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Latest Tips & Recipes fEBRUARY 2023
Here you'll find the latest tips and recipes added to the Tip Store and Recipe File during February 2023
MOO Dawn Power Wash (Blue Fairy in Australia)
325 ml water
88 ml blue fairy (Dawn Dish Soap)
60 ml isopropyl alcohol
Put them all in to a spray bottle; gently mix by rotating bottle bottom to top, with the lid on of course.
Now you have your power wash spray for dishes; use sparingly this is very strong. I use it daily.
Contributed by Helen Monori
325 ml water
88 ml blue fairy (Dawn Dish Soap)
60 ml isopropyl alcohol
Put them all in to a spray bottle; gently mix by rotating bottle bottom to top, with the lid on of course.
Now you have your power wash spray for dishes; use sparingly this is very strong. I use it daily.
Contributed by Helen Monori
Essential Air Fresheners
I use recycled spray bottles filled with water and essential oil drops to use as a bathroom spray or anywhere in the house that needs freshening. Lasts for ages and costs very little. I have also used fragrance oil from soap making instead of essential oils. Citrus oils are especially good for bathrooms.
Contributed by Ann Jones
Contributed by Ann Jones
MOO Cheap & Healthy Dog Treats
After losing my young dog to cancer I am very aware how I feed my new dog, preferring to feed her natural and unprocessed foods. Dried Kangaroo strips from the pet store cost around $10-15 for about 5 small strips. Using a food dehydrator ($39 from Aldi) I dry strips of kangaroo muscle available from the market for $10 p/kg. Each kilo gives you about 1/2 kg of dry strips so I make 2 kg at a time. I also have successfully dried chicken breast and Basa fish which I often find on clearance in the deli section for around $6 p/kg. All the dogs love it and I know it has no nasty fillers and additives. Best kept in fridge for 3 weeks or freeze it.
Contributed by Deanna Darling
Contributed by Deanna Darling
Save Paint Going Into Our Waterways
I like to do my own painting. It worried me to was my brushes and paint trays down the sink. I found if I let the paint dry hard in the tray, I can peel it off and throw in the bin. The brushes I put into plastic bags, and have found I can do this for about three weeks. Good for the environment.
Contributed by Val Scrimshaw
Contributed by Val Scrimshaw
Stockpiling 101
For anyone starting or restarting a pantry stockpile, rather than buying bulk numbers of two or three items, try buying shelf stable ingredients for an actual meal. For example tuna/salmon, UHT milk, canned veg, seasonings and rice or pasta to make a tuna bake.
Split peas, herbs, onion powder = pea soup.
Creamed corn, stock powder, UHT milk, herbs = corn chowder (Or you could add some minute noodles/angel hair pasta and chicken stock to make it more like an Asian sweet corn soup). Long life wraps or naan bread.
Dried mashed potato, canned fish, herbs and breadcrumbs to make fish patties. Add some tinned veg.
Rice, dried mushrooms, dried peas, onion powder, garlic powder, dried herbs, UHT stock or stock powder & water, dried parmesan = risotto. With some breadcrumbs to coat, you can make Arancini or rice patties with any leftovers.
And don't forget the sweet treats, a tin of fruit, packet of jelly crystals, UHT custard, UHT cream, hundreds and thousands.
You get the idea.
Store the recipe idea with the ingredients. Having meals to choose from rather than a wall of baked beans, tinned tomatoes and minute noodles can help relieve the desperation when things are a bit tough.
As your stockpile and confidence begins to grow, start building bulk ingredients. But initially, get a couple of week's worth of meals into your pantry to get you going.
Contributed by Delaney Avenel
Split peas, herbs, onion powder = pea soup.
Creamed corn, stock powder, UHT milk, herbs = corn chowder (Or you could add some minute noodles/angel hair pasta and chicken stock to make it more like an Asian sweet corn soup). Long life wraps or naan bread.
Dried mashed potato, canned fish, herbs and breadcrumbs to make fish patties. Add some tinned veg.
Rice, dried mushrooms, dried peas, onion powder, garlic powder, dried herbs, UHT stock or stock powder & water, dried parmesan = risotto. With some breadcrumbs to coat, you can make Arancini or rice patties with any leftovers.
And don't forget the sweet treats, a tin of fruit, packet of jelly crystals, UHT custard, UHT cream, hundreds and thousands.
You get the idea.
Store the recipe idea with the ingredients. Having meals to choose from rather than a wall of baked beans, tinned tomatoes and minute noodles can help relieve the desperation when things are a bit tough.
As your stockpile and confidence begins to grow, start building bulk ingredients. But initially, get a couple of week's worth of meals into your pantry to get you going.
Contributed by Delaney Avenel
MOO Plant Milks
I do not drink dairy milk and for the last few years have been having oat milk and almond milk. Recently I tried cashew milk and macadam milk which I love. One litre of these in store can be anything from $2 to $4 plus. I have recently tried to make my own cashew and almond milks and they are so delicious. If you buy the nuts at Aldi it cost around $1.90 per litre and there are no nasties. So added bonus is its healthier. Both cashew and almond milk froth so beautifully on my coffee machine. I have also made Cashew yoghurt. 750g in store is around $8 plus, home made is $3.80. I'm so happy as my hubby and I both enjoy the yoghurt.
Cashew Milk
1 cup cashews soaked in boiling water for a minimum of 1 hour. Drain the water off. Blend cashews in blender till smooth with 1 cup water. Then add 3 more cups water. Chill and serve.
Almond Milk
Follow the directions for cashew milk but must strain through cheese cloth after then you will be left with almond meal which can be used in cooking something else such as protein balls or cakes and biscuits.
Cashew Yoghurt
Blend 2 cups of cashews with 2 cups of water till smooth. Place in a large jar or yoghurt maker, add 3 probiotics tablets or 2 tablespoons of natural yoghurt and set as per yoghurt maker instructions.
Contributed by Melanie Ezzy
Cashew Milk
1 cup cashews soaked in boiling water for a minimum of 1 hour. Drain the water off. Blend cashews in blender till smooth with 1 cup water. Then add 3 more cups water. Chill and serve.
Almond Milk
Follow the directions for cashew milk but must strain through cheese cloth after then you will be left with almond meal which can be used in cooking something else such as protein balls or cakes and biscuits.
Cashew Yoghurt
Blend 2 cups of cashews with 2 cups of water till smooth. Place in a large jar or yoghurt maker, add 3 probiotics tablets or 2 tablespoons of natural yoghurt and set as per yoghurt maker instructions.
Contributed by Melanie Ezzy
Twist Out the Last Drop
If you buy or still have a toilet duck disc cleaner then try this: when you get to the last hole you still have that bit left in the tube; I turn the core so that it goes beyond the last hole and you can press out that last bit of gel onto your toilet bowl and not end up throwing that last bit away.
Contributed by Corne De Jager
Contributed by Corne De Jager
Use Your Arms, Not a Basket!
If you need to do a mini grocery shop "just for a few things" like bread and milk etc, don't pick up a shopping basket! Taking a basket encourages you to fill it with more things than you originally needed (we've all done the "Oh I'll just grab an extra packet of biscuits as well!") By picking up only as much as your arms can hold, it encourages you to stick to just the bread and milk that are on your list.
Contributed by Alyce Fenton
Contributed by Alyce Fenton
Save Money on Sugar, Little by Little
Every little bit saved adds up over time. Whenever I make a recipe using sugar, I always cut down on the recipe amount…sometimes they are too sweet for my liking anyway. So if, for example, a recipe asks for 100 grams of sugar I will use between 80-90 grams, depending on other ingredients. I find Thermomix recipes very sweet, so cut down more than that. Sometimes a mashed banana or some home made apple sauce can be used either in place of sugar or to sub out some sugar. Depending how often you bake and use sugar, this will save $ over time. Think of it as a free bag of sugar if you do the math.
Contributed by Jennifer Winslow
Contributed by Jennifer Winslow
Rinse Aid in the Bathroom
Shower screen cleaning - so many ideas, but not all are effective! A water-repelling, soap scum-busting solution for your shower screen is to use RinseAid on the glass. Perhaps not the cheapest method, but surely the most fabulous looking result! Squirt some RinseAid on a sponge or microfibre cloth, wipe the shower screen and enjoy the view through the glass! It seems to be better when you DON'T RINSE! Perfect for showing guests your shower cleaning prowess. The water-repelling effect lasts quite a few days!
Contributed by Vanessa Reynolds
Contributed by Vanessa Reynolds
For Inexpensive Dishwashing
When I have got lots of lemons one of the uses is to use a squeeze of a lemon into hot water. You can see it's grease cutting power and it's good for your nails and hands. If a glut of lemons comes all at once I freeze them whole and take one out each night. Sometimes you may only need half a lemon - depending how much fat you have in cooking. I use little so don't have that much problem in that area.
Contributed by Deborah Hunter-Kells
Contributed by Deborah Hunter-Kells
Easy Clean Cat Litter Trays
I never pay anything for cat litter. Instead I go to a local newsagents shop near home, bringing back5 bundles of newspapers from them after asking them nicely and also offering to pay for them, the answer is always no. These bundles last for a year and my cat loves to scratch into the paper pages I lay in the tray. It is easy to clean up also by just grabbing the four corners and placing in a bag in the bin.
Contributed by Faye Lording
Contributed by Faye Lording