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From Cath's Desk - November 2019
Hello Cheapskaters,
Well it's November. Actually, half-way through November. And that means that Christmas is fast approaching, school will soon be finished for the year and 2020 is just a few weeks away!
So I know you have Christmas under control (you've been using the Own Your Christmas Challenge, haven't you?), and everything is as ready as it can be.
And end of year and holiday plans have been put in place.
But are you ready for a new year?
Well, I'm almost ready. But we have some big changes happening here at Cheapskates Central in 2021, and they're not quite ready. Thankfully I have six weeks to get everything finished and right where it should be.
Some of the changes will be with the Journal (more on that next month!). Some of them will be with our newsletters (more on that in January!). Some of the changes will be with the forum (stay tuned for the announcement before Christmas). And some of the changes will be with our You Tube show (and I'll explain those in upcoming shows before the end of the year).
All these changes take planning. Work. Revision. More work. And time - lots, and lots, and lots of time.
Why am I telling you this now, instead of when everything is ready? Because believe it or not, it relates to how we look at living the Cheapskates way.
To live the Cheapskates way takes planning, work and yes - time. But it's worth it. Giving up a TV show once a week to review spending and saving, and make the necessary adjustments is worth it. Using a few minutes once a week to jot down a meal plan and make a shopping list ensures you stick to your grocery budget and eat well; that saves you a fortune each year.
If you don't think you're a planner that's OK, you don't need to be. You just need to know what you're doing, how you're doing it and how you're going to pay for it. Write it down. Keep notes on your phone. Use spreadsheet. It doesn't matter.
What does matter is that you just do it! Because if you don't do it, you'll never be debt free, cashed up and laughing.
Plan now to make 2021 the best year of living the Cheapskates way ever, so that come 1st January, you can start working your plan.
Have a great month everyone (and don't forget to keep an eye out for announcements).
Hello Cheapskaters,
Well it's November. Actually, half-way through November. And that means that Christmas is fast approaching, school will soon be finished for the year and 2020 is just a few weeks away!
So I know you have Christmas under control (you've been using the Own Your Christmas Challenge, haven't you?), and everything is as ready as it can be.
And end of year and holiday plans have been put in place.
But are you ready for a new year?
Well, I'm almost ready. But we have some big changes happening here at Cheapskates Central in 2021, and they're not quite ready. Thankfully I have six weeks to get everything finished and right where it should be.
Some of the changes will be with the Journal (more on that next month!). Some of them will be with our newsletters (more on that in January!). Some of the changes will be with the forum (stay tuned for the announcement before Christmas). And some of the changes will be with our You Tube show (and I'll explain those in upcoming shows before the end of the year).
All these changes take planning. Work. Revision. More work. And time - lots, and lots, and lots of time.
Why am I telling you this now, instead of when everything is ready? Because believe it or not, it relates to how we look at living the Cheapskates way.
To live the Cheapskates way takes planning, work and yes - time. But it's worth it. Giving up a TV show once a week to review spending and saving, and make the necessary adjustments is worth it. Using a few minutes once a week to jot down a meal plan and make a shopping list ensures you stick to your grocery budget and eat well; that saves you a fortune each year.
If you don't think you're a planner that's OK, you don't need to be. You just need to know what you're doing, how you're doing it and how you're going to pay for it. Write it down. Keep notes on your phone. Use spreadsheet. It doesn't matter.
What does matter is that you just do it! Because if you don't do it, you'll never be debt free, cashed up and laughing.
Plan now to make 2021 the best year of living the Cheapskates way ever, so that come 1st January, you can start working your plan.
Have a great month everyone (and don't forget to keep an eye out for announcements).