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Tip Store: Groceries: Generic
Bringing the Shopping Home in a Trailer
How about purchasing a two wheeled trailer to tow behind your bicycle. It could be used not only for the gardening items but for shopping etc. as well. Some supermarkets, in UK anyway, rent them out! Plus you'd be getting a good work out exercising !! \
Contributed by Michael McGurgan, 14th August 2010
Contributed by Michael McGurgan, 14th August 2010
Supermarket Mark-down Shopping
Most members may already be doing this, but I have discovered I can regularly save almost half my grocery bill by timing my shopping to the hours that the supermarket regularly marks down many perishable product lines. I target yoghurt, meat, veg and bread/bakery. Sometimes the best time is early/mid-afternoon before the mums rush in to shop before/after picking up their kids, but the bread is invariably marked down after the after-work dinner rush hour. Have a chat with some of the staff in your supermarket to find out the best times, or just try shopping at different times and notice for yourself the pattern.
Contributed by Sue Hill, 3rd October 2008
Contributed by Sue Hill, 3rd October 2008
Save $20 a Week at BiLo
Shop for groceries at BILO!! We save approximately $40 per fortnight compared with other major supermarkets.
Contributed by Craig, Fortitude Valley, April 25th 2005
Contributed by Craig, Fortitude Valley, April 25th 2005
Generic Savings
Don't be afraid to try generic or store brand products over branded products just because they are cheaper. They are usually of equal quality and better value. Sugar is sugar and flour is flour, so if you're not sure, start with general food stuffs.