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Tracking Your Groceries for the Year to Stay on Budget
Hi fellow Cheapskaters, Happy New Year to you all. I decided in January 2021 after purchasing Cath's 'Living the Cheapskates Way Budget Planner (which I highly recommend) to record ALL of my grocery costs for the year. I diligently listed all of the costs in each day of each month, even if it was only $5. At the end of each month I totalled the grocery costs and knew exactly how much I had spent on groceries for the month.
At the end of December 2021 I knew exactly how much my groceries had cost me for the year. Some months I spent less and others I spent more especially during the lockdowns but I managed to keep within my budget for 4 adults, 2 being men who have healthy appetites. I have a very healthy stockpile which was continually restocked during the year of 2021 and I have every grocery receipt from 2021 to help me keep an eye on the rising cost of groceries. I know that the supermarkets play games with their prices, so the receipts will help me to keep track of it all during 2022 where there are price increases. It was a fun way of keeping myself accountable and also keeping up to date with grocery costs. Happy Cheapskating.
Contributed by Michelle
At the end of December 2021 I knew exactly how much my groceries had cost me for the year. Some months I spent less and others I spent more especially during the lockdowns but I managed to keep within my budget for 4 adults, 2 being men who have healthy appetites. I have a very healthy stockpile which was continually restocked during the year of 2021 and I have every grocery receipt from 2021 to help me keep an eye on the rising cost of groceries. I know that the supermarkets play games with their prices, so the receipts will help me to keep track of it all during 2022 where there are price increases. It was a fun way of keeping myself accountable and also keeping up to date with grocery costs. Happy Cheapskating.
Contributed by Michelle
Sometimes working out a grocery budget is overwhelming and finding out how much you spend can be worse! In 2017 I devised a plan to simplify all of this. You need a small diary and a notebook, you should be able to pick these up for $1 each. The notebook must go with you when shopping. This book contains your prices for specials (found it invaluable at Costco and SPC). When you arrive home after putting groceries away, sit down with dockets and the two books. Update specials in the notebook. Write down where and total spend in the diary. Total up each month. This gives you the year in review. You know your total spend, how often you shop, even those little ones. It is a handy reference.
Contributed by Michelle Ferey
Editor's note: This is exactly how I started my first price book, all those years ago, and how I created my monthly shopping lists. In an old notebook I listed everything I bought over a month - all groceries, meat, fruit and veg, pharmacy items, even stamps and newspapers and magazines. Then I ruled up a page with columns: Item, Quantity, Brand,Size, Price Last Month, Price This Month, Total. I still use this method to write a shopping list and track specials. Cath
Contributed by Michelle Ferey
Editor's note: This is exactly how I started my first price book, all those years ago, and how I created my monthly shopping lists. In an old notebook I listed everything I bought over a month - all groceries, meat, fruit and veg, pharmacy items, even stamps and newspapers and magazines. Then I ruled up a page with columns: Item, Quantity, Brand,Size, Price Last Month, Price This Month, Total. I still use this method to write a shopping list and track specials. Cath
I liked the idea of monthly shopping, but my block to starting was not having the money to start. So I had a think about how was the best way to get this started. I have a free redraw on my mortgage, each week I have set up my weekly food budget to go into my mortgage. Then at the start of the month the money is available to transfer into my account to withdraw. I only use cash for groceries, when the money is spent that is it. If I need a more frugal month, living from pantry and freezer, I don't move the money. So I have the grocery money when I need it and I am saving interest on my mortgage as well. Best thought bubble I had to get me going.
Contributed by Michelle Ferey
Contributed by Michelle Ferey