Tip Store: Telephone/Internet: Mobile Phones
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Saving Over $1,000 with Aldi Yearly Mobile Plans
A few times a year Aldi have their yearly mobile home packs. $99 for a year of unlimited texts and calls and 15 g of data. It is on the Telstra network and once you sign onto it you can have it carried on year after year for only $99 per year. I personally go over the 15 g of data but just take a $35 extra data when I’m out. My entire plan for the year is $ 134 and my husbands $99. Has saved us over $1000 each per year. They also do a yearly pack with heaps of data for the young ones for $159. Have had no problems with the network and well worth the value.
Contributed by Brenda Dawson
Contributed by Brenda Dawson
Fantastic Budget Mobile Phone Plan
Jenee Mobile is an Australian based phone company with extremely cheap deals. You can have a contract or pay by the month. Once you've downloaded the app, you can check your usage. There is also the option of being able to change your plan. I keep up with the deals on a monthly basis as the deals continue to get better. For example, I pay $25 a month for 18gb (which I never get through), unlimited calls and texts plus $300 of international calls monthly. They also support the special needs community. Fantastic company.
Contributed by Franca Notarianni, 22 February 2019
Contributed by Franca Notarianni, 22 February 2019
Don't Pay to Call 13 and 1300 Phone Numbers
Approximate $ Savings: $180 a year (depending on use)
This tip relates to a home telephone and not a mobile. After noticing my telephone bill rising each month, I decided to investigate where the extra cost was coming from. I am on a home bundle where I get allocated a certain amount of internet plus get charged a certain rate for STD calls and then all of my local calls are unlimited (or free). I soon found out it was the '1300' and '13' numbers which were adding a significant amount to my bill each month as they are not included in my local calls, but charge at a 35 cent flat call. As nearly all business numbers either start with 1300 or 13, the amount of calls I was making each month significantly added to my monthly bill and because many of these numbers work via a menu (very frustrating), on many occasions I called the number multiple times as I couldn't get through on the 1st or 2nd attempt, which added to the expense. So what I have done to eliminate this problem, is I jump onto the internet before calling a business number and go to their 'contact' area. You can usually find their business number listed for 'international callers' or even a free 1800 number listed, rather than the 13 or 1300 number. Depending on what I find, I use the cheaper alternative and it either is considered a local call (which I pay nothing further for) or I use the 1800 number which is free in any case. This quick, simple check has saved me up to $15.00 a month on my phone bill.
Contributed by Caroline Chapman
This tip relates to a home telephone and not a mobile. After noticing my telephone bill rising each month, I decided to investigate where the extra cost was coming from. I am on a home bundle where I get allocated a certain amount of internet plus get charged a certain rate for STD calls and then all of my local calls are unlimited (or free). I soon found out it was the '1300' and '13' numbers which were adding a significant amount to my bill each month as they are not included in my local calls, but charge at a 35 cent flat call. As nearly all business numbers either start with 1300 or 13, the amount of calls I was making each month significantly added to my monthly bill and because many of these numbers work via a menu (very frustrating), on many occasions I called the number multiple times as I couldn't get through on the 1st or 2nd attempt, which added to the expense. So what I have done to eliminate this problem, is I jump onto the internet before calling a business number and go to their 'contact' area. You can usually find their business number listed for 'international callers' or even a free 1800 number listed, rather than the 13 or 1300 number. Depending on what I find, I use the cheaper alternative and it either is considered a local call (which I pay nothing further for) or I use the 1800 number which is free in any case. This quick, simple check has saved me up to $15.00 a month on my phone bill.
Contributed by Caroline Chapman
Cheap Mobile Phones
Approximate $ Savings: $48.95
I went to my local Crazy Johns store to buy a $29 cap recharge voucher for my mobile phone. Imagine my surprise when I found out that for an extra dollar I could buy a $49.95 mobile phone (Samsung E1070) saving me $48.95 for the phone in total. I bought one then realising that my 15 and 13 year old children had both lost $200 mobiles twice each, leaving me out of pocket of nearly $800, I then realised that paying for another $29 recharge plus the extra $1 would give me two phones for $2 saving me a fortune. Crazy Johns then had a deal where I bought a $39 Alcatel that had $165 credit already on it and 100 free text messages, saving me another $29 in vouchers for credit along with a new phone. I now am more aware of the hidden bargains and always look for the bargains that are not so obvious.
Contributed by Patricia Hooker, 31st August 2010
I went to my local Crazy Johns store to buy a $29 cap recharge voucher for my mobile phone. Imagine my surprise when I found out that for an extra dollar I could buy a $49.95 mobile phone (Samsung E1070) saving me $48.95 for the phone in total. I bought one then realising that my 15 and 13 year old children had both lost $200 mobiles twice each, leaving me out of pocket of nearly $800, I then realised that paying for another $29 recharge plus the extra $1 would give me two phones for $2 saving me a fortune. Crazy Johns then had a deal where I bought a $39 Alcatel that had $165 credit already on it and 100 free text messages, saving me another $29 in vouchers for credit along with a new phone. I now am more aware of the hidden bargains and always look for the bargains that are not so obvious.
Contributed by Patricia Hooker, 31st August 2010
New Phone Screen
Approximate $ Savings: $70+
I dropped my mobile phone on the road and the screen cracked, which made it almost impossible to read, especially text messages. A new phone the same would have cost around $200, even though it's a two year old model. I rang the Nokia repair centre for a quote on fixing it and just to have a look at it was $60, plus the cost of the part. On top of that is postage each way, and I would be without my phone for almost two weeks. My electrician brother suggested I look on eBay and I found a new replacement screen for my phone for only $12 (including postage), with the little tools needed included in the package. It was the simplest part to change! No harder than replacing the battery. Now my phone is as good as new, and I've saved plenty of money.
Contributed by Janelle Collins, 11th August 2010
I dropped my mobile phone on the road and the screen cracked, which made it almost impossible to read, especially text messages. A new phone the same would have cost around $200, even though it's a two year old model. I rang the Nokia repair centre for a quote on fixing it and just to have a look at it was $60, plus the cost of the part. On top of that is postage each way, and I would be without my phone for almost two weeks. My electrician brother suggested I look on eBay and I found a new replacement screen for my phone for only $12 (including postage), with the little tools needed included in the package. It was the simplest part to change! No harder than replacing the battery. Now my phone is as good as new, and I've saved plenty of money.
Contributed by Janelle Collins, 11th August 2010
Text to Your Hearts Content for Free
Approximate $ Savings: $700
Before I signed up to SMS Pup (www.smspup.com), I wasted a lot of money sending text messages from my mobile phone. Sometimes I would send up to 10 a day, costing up to a staggering $700 per year! Since joining SMS Pup, whenever possible I send my text messages from my computer for free! Why is it free? I gain 'SMS Pup points' by receiving then viewing email adverts, then use these points to send my text messages free of charge. What a saving! Now the only time I have to pay to send text messages is when I'm not near a computer with Internet connection, luckily this is not a frequent occurrence.
Contributed by Jess, Carnegie, 30th May 2009
Website: www.smspup.com
Before I signed up to SMS Pup (www.smspup.com), I wasted a lot of money sending text messages from my mobile phone. Sometimes I would send up to 10 a day, costing up to a staggering $700 per year! Since joining SMS Pup, whenever possible I send my text messages from my computer for free! Why is it free? I gain 'SMS Pup points' by receiving then viewing email adverts, then use these points to send my text messages free of charge. What a saving! Now the only time I have to pay to send text messages is when I'm not near a computer with Internet connection, luckily this is not a frequent occurrence.
Contributed by Jess, Carnegie, 30th May 2009
Website: www.smspup.com
Free SMS Saves $60 a Year
Approximate $ Savings: $5 per month
Instead of wasting your money sending text messages from your mobile go to a website where you can send messages for free! The best one I've found is smspup.com. Depending on how many messages you normally send you will save different amounts. I normally only save about $5 a month but it all adds up!
Contributed by Tegan, Sefton Park, 28th August 2008
Instead of wasting your money sending text messages from your mobile go to a website where you can send messages for free! The best one I've found is smspup.com. Depending on how many messages you normally send you will save different amounts. I normally only save about $5 a month but it all adds up!
Contributed by Tegan, Sefton Park, 28th August 2008
In Case of Lossů.
Approximate $ Savings: at least $100 and the hassle of getting a new phone
First picture to install on your camera memory card is your name and phone number so you can be contacted if card is lost.
Contributed by Devendra, Ontario, 22nd June 2008
First picture to install on your camera memory card is your name and phone number so you can be contacted if card is lost.
Contributed by Devendra, Ontario, 22nd June 2008
Yakedi Yack and Save
Approximate $ Savings: $70
I don't know if anyone is aware of this but text messages cost the phone companies less than 1c to send, yet they charge you 25c per msg. I have found a great website that lets you send as many sms's as you want for FREE. All you have to do is sign up. There are no catches here; no annoying promotional texts, emails or surveys. Being an avid texter this has saved me well over $70 in the past month alone (I added up the messages I sent from the website and calculated what it would have cost me from my phone)! The website is www.yakedi.com Happy Texting!
Contributed by Sandra, Kedron, 3rd April 2008
I don't know if anyone is aware of this but text messages cost the phone companies less than 1c to send, yet they charge you 25c per msg. I have found a great website that lets you send as many sms's as you want for FREE. All you have to do is sign up. There are no catches here; no annoying promotional texts, emails or surveys. Being an avid texter this has saved me well over $70 in the past month alone (I added up the messages I sent from the website and calculated what it would have cost me from my phone)! The website is www.yakedi.com Happy Texting!
Contributed by Sandra, Kedron, 3rd April 2008
Switching Carriers Saves Two Weeks Wages
Approximate $ Savings : $125 per month or $1,500 a year
I was horrified when I received my latest mobile phone bill from Telstra. It was $150 for one month. I could think of better things to spend that money on. I was on a $49 cap, which meant I received $250 of calls included, but I went over that by $100. (Meaning I spent $350 on calls, how I don't know).I started investigating and found Virgin mobile have a $25 bean counter voucher you can use, but you have to purchase it online using a credit card. This isn't a problem for me as I have one of those debit credit cards. It is the cheapest calls and sms around as voted by Money magazine. All sms's are only 10 cents and all calls are 10 cents (with a 25 cent flagfall), which is easy to remember the costs. I have saved so much money since making the change. A few examples are most phone places charge 25 cents for text messages. So I can send 10 sms's for $1 whereas most people can only send 4 for $1, $2 I can send 20 sms and they only can 8, $3 I send 30sms and they send 12 sms. A huge difference in the number of sms you can send for your money. Then for a 30 min call with Telstra at 60 cents per minute it would cost around $20+. Now for a 30 min call it costs $3 plus 25 cent flagfall. As you can see the savings are huge. I have never ran out of credit and each fortnight (which is pay time) I just put on $25. This pay my credit is up at $44 as I am finding $25 is lasting almost a month. It means eventually I will only be putting $25 on every second fortnight once it gets up to around $100 credit. Prepaid also makes you think before making any calls. All the calls and sms's you make are recorded online for you to have a look at anytime if you want to monitor. I have tested this as I have made a call, then had a look online and it has been updated instantly. I would recommend for anyone sick of huge mobile phone bills to have a look on www.virginmobile.com.au.
Contributed by Kristy, Trinity Gardens, 28th February 2008
I was horrified when I received my latest mobile phone bill from Telstra. It was $150 for one month. I could think of better things to spend that money on. I was on a $49 cap, which meant I received $250 of calls included, but I went over that by $100. (Meaning I spent $350 on calls, how I don't know).I started investigating and found Virgin mobile have a $25 bean counter voucher you can use, but you have to purchase it online using a credit card. This isn't a problem for me as I have one of those debit credit cards. It is the cheapest calls and sms around as voted by Money magazine. All sms's are only 10 cents and all calls are 10 cents (with a 25 cent flagfall), which is easy to remember the costs. I have saved so much money since making the change. A few examples are most phone places charge 25 cents for text messages. So I can send 10 sms's for $1 whereas most people can only send 4 for $1, $2 I can send 20 sms and they only can 8, $3 I send 30sms and they send 12 sms. A huge difference in the number of sms you can send for your money. Then for a 30 min call with Telstra at 60 cents per minute it would cost around $20+. Now for a 30 min call it costs $3 plus 25 cent flagfall. As you can see the savings are huge. I have never ran out of credit and each fortnight (which is pay time) I just put on $25. This pay my credit is up at $44 as I am finding $25 is lasting almost a month. It means eventually I will only be putting $25 on every second fortnight once it gets up to around $100 credit. Prepaid also makes you think before making any calls. All the calls and sms's you make are recorded online for you to have a look at anytime if you want to monitor. I have tested this as I have made a call, then had a look online and it has been updated instantly. I would recommend for anyone sick of huge mobile phone bills to have a look on www.virginmobile.com.au.
Contributed by Kristy, Trinity Gardens, 28th February 2008
Free Family Calls
I have 2 kids (teenagers) and a husband, we all have mobile phones and we also have a phone at home (land line). I have all mobile phones on Vodafone pre paid which offers Vodafone to Vodafone calls for free. This means when we contact each other by mobile, we get to talk for free. I have also asked the family when they are at home to use their mobile and not the land line phone to call each other, this has saved lots of $$$ on my home (land line) bill. I'm even thinking of getting rid of the landline altogether.
Contributed by Andrea, Randwick, May 13th 2005
Contributed by Andrea, Randwick, May 13th 2005
Virgin Mobile Phone Plan Is Saving $$$$$
I have a Virgin mobile on a $15.00 plan, which allows me 5c text and 5c per minute phone calls Virgin to Virgin. Lots of my friends are with Virgin so it works out quite cheap. I have discovered that I can log on to the Virgin website and send text messages to non-Virgin customers for free. I can also upload Midi files and photos to my Virgin account and SMS them to my phone for 25c each which is very cheap. My $15 per month includes the camera phone worth more than $200. I have saved heaps with them they are great.
Contributed by Natalie, Narangba, April 26th 2005
Contributed by Natalie, Narangba, April 26th 2005
Pre-paid Internet and Phones Save Heaps
We have found that we save heaps by using pre paid Internet and phones, that way you know exactly what you are spending and there are no shocking bills at the end of each month!
Contributed by Samantha, Beaufort, March 28th 2005
Contributed by Samantha, Beaufort, March 28th 2005
Repair Your Mobile Phone
Repairing your mobile phone instead of buying a new one can save you a lot of money. People think that once their phone starts to play up they need to upgrade their plan or buy a new phone. This is wrong. For example, a new battery is a one-off fee of $30, but a new phone plan can cost $700 over two years. So before you throw out your old phone, search the Yellow Pages for a mobile phone repairer to see if they can help you.
Contributed by Kaye, Dianella, March 21st 2005
Contributed by Kaye, Dianella, March 21st 2005
Free SMS
By reading emails, you are able to send free SMS from your computer. Points are simple to accumulate, and registration is basic. You can save all of the numbers you regularly message, and can send 137 characters per SMS. Go to www.smspup.com to subscribe and start sending SMS online!
Contributed by Angelina, Potts Point, October 1st 2006
Contributed by Angelina, Potts Point, October 1st 2006
Phone/mobile Savings
I am with aapt for home phone and internet and as a customer with 2 services I have my pre paid mobile with aapt for only .50c a month and get $15.00 worth of calls for the 50c Its great, as I only use my mobile for emergencies, 50c is so cheap for the security.
Contributed by Sarah, Robina, July 1st 2006
Contributed by Sarah, Robina, July 1st 2006
Pre-Paid Mobile Savings
If you are a user of Vodafone pre-paid recharge cards, purchase a $49.00 pre-paid card from Woolworths Supermarkets as it gives the following benefits- 1. $49.00 Vodafone recharge card gives you $230.00 of credit! 2. Woolworths supermarkets give you 10% off so you only pay $44.10! 3. Because you have spent over $30.00 you receive a fuel voucher giving 4c off your petrol too! Contributed by Chiara, Leichhardt, July 30th 2006
Free Text Messages
smspup.com is a web based text messaging service where you earn points (1 point = 1 FREE text message) by completing simple surveys, viewing promotional websites, or referring friends to their service. On registration you decide how often you want promos, and what you're interested in (cars/cooking/sport etc) and you are set to go - straight away you can use the service because you even get five free text just for joining. Most surveys are very simple (minutes) but the best thing is you get one point just for opening the promotional page - too easy!!
Contributed by Bron, Toowoomba, January 1st, 2006
Contributed by Bron, Toowoomba, January 1st, 2006
Mobile Plan
I Have a Virgin mobile on a $15.00 plan, which allows me 5c text and 5c per minute phone calls virgin to virgin. Lots of my friends are with virgin so it works out quite cheap. I have discovered that I can log on to the Virgin website and send text messages to non-Virgin customers for free. I can also upload Midi files and photos to my virgin account and MMS them to my phone for 25c, each which is very cheap. My $15 per month includes the camera phone worth more than $200. I have saved heaps with them they are great.
Contributed by Natalie, Narangba, 26 April, 2004
Contributed by Natalie, Narangba, 26 April, 2004
Phone Plan
We changed our mobile phone plan to an $8/month plan which includes one hour freetime to any mobile or landline at a selected time you choose. We also changed our 2 sons to this plan and one has freetime the other 50 free SMS's/ month. Now I ring all my friends STD in free time and it only cost me my $8/month. The calls are in 20 minute intervals so I keep an eye on the time and tell my friends I will ring them back in a minute after the 20 mins is up. My son had 185 calls last month all over the country to his friends at no charge just the service fee. We are with Telstra but it would pay you all to ring and find what offers your server has available that would suit your needs. It has cut my phone bill considerably.
Contributed by Brenda, Brisbane, 23 May, 2004
Contributed by Brenda, Brisbane, 23 May, 2004
Mobile Phone Case
Here's a recycling tip for those who wear glass and carry mobile phones. Most of us keep the last couple of pairs of glasses we've owned for emergencies. However, the older ones we eventually throw away. Toss the glasses, but keep the cases. They may be a perfect fit for your mobile phone. It should be firm enough, or well cushioned enough to do a good job of protecting your cell phone in your purse.
Pre-paid Telephone Recharge Saves $36 or More Per Year
My son has a pre-paid phone which is locked to Vodaphone. He buys a Vodaphone credit top up of $30 once per month. When he buys $30 worth of credit at Woolworths, they offer a discount and he pays $27 - which is $3 extra credit, than if he had bought the top up at the local post office, and for him a saving of $36 per year.
Contributed by Julie Hallyburton, 11th October 2010
Contributed by Julie Hallyburton, 11th October 2010
Getting the Most from Your Data Allowance
I have a mobile phone plan that includes two gig of data which I never used until I discovered I can use my iPhone as a 'hotspot'. Now I use it with my iPad to access my email accounts and web browsing when on the move, holidays, waiting at doctors appointments, music lessons with kids etc. I can also use it with my laptop which is very handy when I want to work on the move. I can check my data usage with my phone service provider to make sure I don't go over my allowance, just don't use it for Facebook or gaming which seem to use a lot of data.
Contributed by Heather Glavocich, 28th February 2013
Contributed by Heather Glavocich, 28th February 2013