I love Friday. It's the end of my "housekeeping" week. By the end of the day our entire home has been cleaned from ceiling to floor during the week. The washing is (mostly) up to date. There's food in the fridge and pantry, just ready to heat and eat. And I can sit back and relax and enjoy the weekend ahead.
But before it gets to that stage there's a little bit of effort put into some chores.
Hannah's bedroom is cleaned, the bathroom is cleaned and the lounge and family rooms are given a swish and swipe. The front porch is swept and the pot plants watered and I clean the car. It is a busy day, although all up it's only an hour and a half of actual work and I can live with that - I do live with that :)
Now I just need to clarify one thing: I am no one's slave. There are five adults living in our house and we all have our responsibilities. I used to clean the kids' rooms during term time when all three were studying and working so once a week I would clean for them. Weekends, holidays and semester breaks they did the cleaning. Now they're all working, and right now all three are still working at home, they are still responsible for keeping their rooms clean and tidy, to my standards. They all have other chores to do around the house, they are a trade-off for things I don't particularly like doing because they are a part of our family and our household.
We all share the work load and all work to keep our home the comfortable place we all love.
Here's my Friday routine:
8:15am - Leave the house. Aldi opens at 8:30 so I aim to be there as the doors open. Most weeks this takes less than 15 minutes - I'm in and out with my list. Once a month when I do my big shop it takes about 40 minutes.
Once I'm home the shopping is put away and then it's into the cleaning.
Hannah's room/Craft Room: (15 minutes)
Hannah makes her bed every morning and puts her washing out. She's also responsible for keeping it tidy - I don't mind cleaning but I do not tidy up her mess. Anything that's not put away on a Friday morning is presumed to be rubbish and goes in the bin.
1. Hannah strips her bed linens and takes them straight to the laundry, puts them in the washing machine, adds 3 teaspoons Cheapskates Washing Powder and turn the machine on before she has breakfast.
2. Dust the cornices, skirting boards and window sills with the cobweb broom.
3. Wipe over the windows with a microfibre window cloth.
4. Dust and polish the timber furniture.
5. Empty the wastepaper bin.
6. Dust the pictures on the walls.
7. Collect any dirty washing and take it to the laundry.
8. Remake the bed with fresh linens. See here for my way of making a comfy bed.
9. Vacuum the bedroom floor.
Kids' Bathroom: (5 minutes)
1. Spritz the basin, vanity top and toilet. Wipe over with a damp microfibre cloth, follow with a clean towel to dry.
2. Empty the wastepaper basket.
3. Change the hand towels and face washers if necessary.
4. Sweep the floor.
5. Mop the floor with hot water and white vinegar. Our bathroom is so small I sweep it and then spritz it with vinegar and just use a microfibre cloth to wipe over the floor, backing out as I go so as not to have to walk over a damp floor.
Loungeroom and Family room: (10 minutes)
1. Dust the timber furniture
2. Dust the wall unit
3. Clean the sliding door
4. Straighten the cushions/throws/doyleys/tablecloth
5. Vacuum
Laundry: (10 minutes)
1. Put away any stray clean washing
2. Wipe over the washing machine and freezer
3. Wipe over the windowsill, clean window
4. Clean the sink
5. Sweep and mop the floor
Front Porch (10 minutes)
1. Sweep the sidelight and roof for cobwebs
2. Shake the doormat
3. Move the pot plants and sweep the porch and steps.
4. Water the plants and put them back, put the door mat back
5. Dust the front door
6. Clean the sidelight
Car (20 minutes)
1. Take all the rubbish out (where does it come from?)
2. Clean the inside of the windows
3. Vacuum
4. Check the wiper fluid, radiator, oil, power steering
5. Wash the outside
There's a bit to do on a Friday, but it is mostly maintenance cleaning.
At the end of the day I sit back, happy that our house is clean and tidy for the weekend. Unexpected visitors can arrive and there won't be a panic to hide the mess because there isn't a mess.
But before it gets to that stage there's a little bit of effort put into some chores.
Hannah's bedroom is cleaned, the bathroom is cleaned and the lounge and family rooms are given a swish and swipe. The front porch is swept and the pot plants watered and I clean the car. It is a busy day, although all up it's only an hour and a half of actual work and I can live with that - I do live with that :)
Now I just need to clarify one thing: I am no one's slave. There are five adults living in our house and we all have our responsibilities. I used to clean the kids' rooms during term time when all three were studying and working so once a week I would clean for them. Weekends, holidays and semester breaks they did the cleaning. Now they're all working, and right now all three are still working at home, they are still responsible for keeping their rooms clean and tidy, to my standards. They all have other chores to do around the house, they are a trade-off for things I don't particularly like doing because they are a part of our family and our household.
We all share the work load and all work to keep our home the comfortable place we all love.
Here's my Friday routine:
8:15am - Leave the house. Aldi opens at 8:30 so I aim to be there as the doors open. Most weeks this takes less than 15 minutes - I'm in and out with my list. Once a month when I do my big shop it takes about 40 minutes.
Once I'm home the shopping is put away and then it's into the cleaning.
Hannah's room/Craft Room: (15 minutes)
Hannah makes her bed every morning and puts her washing out. She's also responsible for keeping it tidy - I don't mind cleaning but I do not tidy up her mess. Anything that's not put away on a Friday morning is presumed to be rubbish and goes in the bin.
1. Hannah strips her bed linens and takes them straight to the laundry, puts them in the washing machine, adds 3 teaspoons Cheapskates Washing Powder and turn the machine on before she has breakfast.
2. Dust the cornices, skirting boards and window sills with the cobweb broom.
3. Wipe over the windows with a microfibre window cloth.
4. Dust and polish the timber furniture.
5. Empty the wastepaper bin.
6. Dust the pictures on the walls.
7. Collect any dirty washing and take it to the laundry.
8. Remake the bed with fresh linens. See here for my way of making a comfy bed.
9. Vacuum the bedroom floor.
Kids' Bathroom: (5 minutes)
1. Spritz the basin, vanity top and toilet. Wipe over with a damp microfibre cloth, follow with a clean towel to dry.
2. Empty the wastepaper basket.
3. Change the hand towels and face washers if necessary.
4. Sweep the floor.
5. Mop the floor with hot water and white vinegar. Our bathroom is so small I sweep it and then spritz it with vinegar and just use a microfibre cloth to wipe over the floor, backing out as I go so as not to have to walk over a damp floor.
Loungeroom and Family room: (10 minutes)
1. Dust the timber furniture
2. Dust the wall unit
3. Clean the sliding door
4. Straighten the cushions/throws/doyleys/tablecloth
5. Vacuum
Laundry: (10 minutes)
1. Put away any stray clean washing
2. Wipe over the washing machine and freezer
3. Wipe over the windowsill, clean window
4. Clean the sink
5. Sweep and mop the floor
Front Porch (10 minutes)
1. Sweep the sidelight and roof for cobwebs
2. Shake the doormat
3. Move the pot plants and sweep the porch and steps.
4. Water the plants and put them back, put the door mat back
5. Dust the front door
6. Clean the sidelight
Car (20 minutes)
1. Take all the rubbish out (where does it come from?)
2. Clean the inside of the windows
3. Vacuum
4. Check the wiper fluid, radiator, oil, power steering
5. Wash the outside
There's a bit to do on a Friday, but it is mostly maintenance cleaning.
At the end of the day I sit back, happy that our house is clean and tidy for the weekend. Unexpected visitors can arrive and there won't be a panic to hide the mess because there isn't a mess.