Your Cheapskates Club Newsletter: 08:15 Bright ideas to save you money
1. Cath's Corner
2. In the Tip Store - Shower Change, Sizing Saves, My New Go-To Cleaner for Burnt On Stuff
3. Cheapskates Workshop - Let's All MOO
4. Submit Your Tip - Share your favourite tip here
5. On the Menu with Anne - Muffin Surprise
6. The $300 a Month Food Challenge with Wendy - This week it's clean out the fridge week
7. Cheapskates Buzz - Cheapskaters are talking in the Forum and on Cath's blog
8. Member's Featured Blog - No spend, No spend and an Update!!!
9. Last Week's Question - Please help me clean my car!
10. This Week's Question - What can I use to clean my iron?
11. Join the Cheapskates Club
12. Gift Memberships
13. Frequently Asked Questions
14. Contact Details
1. Cath's Corner
Hello Cheapskaters,
We are more than halfway through No Spending month and you are all doing so well. I've been checking the Forum and the amount of no spending going on is so exciting. I love seeing the "no spending today" comments and imagining just how much money has been saved.
It's not easy to stop spending. You really have to consciously think about what you are doing every time you open your purse and that can be a big change in thinking. This week I've asked a few Cheapskaters if they have missed not spending, and the answer has been a resounding "NO" from all.
BarbW put it best "the answer is NO I absolutely do not miss the fact that I did not buy magazines, chocolate, another cook book I did not need and the dress and blouse I thought I had to have at the time. I also do not miss the cups of tea and lattes I did not have and the goodies that would have gone with them. My waistline is better for it too!"
With ten days left there will still be plenty of opportunities to say no to spending. Let's end No Spending month on a high - a savings high!
Happy Cheapskating,
PS: Love our site? We love referrals! Send a note to your favourite newspapers, magazines, radio stations, TV stations, friends and relatives, and tell them about us!
PPS: You can read this newsletter and past copies on the website in the Newsletter Archive.
2. From The Tip Store
Shower Change
Approximate $ Savings: $130
This tip requires a change in how you do the most basic everyday task, but it'll be worth it and but will save you hundreds on your water and electricity bills. I think like most people, until I had this brainwave idea a few months ago, I always used to reached for the hot tap first, then turned on the cold to get to the optimum temperature to fill the bath, have a shower or wash the dishes. With this way, you're using more hot water (and more water in general) to get to the optimum temperature. If you flip this, and put on the cold water tap, then add hot water to reach the optimum temperature, you'll use less electricity, and actually less water as well. You'll notice a drop in your bills, and still enjoy that hot shower you love.
Contributed by Rebecca Elliott
Sizing Saves
Approximate $ Savings: $200+
A tape measure can be a great friend to help you save money. I discovered that queen size flat top sheets were really too big for our bed which doesn't have one of the new super deep mattresses. By buying a double sheet I saved $22 and got the right size. So I measured the depth of all our mattresses, the size of our dining table and every window and keep those measurements in a little notebook along with a small tape measure in my bag. Now if I see a bargain I know if it will fit.
Contributed by Sue Dunstan
My New go to Cleaner for Burnt-on Stuff!
I have a bad habit of walking away when I am cooking. The other day I burnt peaches that I was stewing. I tried everything to clean the saucepan - re-boiling with dishwashing liquid, vinegar, bicarb soda, lots of elbow grease, it wasn't shifting. I then remembered Cath writing about cleaning the oven with dishwasher powder so I thought I would try that. There were a few lumps of powder so I grabbed one and started rubbing, not even hard, the burnt on stuff just dissolved. I then went to the stove top and oven and scrubbed with my little 5c size piece of dishwasher powder (Aldi) and all surfaces came up so clean.
Contributed by Kim Newell
There are more than 11,000 great tips in the Tip Store
3. Cheapskate's Winning Tip
The Let's All MOO Workshop
When: Sunday 29th March 2015
Where: Orana Neighbourhood House, 62 Coleman Rd, Wantirna South
What time: 1:30pm - 4pm
Cost: $30 per person (includes refreshments, samples and handouts)
Click here to book your ticket
4. Submit your tip
Share your favourite hint or tip that saves money, time and energy and be in the running to win a one-year subscription to The Cheapskate Journal.
Remember, you have to be in it to win it!
Submit your tip
5. On the Menu with Anne
Muffin Surprise
We're having Muffin Surprise for tea on Saturday night. It's an easy meal, a cheap meal, a quick meal and it is one that I don't have to cook - the troops can get their own. Just the right type of meal for a weekend or a busy weeknight.
There isn't really a recipe for Muffin Surprise, it's more taking a muffin and adding the toppings you fancy. Cath says the surprise is in the toppings - they're never the same because she never has the same leftovers in the fridge. My Muffin Surprise is much the same, or never the same if you know what I mean.
Muffin Surprise
Toast one or two English muffins per person. Top with any combination of the following, depending on what you have in the pantry, fridge and freezer.
Sliced cheese, sliced tomato, mushrooms, baked beans, tinned spaghetti, left over spag bol, egg (boiled, poached, fried or scrambled), ham, bacon, sliced deli meats - whatever takes your fancy.
This week we will be eating:
Friday: Curried Chicken and rice
Saturday: Muffin Surprise
Sunday: Roast lamb, baked vegetables, broccoli, corn, gravy
Monday: Tuna pie, salad
Tuesday: Schnitzels, wedges, salad
Wednesday: Impossible Quiche and salad
Thursday: Sausages and salad
In the fruit bowl: grapes, bananas, nectarines
In the cake tin: Carrot cake, Lemon Shortbread, banana muffins
There are over 1,300 other great money saving meal ideas in the Recipe File
6. The $300 a Month Food Challenge with Wendy
Welcome to the food challenge everyone.
How did you go last week with the big freezer clean and sort out? Did you find any surprise packages? I did a quick tidy up of my freezers and although I didn't find any mystery packages, I came to realise that I have too much frozen food and my family needs to start eating some. So now I'm trying to write it into the menu plan. We are freezing corn from our garden and it's getting hard to find the room to store it.
This week's challenge is to have a quick wipe and sort out of the fridge. It's time to sort out all those sauces you have lurking in there. You know, the ones that are given at Christmas time in hampers. The ones you wouldn't normally buy but feel you have to use. I pulled out all the sauces the other day and got Darren to sort out what he wanted to keep. Thankfully he threw out five bottles. “Thankfully " you say!!! Yes some of these sauces had been sitting there for a year and were not being used. I was glad to have space on the sauce shelf.
Give each of your shelves a good clean. I use Miracle Spray and a microfibre cloth and it does a fabulous job. Pull the contents of one shelf out at a time. Do you know what's in each container? Check your expiry dates too. If you find items that have expired ask yourself these questions -
* Why did it expire?
* Does the family still like this item?
* Did I buy too many?
* Did I write it into the menu plan?
* Could it have been frozen before it went off?
* Should I buy this again?
I often compare my fridge to a train station. Food goes in and food goes out very quickly just like trains do. The longer the food stays in there the more likely it is to go off. I try to clean out my fridge once a week to keep on top of everything that's in there.
This week's challenge works in conjunction with the previous two weeks. Once you get this task done you'll have a really good idea of all the food in your house. Next week we'll get started on writing inventories.
Is anyone game to sort out their fridge?
Have a great week and BE ENCOURAGED!!!!!!
The $300 a Month Food Challenge
The Post that Started it All
7. Cheapskates Buzz
This week's hot forum topics
Budget Saboteurs
New to Cheapskates
Most popular blog posts this week
Uncomplicate Your Spending Plan
Stretching an already Tight Budget in Retirement
Become a Deadbeat!
8. Member's Featured Blog
Platinum Cheapskates Club members have their very own Cheapskating blogs, and they are wonderful and inspirational and encouraging and even funny. This week's featured blog is written by KarenE.
No spend, No spend and an Update!!!
Well the heading is not quite right but I have only spent on essentials and I've amazed myself.
I know it's only 10 days in but since the 1st of Feb I've only spent $75.91 on groceries which I needed to top up what I already had. I need to buy meat and vegies tomorrow but that won't be much.
I've amazed myself and have finished making up my price book ( I never really thought I would do that ) but it's done and I'm using it. Go me!!!!!!
My pantry is cleaned out, my freezer is cleaned out and my fridge is clean and organised.
I have a menu plan and shopping list.
I've said NO quite a few times to different things including saying NO to me??
I've been picking, tomatoes, silver beet, red onions, rosemary, chillies and the last of the beetroot from the garden, not much I know but it's something.
I've only been carrying $10 in coins in my purse for emergencies, or milk and bread if needed.
I've been re-reading lots of things in the tip store, recipe file, well basically everywhere.
I'm on this site constantly lately but that's good.
I actually think I might be turning into a real Cheapskate.
I have 18 days till I finish up at work and I'm still blown away by what they have done BUT I'm feeling so much better about leaving and starting something new., and hopefully I'll be in my new work location very soon !!!!!!
So I just wanted to give an update on where I'm at and although I'm still stressed about things I'm not obsessed anymore and I just want to move onward and upwards to a better life no matter what happens.
Login to read more Cheapskates Club member blogs
9. Last Week's Question
Last week's question was from Anna who wrote
"Does anyone know an easy way to clean the black brake dust on my car rims? Ordinary washing is a chore/lots of elbow grease required - not easy with older hands to do the work. Also is there a trick or product that will aid in keeping it off or minimise the mess to clean off the next time. Thanks for your help fellow Cheapskaters."
Jenny P. answered
I use "Wheel Cleaner" in 400g aerosol can from $2 shops or Big W. Costs about $3-$4/can from memory. Turns to foam as you spray it on and then hose off. A bristly wheel cleaning brush helps if you want a super good job.
Robyne Neal answered
I had to same problem with my car and I found Gumption cleaned it all off. I cleaned rust runs off the van and leaf marks off the boat. You do need to give it a good rinse after with a rag. It's about $4.50 a tub in Woolworths but lasts for ages and doesn't dry out.
Frances De Andrade answered
Suggest you try Miracle Spray. It cleans almost everything. To avoid problem recurring spray with WD40. It acts as a protective coating. It also reduces tarnish on silver teapots etc.
Kim Gambrell answered
The best product to clean brake dust off rims is a professional product called Wheel Brite, a similar product is available at Auto Retail Stores with RRP under $15 (check the cleaning mag and alloy wheel section).The good thing about these type of products is that not only do they clean the rims but they form a protective coating which reduces future brake dust build up and also means less cleaning time! (This information was given via DH who is in the auto industry).
Do you have a question that needs an answer?
Send us your question and receive the combined knowledge of your fellow Cheapskates to solve your problem!
Ask Your Question
10. This Week's Question
Susan writes
"Hi, just wondering what tips you have to clean an iron. Bought an iron cleaning product at Coles but that was a waste of money. Thanks."
Do you have the answer?
If you have a suggestion or idea for Susan let us know. We'll enter your answer into our Tip of the Week competition, with a one-year membership to the Cheapskates Club as the prize too.
Send your answer
11. Join the Cheapskates Club
For just 10 cents a day you can join the Cheapskates Club and get exclusive access to the Cheapskate Journal, the monthly e-journal that shows you how to cut the costs of everyday living and still have fun.
Joining the Cheapskates Club gives you 24/7 access to the Members Centre with 1000's of money saving tips and articles.
Click here to join the Cheapskates Club today!
12. Gift Memberships
Your family and friends will thank you for a whole year when you give them a Platinum Cheapskates Club membership as a gift.
It's so simple: just select the number of gift memberships required, click the Buy Now button and complete the Gift Membership order form (you must use this form to order gift memberships) and we'll get in touch with you to confirm the gift subscriptions.
Click here to order a gift membership right now!
13. Frequently Asked Questions
How do I change my email address?
This one is easy. Members can update their email address or any other details by clicking on "Edit Profile" directly under their membership number after they have logged in to the Member's Centre. Subscribers to our free newsletter can use the Change Your Address form (under Customer Service in the menu) and fill it out. Once you've filled it in click the send button and we'll do the rest. Please remember to include your old email address so we can find it in the list as well as the new one.
How do I know when my membership should be renewed?
When you login to the Member's Centre you will be told how many days of membership you have left once you have 30 days left. Just click on the link to renew and your membership will just continue on, uninterrupted.
What will you do with my email address?
We never rent, trade or sell our email list to anyone for any reason whatsoever. You'll never get an unsolicited email from a stranger as a result of joining this list.
Read our privacy policy
How Did You Get on Our List?
You signed up to receive our Free Newsletter at our Cheapskates Club Web site or are a Platinum Cheapskates Club member
14. Contact Details
The Cheapskates Club -
Showing you how to live life
debt free, cashed up and laughing!
PO Box 5077 Studfield Vic 3152
[email protected]
2. In the Tip Store - Shower Change, Sizing Saves, My New Go-To Cleaner for Burnt On Stuff
3. Cheapskates Workshop - Let's All MOO
4. Submit Your Tip - Share your favourite tip here
5. On the Menu with Anne - Muffin Surprise
6. The $300 a Month Food Challenge with Wendy - This week it's clean out the fridge week
7. Cheapskates Buzz - Cheapskaters are talking in the Forum and on Cath's blog
8. Member's Featured Blog - No spend, No spend and an Update!!!
9. Last Week's Question - Please help me clean my car!
10. This Week's Question - What can I use to clean my iron?
11. Join the Cheapskates Club
12. Gift Memberships
13. Frequently Asked Questions
14. Contact Details
1. Cath's Corner
Hello Cheapskaters,
We are more than halfway through No Spending month and you are all doing so well. I've been checking the Forum and the amount of no spending going on is so exciting. I love seeing the "no spending today" comments and imagining just how much money has been saved.
It's not easy to stop spending. You really have to consciously think about what you are doing every time you open your purse and that can be a big change in thinking. This week I've asked a few Cheapskaters if they have missed not spending, and the answer has been a resounding "NO" from all.
BarbW put it best "the answer is NO I absolutely do not miss the fact that I did not buy magazines, chocolate, another cook book I did not need and the dress and blouse I thought I had to have at the time. I also do not miss the cups of tea and lattes I did not have and the goodies that would have gone with them. My waistline is better for it too!"
With ten days left there will still be plenty of opportunities to say no to spending. Let's end No Spending month on a high - a savings high!
Happy Cheapskating,
PS: Love our site? We love referrals! Send a note to your favourite newspapers, magazines, radio stations, TV stations, friends and relatives, and tell them about us!
PPS: You can read this newsletter and past copies on the website in the Newsletter Archive.
2. From The Tip Store
Shower Change
Approximate $ Savings: $130
This tip requires a change in how you do the most basic everyday task, but it'll be worth it and but will save you hundreds on your water and electricity bills. I think like most people, until I had this brainwave idea a few months ago, I always used to reached for the hot tap first, then turned on the cold to get to the optimum temperature to fill the bath, have a shower or wash the dishes. With this way, you're using more hot water (and more water in general) to get to the optimum temperature. If you flip this, and put on the cold water tap, then add hot water to reach the optimum temperature, you'll use less electricity, and actually less water as well. You'll notice a drop in your bills, and still enjoy that hot shower you love.
Contributed by Rebecca Elliott
Sizing Saves
Approximate $ Savings: $200+
A tape measure can be a great friend to help you save money. I discovered that queen size flat top sheets were really too big for our bed which doesn't have one of the new super deep mattresses. By buying a double sheet I saved $22 and got the right size. So I measured the depth of all our mattresses, the size of our dining table and every window and keep those measurements in a little notebook along with a small tape measure in my bag. Now if I see a bargain I know if it will fit.
Contributed by Sue Dunstan
My New go to Cleaner for Burnt-on Stuff!
I have a bad habit of walking away when I am cooking. The other day I burnt peaches that I was stewing. I tried everything to clean the saucepan - re-boiling with dishwashing liquid, vinegar, bicarb soda, lots of elbow grease, it wasn't shifting. I then remembered Cath writing about cleaning the oven with dishwasher powder so I thought I would try that. There were a few lumps of powder so I grabbed one and started rubbing, not even hard, the burnt on stuff just dissolved. I then went to the stove top and oven and scrubbed with my little 5c size piece of dishwasher powder (Aldi) and all surfaces came up so clean.
Contributed by Kim Newell
There are more than 11,000 great tips in the Tip Store
3. Cheapskate's Winning Tip
The Let's All MOO Workshop
When: Sunday 29th March 2015
Where: Orana Neighbourhood House, 62 Coleman Rd, Wantirna South
What time: 1:30pm - 4pm
Cost: $30 per person (includes refreshments, samples and handouts)
Click here to book your ticket
4. Submit your tip
Share your favourite hint or tip that saves money, time and energy and be in the running to win a one-year subscription to The Cheapskate Journal.
Remember, you have to be in it to win it!
Submit your tip
5. On the Menu with Anne
Muffin Surprise
We're having Muffin Surprise for tea on Saturday night. It's an easy meal, a cheap meal, a quick meal and it is one that I don't have to cook - the troops can get their own. Just the right type of meal for a weekend or a busy weeknight.
There isn't really a recipe for Muffin Surprise, it's more taking a muffin and adding the toppings you fancy. Cath says the surprise is in the toppings - they're never the same because she never has the same leftovers in the fridge. My Muffin Surprise is much the same, or never the same if you know what I mean.
Muffin Surprise
Toast one or two English muffins per person. Top with any combination of the following, depending on what you have in the pantry, fridge and freezer.
Sliced cheese, sliced tomato, mushrooms, baked beans, tinned spaghetti, left over spag bol, egg (boiled, poached, fried or scrambled), ham, bacon, sliced deli meats - whatever takes your fancy.
This week we will be eating:
Friday: Curried Chicken and rice
Saturday: Muffin Surprise
Sunday: Roast lamb, baked vegetables, broccoli, corn, gravy
Monday: Tuna pie, salad
Tuesday: Schnitzels, wedges, salad
Wednesday: Impossible Quiche and salad
Thursday: Sausages and salad
In the fruit bowl: grapes, bananas, nectarines
In the cake tin: Carrot cake, Lemon Shortbread, banana muffins
There are over 1,300 other great money saving meal ideas in the Recipe File
6. The $300 a Month Food Challenge with Wendy
Welcome to the food challenge everyone.
How did you go last week with the big freezer clean and sort out? Did you find any surprise packages? I did a quick tidy up of my freezers and although I didn't find any mystery packages, I came to realise that I have too much frozen food and my family needs to start eating some. So now I'm trying to write it into the menu plan. We are freezing corn from our garden and it's getting hard to find the room to store it.
This week's challenge is to have a quick wipe and sort out of the fridge. It's time to sort out all those sauces you have lurking in there. You know, the ones that are given at Christmas time in hampers. The ones you wouldn't normally buy but feel you have to use. I pulled out all the sauces the other day and got Darren to sort out what he wanted to keep. Thankfully he threw out five bottles. “Thankfully " you say!!! Yes some of these sauces had been sitting there for a year and were not being used. I was glad to have space on the sauce shelf.
Give each of your shelves a good clean. I use Miracle Spray and a microfibre cloth and it does a fabulous job. Pull the contents of one shelf out at a time. Do you know what's in each container? Check your expiry dates too. If you find items that have expired ask yourself these questions -
* Why did it expire?
* Does the family still like this item?
* Did I buy too many?
* Did I write it into the menu plan?
* Could it have been frozen before it went off?
* Should I buy this again?
I often compare my fridge to a train station. Food goes in and food goes out very quickly just like trains do. The longer the food stays in there the more likely it is to go off. I try to clean out my fridge once a week to keep on top of everything that's in there.
This week's challenge works in conjunction with the previous two weeks. Once you get this task done you'll have a really good idea of all the food in your house. Next week we'll get started on writing inventories.
Is anyone game to sort out their fridge?
Have a great week and BE ENCOURAGED!!!!!!
The $300 a Month Food Challenge
The Post that Started it All
7. Cheapskates Buzz
This week's hot forum topics
Budget Saboteurs
New to Cheapskates
Most popular blog posts this week
Uncomplicate Your Spending Plan
Stretching an already Tight Budget in Retirement
Become a Deadbeat!
8. Member's Featured Blog
Platinum Cheapskates Club members have their very own Cheapskating blogs, and they are wonderful and inspirational and encouraging and even funny. This week's featured blog is written by KarenE.
No spend, No spend and an Update!!!
Well the heading is not quite right but I have only spent on essentials and I've amazed myself.
I know it's only 10 days in but since the 1st of Feb I've only spent $75.91 on groceries which I needed to top up what I already had. I need to buy meat and vegies tomorrow but that won't be much.
I've amazed myself and have finished making up my price book ( I never really thought I would do that ) but it's done and I'm using it. Go me!!!!!!
My pantry is cleaned out, my freezer is cleaned out and my fridge is clean and organised.
I have a menu plan and shopping list.
I've said NO quite a few times to different things including saying NO to me??
I've been picking, tomatoes, silver beet, red onions, rosemary, chillies and the last of the beetroot from the garden, not much I know but it's something.
I've only been carrying $10 in coins in my purse for emergencies, or milk and bread if needed.
I've been re-reading lots of things in the tip store, recipe file, well basically everywhere.
I'm on this site constantly lately but that's good.
I actually think I might be turning into a real Cheapskate.
I have 18 days till I finish up at work and I'm still blown away by what they have done BUT I'm feeling so much better about leaving and starting something new., and hopefully I'll be in my new work location very soon !!!!!!
So I just wanted to give an update on where I'm at and although I'm still stressed about things I'm not obsessed anymore and I just want to move onward and upwards to a better life no matter what happens.
Login to read more Cheapskates Club member blogs
9. Last Week's Question
Last week's question was from Anna who wrote
"Does anyone know an easy way to clean the black brake dust on my car rims? Ordinary washing is a chore/lots of elbow grease required - not easy with older hands to do the work. Also is there a trick or product that will aid in keeping it off or minimise the mess to clean off the next time. Thanks for your help fellow Cheapskaters."
Jenny P. answered
I use "Wheel Cleaner" in 400g aerosol can from $2 shops or Big W. Costs about $3-$4/can from memory. Turns to foam as you spray it on and then hose off. A bristly wheel cleaning brush helps if you want a super good job.
Robyne Neal answered
I had to same problem with my car and I found Gumption cleaned it all off. I cleaned rust runs off the van and leaf marks off the boat. You do need to give it a good rinse after with a rag. It's about $4.50 a tub in Woolworths but lasts for ages and doesn't dry out.
Frances De Andrade answered
Suggest you try Miracle Spray. It cleans almost everything. To avoid problem recurring spray with WD40. It acts as a protective coating. It also reduces tarnish on silver teapots etc.
Kim Gambrell answered
The best product to clean brake dust off rims is a professional product called Wheel Brite, a similar product is available at Auto Retail Stores with RRP under $15 (check the cleaning mag and alloy wheel section).The good thing about these type of products is that not only do they clean the rims but they form a protective coating which reduces future brake dust build up and also means less cleaning time! (This information was given via DH who is in the auto industry).
Do you have a question that needs an answer?
Send us your question and receive the combined knowledge of your fellow Cheapskates to solve your problem!
Ask Your Question
10. This Week's Question
Susan writes
"Hi, just wondering what tips you have to clean an iron. Bought an iron cleaning product at Coles but that was a waste of money. Thanks."
Do you have the answer?
If you have a suggestion or idea for Susan let us know. We'll enter your answer into our Tip of the Week competition, with a one-year membership to the Cheapskates Club as the prize too.
Send your answer
11. Join the Cheapskates Club
For just 10 cents a day you can join the Cheapskates Club and get exclusive access to the Cheapskate Journal, the monthly e-journal that shows you how to cut the costs of everyday living and still have fun.
Joining the Cheapskates Club gives you 24/7 access to the Members Centre with 1000's of money saving tips and articles.
Click here to join the Cheapskates Club today!
12. Gift Memberships
Your family and friends will thank you for a whole year when you give them a Platinum Cheapskates Club membership as a gift.
It's so simple: just select the number of gift memberships required, click the Buy Now button and complete the Gift Membership order form (you must use this form to order gift memberships) and we'll get in touch with you to confirm the gift subscriptions.
Click here to order a gift membership right now!
13. Frequently Asked Questions
How do I change my email address?
This one is easy. Members can update their email address or any other details by clicking on "Edit Profile" directly under their membership number after they have logged in to the Member's Centre. Subscribers to our free newsletter can use the Change Your Address form (under Customer Service in the menu) and fill it out. Once you've filled it in click the send button and we'll do the rest. Please remember to include your old email address so we can find it in the list as well as the new one.
How do I know when my membership should be renewed?
When you login to the Member's Centre you will be told how many days of membership you have left once you have 30 days left. Just click on the link to renew and your membership will just continue on, uninterrupted.
What will you do with my email address?
We never rent, trade or sell our email list to anyone for any reason whatsoever. You'll never get an unsolicited email from a stranger as a result of joining this list.
Read our privacy policy
How Did You Get on Our List?
You signed up to receive our Free Newsletter at our Cheapskates Club Web site or are a Platinum Cheapskates Club member
14. Contact Details
The Cheapskates Club -
Showing you how to live life
debt free, cashed up and laughing!
PO Box 5077 Studfield Vic 3152
[email protected]