteries for $7.35. So I now have a new battery and a replacement already for when I need one next. I was very pleased with myself and my savings.
Contributed by Shirley, Northgate, 19th April 2009
Since I have joined cheapskates, I have also started to walk rather than take the car everywhere. I now have a pedometer to tell me how many steps I have taken and how many calories I have burnt. I had to get a new battery for the pedometer the other day and I went to a Mr. Minit shoe repair and battery outlet and he was going to charge me $15.95 which I thought was very expensive. I thought I would try to see if K-Mart sold them and they did, they had packs of 2 batteries for $7.35. So I now have a new battery and a replacement already for when I need one next. I was very pleased with myself and my savings.
Contributed by Shirley, Northgate, 19th April 2009
Skip the Gym, Walk for Weight Loss and Save a Fortune
Approximate $ Savings: $1,144 per year
I wanted to lose some weight so I went to my local fitness first and discovered they wanted me to pay $44 per fortnight to have a basic membership to their gym. All the other gyms I went to charged the same or slightly less even when a few of my friends and I tried to get a group discount. I decided to walk around my local area 2 days per week instead. I started doing half hour walks, then 45 minute jogs then 1 hour runs and also increased to doing it 5-6 days per week! It took me a year and a half but I lost 60kgs in total! Its been a year now and I have maintained my goal weight and reduced to walking home from work (half an hour – 40 minutes) 4 days per week. I lost all that weight and all it cost me was $80 for a new pair of running shoes! That's a saving of $1,064.00 per year for the first year and $1,144.00 every year after! And all my friends who joined the gym, they have lost weight but regained it as soon as they stopped the gym and the gym often doesn't let them leave without paying hefty exiting costs!
Contributed by Kristie, South Coogee, 1st February 2010
I wanted to lose some weight so I went to my local fitness first and discovered they wanted me to pay $44 per fortnight to have a basic membership to their gym. All the other gyms I went to charged the same or slightly less even when a few of my friends and I tried to get a group discount. I decided to walk around my local area 2 days per week instead. I started doing half hour walks, then 45 minute jogs then 1 hour runs and also increased to doing it 5-6 days per week! It took me a year and a half but I lost 60kgs in total! Its been a year now and I have maintained my goal weight and reduced to walking home from work (half an hour – 40 minutes) 4 days per week. I lost all that weight and all it cost me was $80 for a new pair of running shoes! That's a saving of $1,064.00 per year for the first year and $1,144.00 every year after! And all my friends who joined the gym, they have lost weight but regained it as soon as they stopped the gym and the gym often doesn't let them leave without paying hefty exiting costs!
Contributed by Kristie, South Coogee, 1st February 2010
Free Exercise and Entertainment
Gym is expensive so I was trying to improve my fitness through walking. I like listening to audio books while walking, hearing a few more chapters of a novel is good incentive to get going. There is a second saving however - our local library is one of an increasing number which has free downloadable audio books. Now I just need to download onto an (family, shared) iPod or similar and off I go. Contributed by Cate, Drummoyne,16th April 2010
Ditching the Tram Saves $50 a Week!
Approximate $ Savings: At least $200 per month
I used to take the tram to work and grab a coffee on the way. Squeezing into a packed tram every morning and afternoon wasn't very enjoyable. A few month ago I decided to get fit and started running to and from work. Now I run a minimum of 60km a week, save money on public transport, coffee, water (showers at work) and I feel fabulous! Contributed by Nicole, Elwood, 25th October 2009
I used to take the tram to work and grab a coffee on the way. Squeezing into a packed tram every morning and afternoon wasn't very enjoyable. A few month ago I decided to get fit and started running to and from work. Now I run a minimum of 60km a week, save money on public transport, coffee, water (showers at work) and I feel fabulous! Contributed by Nicole, Elwood, 25th October 2009
The very word used to make me shudder. I would embark all enthusiastic about a new "regime" only to give up after a few weeks. That has all changed after I discovered Leslie Sansone and her Walk at Home series. I have now been walking a mile each day for the last six weeks and not only have I lost weight, but inches as well, three of which have come off my waist. The website for this exercise program is Great stuff!!!!!
Contributed by Hazel, Banksia Beach, 9th August 2009
Cheap Way to Lose Weight
Approximate $ Savings: $600+ per year
Cancel the gym membership and buy some exercise DVDs from Target. Join They have an on line food diary where you can record and see what calories are in each meal and work out where you are going wrong. It is a very informative site with recipes and a huge database of foods. You have to weigh and measure in each week and there is no one to be embarrassed in front of.
Contributed by Caroline, Magill,18th March 2009
Cancel the gym membership and buy some exercise DVDs from Target. Join They have an on line food diary where you can record and see what calories are in each meal and work out where you are going wrong. It is a very informative site with recipes and a huge database of foods. You have to weigh and measure in each week and there is no one to be embarrassed in front of.
Contributed by Caroline, Magill,18th March 2009
Walking to Work Saves Money and Keeps Me Fit
Approximate $ Savings: $20 - $25 per week
After the birth of my second child I found it really hard to fit in any exercise (apart from chasing them around) plus we didn't have money for me to go to the gym. When I went back to work I decided to walk to work on every sunny day. It meant leaving home at 6.45am however I love it. I save nearly $100 per month and I have lost nearly 2 stone. Plus some mornings I catch up with a good friend and we walk together.
Contributed by Rochelle, Wellington, 18th September 2008
After the birth of my second child I found it really hard to fit in any exercise (apart from chasing them around) plus we didn't have money for me to go to the gym. When I went back to work I decided to walk to work on every sunny day. It meant leaving home at 6.45am however I love it. I save nearly $100 per month and I have lost nearly 2 stone. Plus some mornings I catch up with a good friend and we walk together.
Contributed by Rochelle, Wellington, 18th September 2008
Dump the Gym, Get Fit and Make Some Money
Approximate $ Savings: More than $800pa
When I realised I could no longer afford my monthly gym membership at over $60 per month, I took to walking for an hour at sunrise round the small township I live in. Apart from saving the $60 per month membership, walking had some very unexpected benefits. I was astounded by the small amounts of money I kept finding whilst walking, so much so I collected it to see - in the first year I found $42.65, this year I have found more than $100 in the first six months alone. I have also found an MP3 player, numerous golf balls and sundry other things (including oddly, fruit). I also learned that a couple of the local stores are only happy to leave out their 'out of date' and surplus produce for locals before their stores open. I now have a reasonably steady supply of animal food free of charge and often some of this food is in such excellent condition that we eat it ourselves. I can only imagine there are more of these 'bonuses' out there in more populated areas.
Contributed by Julia, Mollymook, 15th August 2008
When I realised I could no longer afford my monthly gym membership at over $60 per month, I took to walking for an hour at sunrise round the small township I live in. Apart from saving the $60 per month membership, walking had some very unexpected benefits. I was astounded by the small amounts of money I kept finding whilst walking, so much so I collected it to see - in the first year I found $42.65, this year I have found more than $100 in the first six months alone. I have also found an MP3 player, numerous golf balls and sundry other things (including oddly, fruit). I also learned that a couple of the local stores are only happy to leave out their 'out of date' and surplus produce for locals before their stores open. I now have a reasonably steady supply of animal food free of charge and often some of this food is in such excellent condition that we eat it ourselves. I can only imagine there are more of these 'bonuses' out there in more populated areas.
Contributed by Julia, Mollymook, 15th August 2008
Pay Yourself to Keep Fit
What I do to keep fit is to walk for 1/2 hour a day and put $1 coin into my money box and also keep track of this activity on a small pad. That way you keep track of your exercise and gain a financial benefit for such an undertaking and feel wonderful. This could be applied to any exercise as long as you reward yourself for 1/2 hour.
Contributed by Heather Bowie, 1st March 2008
Contributed by Heather Bowie, 1st March 2008
Free Massage Therapy
Approximate $ Savings: $180
I study at the Australian College of Natural Medicine in Melbourne city. We have a student clinic, which is open to the public, providing massage (remedial & Swedish, Naturopathy, Aromatherapy, Homeopathy, Acupuncture). Not only are the treatments cheaper than they would be with fully qualified practitioners ($30 for a 1 hour remedial massage compared to $65 with a qualified therapist), you can also often pick up brochures in the waiting room with the clinic times including vouchers for free treatments or discounts on treatments. I picked up 6 brochures recently, each containing a voucher for a free 1-hour remedial massage. I gave them to my Mum who is a pensioner, and she has now had 6 free remedial massage treatments conducted by students who are supervised by a fully qualified practitioner. That's a saving of $180 and virtually no cost to you, apart from transport. Contributed by Bronia, Mitcham, 20th April 2007
I study at the Australian College of Natural Medicine in Melbourne city. We have a student clinic, which is open to the public, providing massage (remedial & Swedish, Naturopathy, Aromatherapy, Homeopathy, Acupuncture). Not only are the treatments cheaper than they would be with fully qualified practitioners ($30 for a 1 hour remedial massage compared to $65 with a qualified therapist), you can also often pick up brochures in the waiting room with the clinic times including vouchers for free treatments or discounts on treatments. I picked up 6 brochures recently, each containing a voucher for a free 1-hour remedial massage. I gave them to my Mum who is a pensioner, and she has now had 6 free remedial massage treatments conducted by students who are supervised by a fully qualified practitioner. That's a saving of $180 and virtually no cost to you, apart from transport. Contributed by Bronia, Mitcham, 20th April 2007
Paid to Exercise
Approximate $ Savings: $800
I have found a great way to save loads of money and make money at the same time. I needed to loose some weight so I was considering purchasing a gym membership ( These can be very expensive approx $600 - $900 p/year) I did not have this kind of money so I decided to get in touch with my local pamphlet delivery company. I now walk approx 6 hours per week and THEY PAY ME ##UNBELIEVABLE## I am motivated to walk because it has to be done. so not only have I saved around $800 by not buying a gym membership. over a twelve month period I will actually be paid approximately $3000 to walk and get fit. Amazing, It's a huge win win situation.
Contributed by Karianne, Salisbury Park, 20th March 2007
I have found a great way to save loads of money and make money at the same time. I needed to loose some weight so I was considering purchasing a gym membership ( These can be very expensive approx $600 - $900 p/year) I did not have this kind of money so I decided to get in touch with my local pamphlet delivery company. I now walk approx 6 hours per week and THEY PAY ME ##UNBELIEVABLE## I am motivated to walk because it has to be done. so not only have I saved around $800 by not buying a gym membership. over a twelve month period I will actually be paid approximately $3000 to walk and get fit. Amazing, It's a huge win win situation.
Contributed by Karianne, Salisbury Park, 20th March 2007
Free Gym Trials
Approximate $ Savings: $10 - $100
I have found a website with a huge variety of free offers for gyms across Australia. These are free trial offers which give you access to a gym anywhere from 1 day to 2 weeks. There are hundreds of offers with different gyms to choose from. Contributed by Billie, Darlington, January 31st 2007
I have found a website with a huge variety of free offers for gyms across Australia. These are free trial offers which give you access to a gym anywhere from 1 day to 2 weeks. There are hundreds of offers with different gyms to choose from. Contributed by Billie, Darlington, January 31st 2007