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It's What's Underneath That Makes You Feel Good
What makes me feel rich is lovely lingerie. My Gran used to say that a lady would wear darned and mended rags if she had to, but would have faultless underwear, shoes and gloves. The gloves have gone and I always have good shoes because I'm on my feet a lot, which leaves underwear, and Gran was right. When I wear properly fitted, pretty, supportive lingerie, I know that whatever I wear outside sits well and looks elegant. That makes me feel good and I'm sure it shows on my face, and certainly in my posture. Good underwear does not need to be expensive thanks to factory outlets and sales. Try it yourself - put on your good bra and matching undies when you get dressed tomorrow, even if all you are doing is getting the groceries then doing canteen duty at school. You really will feel well dressed, and it gives such a feeling of self-confidence.
Contributed by GR
Contributed by GR