Your Cheapskates Club Newsletter 01:21
In This Newsletter
1. Cath's Corner
2. From the Tip Store - Beat the Heat, Cover Your Skylight; Use a Scrub Glove for Easy Shower Cleaning; Hard Rubbish Hunting: Magnets
3. Tip of the Week - Staying Loyal Certainly Helps My Christmas Grocery Savings!
4. Share Your Tips
5. On the Menu - Spicy Chicken Drumsticks
6. The $300 a Month Food Challenge - A New Year, A New Challenge
7. Cheapskates Buzz - Cheapskaters are talking in the Forum and on Cath's blog
8. The Cheapskates Club Show
9. The Weekly MOO Challenge - Make Your Own Washing Powder
10. 2021 Saving Revolution
11. Ask A Question - Have a question? Ask it here
12. Join the Cheapskates Club - Still just $25 for the first year!
13. Frequently Asked Questions
14. Contact Details
1. Cath's Corner
Hello Cheapskaters,
Happy New Year! It is so good to say good-bye to 2020 and have a whole new year, twelve unblemished months, 365 bright new days, ahead of us. Oh the potential!
I've spent the last few days setting up my Living the Cheapskates Way planner. Those blank pages are now partially filled with all the dates I need to remember, and the events we have coming up. Holidays have been blanked out so I don't book anything while we're away (it's happened in the past!). And there is not one negative thing planned.
Actually I run two planners. One is my personal planner, and the other is my Cheapskates Club planner. I've filled this one with lots of things too.
One has started, the 2021 Saving Revolution. This year it is a little different. The weekly lessons and challenges are still free to anyone, but we have a forum discussion group that is just for Cheapskates Club members who are also 2021 Saving Revolutionists. To join the forum discussions you need to have an active Cheapskates Club membership (this also gives you access to the complete forum, as well as the Article Archive, Recipe File, Tip Sheets, Meal Plans, Saving Stories and everything else in the Member Centre) and be registered for the 2021 Saving Revolution; if you haven't registered, sorry, but it's too late. Make a note in your Living the Cheapskates Way planner to register next December so you don't miss out on the 2022 revolution.
I've been doing some research over the break, and discovered that our newsletter is still the only weekly newsletter of it's kind in Australia. I've been sending a free weekly newsletter for almost 20 years! Twenty years folks! In all that time I've missed 6 weeks, most of them due to technical issues, two were because I was away and simply didn't have a connection to hit the send button. I don't know, but that may well be a record for an Australian frugal living newsletter. So that's 1,016 newsletters sent! Oh my goodness but my head is spinning looking at those figures.
I'm going to ask you to do something for me. If you know anyone who might benefit from reading our newsletter, please share it with them. Forward it to them with a message as to why you're sending it to them (otherwise it'll be marked as spam and that won't help at all) and suggest they subscribe. It's free, absolutely no cost to them at all. My newsletters are ad free, I don't send them unless you subscribe and it is weekly. Without fail (or technical issues ;) ). I don't share or sell my lists, ever. There is no risk in subscribing to my newsletter, but plenty gain.
Right now, I think more than at any time in the last 20 years, learning to live within your means, pay down debt and build savings is vital. We don't know what the future holds, but we can be prepared and living the Cheapskates way is a great way to get prepared.
2021 is going to be a great year, I just know it, because we will be prepared!
Happy Cheapskating,
2. From The Tip Store
Beat the Heat, Cover Your Skylight
Approximate $ Savings: $100 annually
A timely tip given the heatwave we are experiencing in Sydney this week. Last summer it dawned on me the amount of light and also heat which entered my living area through a skylight. My skylight is the type that is flat to the ceiling with a clear plastic type Perspex cover. I measured it up and had some thick white cardboard/signboard offcuts in the garage. I cut it to size, stuck four Velcro dots in the corners and stuck it over the skylight. The Velcro makes it removable and because it is white it is unnoticeable against the white ceiling. So in preparation for this week's heatwave I simply stuck it back on over the skylight. Makes a huge difference and reduces the reliance on air conditioning. Cost me nothing because I already had the materials to hand, but you can purchase the signboard from Masters and Officeworks for under $10.
Contributed by Sara Law
Use a Scrub Glove for Easy Shower Cleaning
I was recently given a body scrub glove, I was grateful for the gift however I already have one. I did consider regifting it but came up with a better idea. When I’ve finished my shower I put the glove on and clean the shower, a quick rinse and it’s sparkling clean in no time.
Contributed by Annette Lamb
Hard Rubbish Hunting: Magnets
Strong strip magnets to hold things can be found in hard rubbish. Look for fridges, freezers, or anything else with a magnetic seal. Remove the seal, and carefully strip the plastic casing off with a box cutter. The magnets can be broken to the size you want by folding them.
Contributed by Gabrielle Castle
Note: These are great magnets for crafting. I use them to make peg magnets, on cards, for calendars etc. Gotta love free! Cath.
Add a Tip
Winning Tip
This week's winning tip is from Michelle Everingham. Michelle is an active Cheapskates Club member, so her membership has been extended by one year for submitting her winning tip.
Staying Loyal Certainly Helps My Christmas Grocery Savings!
"Staying loyal helped me save an enormous amount this year. Yesterday I went to Woolworths to do my main December AND Christmas grocery shop. My total savings for my grocery shop was a whopping $310.47! I hold a Woolworths Everyday Rewards Card and last year I decided that instead of taking $10 off my shopping after it had accrued, I would save it for my Christmas groceries. So… with shopping predominantly at my local Woollies, at the Big W next door and buying most of my alcohol at BWS, I put away an amazing $170! Plus, I also have my mobile phone pre-paid account through Woolworths. Yesterday, coming grocery shopping, I bought up big, including the extra gifts you need to have under the tree for unexpected people (I bought chocolates – half price!), the extra chocolates I put into my son’s Christmas sack and some extra bits and pieces I was running low on (that were on sale, knowing I had the banked money to count on). My total grocery shop came to $374.14 and with the weekly specials I had already saved $120.00. I then receive a 10% discount on my groceries (due to having the Woolworths mobile account) once per month at a time of my choosing – naturally I took it yesterday (-$37.41), less my “banked” money of $170, and my total grocery cost came to $166.72, instead of $374.13, a saving of $207.41! Yippee! I had also banked a number of credits for the glassware promotion Woolworths are currently running – I received two containers (with a retail cost of $55.00) for nothing/zip/zero and I still have credits to spend. On top of all of that, I was also getting reward points on my groceries towards next year’s Christmas shopping! I was so excited. Staying loyal certainly works out well for me. I need to purchase groceries, and whilst I do purchase the odd groceries from Coles and IGA, the majority of my shopping is from Woollies and the benefits do add up. Merry Christmas everyone."
Congratulations Michelle, I hope you continue to share great ideas, and enjoy your Cheapskates Club membership.
The Cheapskate's Club website is thousands of pages of money saving hints, tips and ideas. There are over 12,000 tips to save you money, time and energy; 1,600 budget and family friendly recipes, hundreds of printable tip sheets and ebooks.
Let's get together and make the Cheapskates Club Australia's largest online hint, tip and idea library. Share your favourite money saving, time saving or energy saving hint and be in the running to win a one-year membership to The Cheapskate Club.
4. Share Your Tips
Share your favourite hint or tip that saves money, time and energy and be in the running to win a one-year subscription to The Cheapskate Journal.
Remember, you have to be in it to win it!
Share Your Tip
5. On The Menu
Sticky Chicken Drumsticks
Chicken drumsticks have been on sale the last few weeks. Drumsticks are great for a quick roast dinner, or on the barbecue. They go well hot or cold and kids like them because they have "handles". Buying them on special makes this meal very budget friendly too. For around $1 per serve, it is a tasty meal everyone will love.
Sticky Chicken Drumsticks
Serves 4 (2pc per serve)
2 tbsp wholegrain mustard
3 tbsp honey
4 cloves garlic
4 tsp oil
8 Chicken Drumsticks
Salt and Pepper
Line chicken in oven proof dish, crush garlic finely and mix all ingredients together and spoon all over chicken (can be marinated overnight if desired)
Serve with veggies or fried rice or cauliflower rice (they're really, really good over cauliflower rice)
Next week we will be eating:
Sunday: Roast Lamb
Monday: Sticky Chicken Drumsticks
Tuesday: Lasagne
Wednesday: Shepherd's Pie
Thursday: MOO Pizza
Friday: Mock Schnitzels, wedges, salad
Saturday: Hamburgers
In the fruit bowl: Mandarins, grapes
In the cake tin: Lemon Coconut Slice, Fruit Cake, Shortbread, Double Choc Chip Brownies
There are over 1,700 budget and family friendly recipes in the Cheapskates Club Recipe File, all contributed by your fellow Cheapskates, so you know they're good.
Add A Recipe
Recipe File Index
6. The $300 A Month Food Challenge
A New Year, A New Challenge
Happy New Year everyone! It's time to start a new $300 a Month Food Challenge. After the ups and downs of 2020, a new start is just the thing. Forget the mistakes of last year and focus on getting ahead in our pantries this year.
To get started commit to the food challenge, and Cheapskates Club members can in the $300 a Month Food Challenge Forum.
Just answer the questions to get started.
1. Your name
2. How much you spent on food a month in 2021.
3. How much you have budgeted a month for food in 2021
3. How many people you are feeding on this budget
4. If this budget includes pets
5. What topics you'd like covered in the weekly posts
As I'm opening the 2021 $300 a Month Food Challenge, here goes.
1. I'm Cath.
2. I came in smack on budget at $320 a month. It wasn't easy, and I had to dip into the grocery account to start building the pantry early. I haven't done one big shop between Christmas and New Year. With blank spots on shelves and the uncertainty that is around food security, I started restocking in October. I learned the advantage of click'n'collect shopping during lockdown and loved it. Pretty much though over the year I stayed under budget. Over the year the average was $320 a month or $3,660 for the year from 1st January - 31st December; there's nothing in my grocery fund to roll over to the slush fund this year.
3. My food budget is increasing to - $375 a month. I am hoping though, that at the end of the year, with some savvy shopping, that the value of our food stocks will be a lot more than $4,500 for the year.
4. No pets in our home at the moment (although Hannah keeps finding cats and dogs and wanting to adopt them, we're just not in a position to care for a pet properly right now. Maybe in a couple of years.....).
5. This year I'd like to share more about long-term, shelf-stable food storage and how to transition away from depending on freezers for food preservation, different preserving methods, building a usable stockpile and how to use the grocery stockpile to it's full advantage.
The goals are very similar to 2020. What can I say other than even though it seems like our world has gone crazy, not much has changed in the way we live our life, so there's no good reason to change the way I shop.
So who's game to tackle the grocery budget with me in 2021?
The $300 a Month Food Challenge Forum
The Post that Started it All
7. Cheapskates Buzz
From The Article Archive
A New Year, A New Budget
That Four Letter Word "Free"
This Week's Hot Forum Topics
A Small Weekend Job!
Your Birthday
Challenge: Throw Out 2 Things a Day for a Year!
8. The Cheapskates Club Show
We've had a great break, and can't wait to get back to our regular shows, starting next Tuesday, 12th January.
Join Cath and Hannah live Tuesdays and Thursdays on You Tube at 7.30pm AET
Join us live on YouTube every Tuesday and Thursday and see how we are living debt free, cashed up and laughing - and find out how you can too!
Show ScheduleTuesday: Around the Kitchen Table - join Cath and Hannah for a cuppa and a chat around the kitchen table as they talk about living the Cheapskates way.
Latest Shows
1. Cath's Corner
2. From the Tip Store - Beat the Heat, Cover Your Skylight; Use a Scrub Glove for Easy Shower Cleaning; Hard Rubbish Hunting: Magnets
3. Tip of the Week - Staying Loyal Certainly Helps My Christmas Grocery Savings!
4. Share Your Tips
5. On the Menu - Spicy Chicken Drumsticks
6. The $300 a Month Food Challenge - A New Year, A New Challenge
7. Cheapskates Buzz - Cheapskaters are talking in the Forum and on Cath's blog
8. The Cheapskates Club Show
9. The Weekly MOO Challenge - Make Your Own Washing Powder
10. 2021 Saving Revolution
11. Ask A Question - Have a question? Ask it here
12. Join the Cheapskates Club - Still just $25 for the first year!
13. Frequently Asked Questions
14. Contact Details
1. Cath's Corner
Hello Cheapskaters,
Happy New Year! It is so good to say good-bye to 2020 and have a whole new year, twelve unblemished months, 365 bright new days, ahead of us. Oh the potential!
I've spent the last few days setting up my Living the Cheapskates Way planner. Those blank pages are now partially filled with all the dates I need to remember, and the events we have coming up. Holidays have been blanked out so I don't book anything while we're away (it's happened in the past!). And there is not one negative thing planned.
Actually I run two planners. One is my personal planner, and the other is my Cheapskates Club planner. I've filled this one with lots of things too.
One has started, the 2021 Saving Revolution. This year it is a little different. The weekly lessons and challenges are still free to anyone, but we have a forum discussion group that is just for Cheapskates Club members who are also 2021 Saving Revolutionists. To join the forum discussions you need to have an active Cheapskates Club membership (this also gives you access to the complete forum, as well as the Article Archive, Recipe File, Tip Sheets, Meal Plans, Saving Stories and everything else in the Member Centre) and be registered for the 2021 Saving Revolution; if you haven't registered, sorry, but it's too late. Make a note in your Living the Cheapskates Way planner to register next December so you don't miss out on the 2022 revolution.
I've been doing some research over the break, and discovered that our newsletter is still the only weekly newsletter of it's kind in Australia. I've been sending a free weekly newsletter for almost 20 years! Twenty years folks! In all that time I've missed 6 weeks, most of them due to technical issues, two were because I was away and simply didn't have a connection to hit the send button. I don't know, but that may well be a record for an Australian frugal living newsletter. So that's 1,016 newsletters sent! Oh my goodness but my head is spinning looking at those figures.
I'm going to ask you to do something for me. If you know anyone who might benefit from reading our newsletter, please share it with them. Forward it to them with a message as to why you're sending it to them (otherwise it'll be marked as spam and that won't help at all) and suggest they subscribe. It's free, absolutely no cost to them at all. My newsletters are ad free, I don't send them unless you subscribe and it is weekly. Without fail (or technical issues ;) ). I don't share or sell my lists, ever. There is no risk in subscribing to my newsletter, but plenty gain.
Right now, I think more than at any time in the last 20 years, learning to live within your means, pay down debt and build savings is vital. We don't know what the future holds, but we can be prepared and living the Cheapskates way is a great way to get prepared.
2021 is going to be a great year, I just know it, because we will be prepared!
Happy Cheapskating,
2. From The Tip Store
Beat the Heat, Cover Your Skylight
Approximate $ Savings: $100 annually
A timely tip given the heatwave we are experiencing in Sydney this week. Last summer it dawned on me the amount of light and also heat which entered my living area through a skylight. My skylight is the type that is flat to the ceiling with a clear plastic type Perspex cover. I measured it up and had some thick white cardboard/signboard offcuts in the garage. I cut it to size, stuck four Velcro dots in the corners and stuck it over the skylight. The Velcro makes it removable and because it is white it is unnoticeable against the white ceiling. So in preparation for this week's heatwave I simply stuck it back on over the skylight. Makes a huge difference and reduces the reliance on air conditioning. Cost me nothing because I already had the materials to hand, but you can purchase the signboard from Masters and Officeworks for under $10.
Contributed by Sara Law
Use a Scrub Glove for Easy Shower Cleaning
I was recently given a body scrub glove, I was grateful for the gift however I already have one. I did consider regifting it but came up with a better idea. When I’ve finished my shower I put the glove on and clean the shower, a quick rinse and it’s sparkling clean in no time.
Contributed by Annette Lamb
Hard Rubbish Hunting: Magnets
Strong strip magnets to hold things can be found in hard rubbish. Look for fridges, freezers, or anything else with a magnetic seal. Remove the seal, and carefully strip the plastic casing off with a box cutter. The magnets can be broken to the size you want by folding them.
Contributed by Gabrielle Castle
Note: These are great magnets for crafting. I use them to make peg magnets, on cards, for calendars etc. Gotta love free! Cath.
Add a Tip
Winning Tip
This week's winning tip is from Michelle Everingham. Michelle is an active Cheapskates Club member, so her membership has been extended by one year for submitting her winning tip.
Staying Loyal Certainly Helps My Christmas Grocery Savings!
"Staying loyal helped me save an enormous amount this year. Yesterday I went to Woolworths to do my main December AND Christmas grocery shop. My total savings for my grocery shop was a whopping $310.47! I hold a Woolworths Everyday Rewards Card and last year I decided that instead of taking $10 off my shopping after it had accrued, I would save it for my Christmas groceries. So… with shopping predominantly at my local Woollies, at the Big W next door and buying most of my alcohol at BWS, I put away an amazing $170! Plus, I also have my mobile phone pre-paid account through Woolworths. Yesterday, coming grocery shopping, I bought up big, including the extra gifts you need to have under the tree for unexpected people (I bought chocolates – half price!), the extra chocolates I put into my son’s Christmas sack and some extra bits and pieces I was running low on (that were on sale, knowing I had the banked money to count on). My total grocery shop came to $374.14 and with the weekly specials I had already saved $120.00. I then receive a 10% discount on my groceries (due to having the Woolworths mobile account) once per month at a time of my choosing – naturally I took it yesterday (-$37.41), less my “banked” money of $170, and my total grocery cost came to $166.72, instead of $374.13, a saving of $207.41! Yippee! I had also banked a number of credits for the glassware promotion Woolworths are currently running – I received two containers (with a retail cost of $55.00) for nothing/zip/zero and I still have credits to spend. On top of all of that, I was also getting reward points on my groceries towards next year’s Christmas shopping! I was so excited. Staying loyal certainly works out well for me. I need to purchase groceries, and whilst I do purchase the odd groceries from Coles and IGA, the majority of my shopping is from Woollies and the benefits do add up. Merry Christmas everyone."
Congratulations Michelle, I hope you continue to share great ideas, and enjoy your Cheapskates Club membership.
The Cheapskate's Club website is thousands of pages of money saving hints, tips and ideas. There are over 12,000 tips to save you money, time and energy; 1,600 budget and family friendly recipes, hundreds of printable tip sheets and ebooks.
Let's get together and make the Cheapskates Club Australia's largest online hint, tip and idea library. Share your favourite money saving, time saving or energy saving hint and be in the running to win a one-year membership to The Cheapskate Club.
4. Share Your Tips
Share your favourite hint or tip that saves money, time and energy and be in the running to win a one-year subscription to The Cheapskate Journal.
Remember, you have to be in it to win it!
Share Your Tip
5. On The Menu
Sticky Chicken Drumsticks
Chicken drumsticks have been on sale the last few weeks. Drumsticks are great for a quick roast dinner, or on the barbecue. They go well hot or cold and kids like them because they have "handles". Buying them on special makes this meal very budget friendly too. For around $1 per serve, it is a tasty meal everyone will love.
Sticky Chicken Drumsticks
Serves 4 (2pc per serve)
2 tbsp wholegrain mustard
3 tbsp honey
4 cloves garlic
4 tsp oil
8 Chicken Drumsticks
Salt and Pepper
Line chicken in oven proof dish, crush garlic finely and mix all ingredients together and spoon all over chicken (can be marinated overnight if desired)
Serve with veggies or fried rice or cauliflower rice (they're really, really good over cauliflower rice)
Next week we will be eating:
Sunday: Roast Lamb
Monday: Sticky Chicken Drumsticks
Tuesday: Lasagne
Wednesday: Shepherd's Pie
Thursday: MOO Pizza
Friday: Mock Schnitzels, wedges, salad
Saturday: Hamburgers
In the fruit bowl: Mandarins, grapes
In the cake tin: Lemon Coconut Slice, Fruit Cake, Shortbread, Double Choc Chip Brownies
There are over 1,700 budget and family friendly recipes in the Cheapskates Club Recipe File, all contributed by your fellow Cheapskates, so you know they're good.
Add A Recipe
Recipe File Index
6. The $300 A Month Food Challenge
A New Year, A New Challenge
Happy New Year everyone! It's time to start a new $300 a Month Food Challenge. After the ups and downs of 2020, a new start is just the thing. Forget the mistakes of last year and focus on getting ahead in our pantries this year.
To get started commit to the food challenge, and Cheapskates Club members can in the $300 a Month Food Challenge Forum.
Just answer the questions to get started.
1. Your name
2. How much you spent on food a month in 2021.
3. How much you have budgeted a month for food in 2021
3. How many people you are feeding on this budget
4. If this budget includes pets
5. What topics you'd like covered in the weekly posts
As I'm opening the 2021 $300 a Month Food Challenge, here goes.
1. I'm Cath.
2. I came in smack on budget at $320 a month. It wasn't easy, and I had to dip into the grocery account to start building the pantry early. I haven't done one big shop between Christmas and New Year. With blank spots on shelves and the uncertainty that is around food security, I started restocking in October. I learned the advantage of click'n'collect shopping during lockdown and loved it. Pretty much though over the year I stayed under budget. Over the year the average was $320 a month or $3,660 for the year from 1st January - 31st December; there's nothing in my grocery fund to roll over to the slush fund this year.
3. My food budget is increasing to - $375 a month. I am hoping though, that at the end of the year, with some savvy shopping, that the value of our food stocks will be a lot more than $4,500 for the year.
4. No pets in our home at the moment (although Hannah keeps finding cats and dogs and wanting to adopt them, we're just not in a position to care for a pet properly right now. Maybe in a couple of years.....).
5. This year I'd like to share more about long-term, shelf-stable food storage and how to transition away from depending on freezers for food preservation, different preserving methods, building a usable stockpile and how to use the grocery stockpile to it's full advantage.
The goals are very similar to 2020. What can I say other than even though it seems like our world has gone crazy, not much has changed in the way we live our life, so there's no good reason to change the way I shop.
So who's game to tackle the grocery budget with me in 2021?
The $300 a Month Food Challenge Forum
The Post that Started it All
7. Cheapskates Buzz
From The Article Archive
A New Year, A New Budget
That Four Letter Word "Free"
This Week's Hot Forum Topics
A Small Weekend Job!
Your Birthday
Challenge: Throw Out 2 Things a Day for a Year!
8. The Cheapskates Club Show
We've had a great break, and can't wait to get back to our regular shows, starting next Tuesday, 12th January.
Join Cath and Hannah live Tuesdays and Thursdays on You Tube at 7.30pm AET
Join us live on YouTube every Tuesday and Thursday and see how we are living debt free, cashed up and laughing - and find out how you can too!
Show ScheduleTuesday: Around the Kitchen Table - join Cath and Hannah for a cuppa and a chat around the kitchen table as they talk about living the Cheapskates way.
Latest Shows
9. The Weekly MOO Challenge
We have an annual MOO Month in March, but this year I thought I'd also do a weekly MOO challenge, to give everyone a chance to collect new skills.
The first challenge I have for you is washing powder. There are lots of variations of my recipe. As far as I know, it was the first homemade washing powder published (and I was sharing it long before I started Cheapskates Club). I was using a gel/gloop for the washing, and it was great. But after losing two huge buckets full (two little boys just loved to play in it) I started experimenting with the recipe to make a powder that wasn't quite as bulky.
The result is Cheapskates Washing Powder. Now if you've tried a variation and been happy, that's great. Just be aware that the ingredients in my washing powder are there for a reason and substitutes and switching them out or even leaving them out will change the washing powder, change the performance and change the end result. Just saying - change it, but don't complain when it doesn't work the way I say my washing powder does.
Only three ingredients:
Laundry soap
Washing soda
You can get the complete recipe here. l If you haven't tried it yet, make up one batch and give it a go. It's well worth the three minutes of your time.
Get in on the fun and discussions here.
10. 2021 Saving Revolution
The Saving Revolution is off to a great start! Lesson two is on it's way. If you've registered, it will be in your inbox soon.
Lesson one asked some hard questions. I know they were hard because some of the Revolutionists told me so.
That's OK, without answering the hard questions, you won't be able to move forward and reach your financial goals, so answer them. No one but you is going to see them, so there's really no reason to not answer them and start your Revolution off with a good start.
This week's lesson will be sent tomorrow morning, around 11am. Keep an eye out for it. If you think you haven't received it, search your email for it, it's probably been filtered off.
I suggest you create a folder in your email to keep all your lessons in. There are 52 of them, so having them in the one place makes life easier. It also keeps them safe because if you accidentally lose one, I'm sorry, but they can't be resent, so you need to be sure to keep them safe.
Revolutionists who are active Cheapskates Club members can log into the 2021 Saving Revolution forum and join the discussions too. They're fun, keep you accountable, and over the course of the year will be an amazing source of valuable hints and tips for you too.
11. Ask A Question
We have lots of resources to help you as you live the Cheapskates way but if you didn't find the answer to your question in our extensive archives please just drop me a note with your question.
I read and answer all questions, either in an email to you, in my weekly newsletter, the monthly Journal or by creating blog posts and other resources to help you (and other Cheapskaters).
Ask Your Question
12. Join The Cheapskates Club
For just $25 a year, you can join the Cheapskates Club and get exclusive access to the Cheapskate Journal, the monthly e-journal that shows you how to cut the costs of everyday living and still have fun.
Joining the Cheapskates Club gives you 24/7 access to the Members Centre with 1000's of money saving tips and articles.
Click here to join the Cheapskates Club today!
13. Frequently Asked Questions
How do I change my email address?
This one is easy. When you login to the Member's Centre just click on your name at the top of the page to go straight to your profile page where you can update your details, change your password and find your subscription details.
Not a Cheapskates Club member? Then please use the Changing Details form found here to update your email address.
How do I know when my membership should be renewed?
Memberships are active for one year from the date of joining. You will be sent a renewal reminder before your subscription is due to renew. You can also find your membership expiry date on your profile page.
When you login to the Member's Centre just click on your name to go straight to your profile page where you can will find your join date and your expiry date.
What will you do with my email address?
We never rent, trade or sell our email list to anyone for any reason whatsoever. You'll never get an unsolicited email from a stranger as a result of joining this list.
How did I get on this list?
The only way you can get onto our newsletter mailing list is to subscribe yourself. You signed up to receive our Free Newsletter at our Cheapskates Club Web site or are a Platinum Cheapskates Club member.
14. Contact Cheapskates
The Cheapskates Club -
Showing you how to live life
debt free, cashed up and laughing!
PO Box 5077 Studfield Vic 3152
Contact Cheapskates
We have an annual MOO Month in March, but this year I thought I'd also do a weekly MOO challenge, to give everyone a chance to collect new skills.
The first challenge I have for you is washing powder. There are lots of variations of my recipe. As far as I know, it was the first homemade washing powder published (and I was sharing it long before I started Cheapskates Club). I was using a gel/gloop for the washing, and it was great. But after losing two huge buckets full (two little boys just loved to play in it) I started experimenting with the recipe to make a powder that wasn't quite as bulky.
The result is Cheapskates Washing Powder. Now if you've tried a variation and been happy, that's great. Just be aware that the ingredients in my washing powder are there for a reason and substitutes and switching them out or even leaving them out will change the washing powder, change the performance and change the end result. Just saying - change it, but don't complain when it doesn't work the way I say my washing powder does.
Only three ingredients:
Laundry soap
Washing soda
You can get the complete recipe here. l If you haven't tried it yet, make up one batch and give it a go. It's well worth the three minutes of your time.
Get in on the fun and discussions here.
10. 2021 Saving Revolution
The Saving Revolution is off to a great start! Lesson two is on it's way. If you've registered, it will be in your inbox soon.
Lesson one asked some hard questions. I know they were hard because some of the Revolutionists told me so.
That's OK, without answering the hard questions, you won't be able to move forward and reach your financial goals, so answer them. No one but you is going to see them, so there's really no reason to not answer them and start your Revolution off with a good start.
This week's lesson will be sent tomorrow morning, around 11am. Keep an eye out for it. If you think you haven't received it, search your email for it, it's probably been filtered off.
I suggest you create a folder in your email to keep all your lessons in. There are 52 of them, so having them in the one place makes life easier. It also keeps them safe because if you accidentally lose one, I'm sorry, but they can't be resent, so you need to be sure to keep them safe.
Revolutionists who are active Cheapskates Club members can log into the 2021 Saving Revolution forum and join the discussions too. They're fun, keep you accountable, and over the course of the year will be an amazing source of valuable hints and tips for you too.
11. Ask A Question
We have lots of resources to help you as you live the Cheapskates way but if you didn't find the answer to your question in our extensive archives please just drop me a note with your question.
I read and answer all questions, either in an email to you, in my weekly newsletter, the monthly Journal or by creating blog posts and other resources to help you (and other Cheapskaters).
Ask Your Question
12. Join The Cheapskates Club
For just $25 a year, you can join the Cheapskates Club and get exclusive access to the Cheapskate Journal, the monthly e-journal that shows you how to cut the costs of everyday living and still have fun.
Joining the Cheapskates Club gives you 24/7 access to the Members Centre with 1000's of money saving tips and articles.
Click here to join the Cheapskates Club today!
13. Frequently Asked Questions
How do I change my email address?
This one is easy. When you login to the Member's Centre just click on your name at the top of the page to go straight to your profile page where you can update your details, change your password and find your subscription details.
Not a Cheapskates Club member? Then please use the Changing Details form found here to update your email address.
How do I know when my membership should be renewed?
Memberships are active for one year from the date of joining. You will be sent a renewal reminder before your subscription is due to renew. You can also find your membership expiry date on your profile page.
When you login to the Member's Centre just click on your name to go straight to your profile page where you can will find your join date and your expiry date.
What will you do with my email address?
We never rent, trade or sell our email list to anyone for any reason whatsoever. You'll never get an unsolicited email from a stranger as a result of joining this list.
How did I get on this list?
The only way you can get onto our newsletter mailing list is to subscribe yourself. You signed up to receive our Free Newsletter at our Cheapskates Club Web site or are a Platinum Cheapskates Club member.
14. Contact Cheapskates
The Cheapskates Club -
Showing you how to live life
debt free, cashed up and laughing!
PO Box 5077 Studfield Vic 3152
Contact Cheapskates