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Making Exfoliation Gloves Last - March 2016
My daughter and I love using exfoliation gloves that you can pick up from either supermarkets, $2 shops or discount chemists and they all vary in price. It doesn't seem to matter whether we buy the more expensive ones for about $5 or the cheaper ones, about $3, we still had the same problem with them. Firstly they seemed to be treated with some chemical that makes them very waxy to begin with. Then after a few uses I noticed that they would quickly become water and soap logged. Beforehand when I was too busy, and not watching my dollars, I would simply throw them out and buy new ones, but after I calculated that between myself and my daughter we were going through 4 -6 pairs a year each I figured I could do better than this. When I bought the next pair, which were the cheaper ones, before using them, I soaked them in a solution of bi carb, vinegar and warm water. Left them for about 30 minutes and then rinsed them and hung them out to dry. My first use of them was so different it was like night and day. No waxy residue and they were able to be rinsed clean with much more ease. A few weeks later, when I noticed they were starting to feel clogged again, I did the same rinse treatment again and Voila! good as new. I can see now that one pair of gloves will probably last us each at least 6 months. A saving of approximately $24 - $50 a year!
Contributed by Kerry Wennersten
Contributed by Kerry Wennersten