Your Cheapskates Club Newsletter: 13:14 Bright ideas to save you money
1. Cath's Corner
2. In the Tip Store - $5 Saving Plan, Save on Training Nappies, MOO Seasoned Bread Crumbs
3. Cheapskate's Winning Tip - Save Big on Medical Bills
4. Submit Your Tip - Have a favourite hint? Share it here and you could be a winner!
5. Living Green in 2014 - Recycling Your Junk Mail
6. On the Menu with Anne - Elephant Ears
7. The $300 a Month Food Challenge with Wendy - Keeping the Cost of Toiletries Under Control
8. Cheapskates Buzz - Cheapskaters are talking in the Forum and on Cath's blog
9. The Art of Living the Cheapskates Way Workshop - New 1 Day workshop announced
10. Last Week's Question - It's time to think about a funeral plan
11. This Week's Question - Help needed with storing and organizing digital photos
12. Join the Cheapskates Club
13. Gift Memberships
14. Frequently Asked Questions
15. Contact Details
1. Cath's Corner
Hello Cheapskaters,
I hope you're having a wonderful week. We've had a (very) little rain here and oh my goodness but it has perked up the garden. The cooler days mean less watering too, although the wind dries things out very quickly. The autumn garden is starting to look beautiful.
I'm a little excited because we've put in three new raised beds and I'm having fun contemplating what to plant in them while they settle down. I'll let you know what I decide on next week.
I'm more than a little excited about the next workshop. It is a full day, yes one whole day of Cheapskating fun. Four new sessions, with lots of new ideas and tips and MOOs. This is a hands-on workshop, where everyone will be MOOing all day long. Can you imagine it - a room full of chatty Cheapskaters (because if previous workshops are anything to go by they will be chatting) all MOOing away. I can't wait! If you missed the email on Tuesday night, you can find out more about this workshop here.
On that note I get requests just about every day to visit Brisbane or Perth or Adelaide or Sydney or Hobart or Broken Hill or Ballarat and just about every other city or town in Australia. I ran a poll a couple of weeks ago to see if there was enough interest in me visiting and the results were less than encouraging for interstate visits. So I'll try again. Please take a minute to take the survey, it will really help with planning future workshops.
MOO Month is almost over and it's been so much fun. I've loved trying new MOOs to include, and sharing some old favourites. If you haven't been following MOO Month or have missed a couple of the daily MOOs, you can find them on my blog, under the "31 Days of MOO" banner.
"Cath, I just love this months MOO tips. I look forward to them every day. The main topic in our family is the MOO tip. Thanks Cath for making each day special." Jill
"Hello Cath, Knew there was once an answer to my question, an answer before the days of regular grey hair roots, sure enough there is was in the tip store from 2009. My question was how to buy one hair colour, not use it all and apportion it wisely for root touch ups later on. Could have figured it out but so much more helpful to find it in the tips store from a lady in Bendigo. Thank you!" Carol
"Hi Cath, Just a follow up from my last email regarding the Miracle Spray. I took your advice and over the weekend I cleaned to my hearts content and wiped over surfaces to remove any residue. Needless to say my house is clean, sparkling and smells lovely (not of chemicals). Thank you so much for your help."Louisa
Have a great week everyone (and if you could, please take the survey).
PS: Love our site? We love referrals! Send a note to your favourite newspapers, magazines, radio stations, TV stations, friends and relatives, and tell them about us!
PPS: You can read this newsletter and past copies on the website in the Newsletter Archive.
2. From The Tip Store
$5 Saving Plan
Approximate $ Savings: $60 - $70 a fortnight
My husband and I have started what we call our $5 savings plan. It is very simple, at the end of each day if either of us have a $5 note in our wallet they go straight into a jar (we are using an old Moccona jar that is a good size) the great thing is you don't even miss the $5 note the next day and it adds up so quickly! we were shocked that in two weeks we had saved $65 and in four weeks we had over $150 and we hadn't even missed the money we were putting away. It has inspired us to try and hold on to any $5 notes we get given as change so we can put it away!
Contributed by Joanne Dodd
Save on Training Nappies
Approximate $ Savings: $150 a month
My granddaughter is at the 'catch if you can' stage of toilet training and the misses are as many or more than the catches at this stage. The pull-on pants which she loves (big girl pants!) and are ideal are also expensive; they work out around 73 cents each buying in a pack of 24 ($17.45 a pack). I decided to try children's panties with a "moderate" (3 dot) incontinence pad in them, around 34 cents each in a pack of 14. They worked beautifully and she is even happier with "proper pants". The pack of pants lasted a week, using around 3 a day and one at night. Twenty-four pads costs around $8 per week, saving $9.50 per week or $38 every month. In the 3-4 months that with luck it will take to train a 2-1/2 year old I reckon on a saving of $150!
Contributed by Judith Bancks
MOO Seasoned Bread Crumbs
A great way to use up bread crusts is to put then into your food processor. Then place them on an oven tray and sprinkle in some sesame seeds. Put on low heat in the oven and check regularly. Mix them around to ensure they're all dried out. You now have delicious bread crumbs. It's important to add the sesame seeds at this stage so they pop in the oven instead of when they're cooking in the hot oil.
Contributed by Robyn Stewart
There are more than 11,000 great tips in the Tip Store
3. Cheapskates Winning tip
This week's winning tip is from Nadia Fedorenko. Nadia has won a one year Platinum Cheapskates Club membership for submitting her winning tip.
Save Big on Medical Bills
Approximate $ Savings: $154.00
I saved $154.00 by spending five minutes on the phone. My cardiologist wrote me a referral for an ultrasound of my heart at a Melbourne hospital. My friend asked me what it was going to cost. I did not even think about cost because when my GP has previously sent me for ultrasounds for other reasons it was always bulk billed at the clinics I was sent to. My friend suggested I check as hers was very, very expensive. Being a low income earner with no private health cover, and a frugal careful person, I rang the hospital to check and was shocked that it was $350.00! I checked that Medicare gave back $196.00 which still left me $154.00 out of pocket! A lot of money for someone who had no work for the last few months. I immediately rang the bulk billing clinic where I had previous bulk billed ultrasounds for other reasons and asked if they did this particular heart one and I was delighted to hear they did and it was totally bulk billed. I immediately rang my cardiologist's office to check if they had a problem with me going there. They had no problem. It was actually closer to my home and easier to get to. Total time 5 minutes on the phone, saving $154.00 plus time and petrol money saved driving to an HBA office for a rebate as I just had to give my Medicare card when I arrived and it was taken care of. Tip - when you get sent for further medical scans, x-rays, ultrasounds etc. check the cost and if it can be done elsewhere and bulk billed before you make the appointment.
Congratulations Nadia I hope you enjoy your Cheapskates Club membership.
4. Submit your tip
The Cheapskate's Club website is over 3,000 pages of money saving hints, tips and ideas. Let's get together and make the Cheapskates Club Australia's largest online hint, tip and idea library. Share your favourite money saving, time saving or energy saving hint and be in the running to win a one-year membership to The Cheapskate Club. We publish a Winning Tip each Thursday, so enter your great money, time or energy saving idea now.
Share your favourite hint or tip that saves money, time and energy and be in the running to win a one-year subscription to The Cheapskate Journal.
Remember, you have to be in it to win it!
Submit your tip
5. Living Green in 2014
Recycling Your Junk Mail
Going green is not only great for the environment, but it's easy on your wallet. Check out this Green Money Tip on how to finally get some use out of all that pesky junk mail and save money at the same time.
If you're like most people, you make quick lists throughout your week, such as the errands you need to do today or items you want to pick up at the grocery store. You've got tons of those little memo pads you buy at the office supply store. Every-where throughout the house, the car, your purse and your briefcase, you need a scratch pad.
Rather than purchase all those pads of paper for your lists and notes, try the follow-ing:
When junk mail arrives, open each envelope.
Next, sort the papers by size.
Stack the papers, turning each paper over so the blank sides are on top.
Use the envelopes as long as they are blank and have little writing on the back side. Envelopes are the perfect size for task and store lists.
Staple each stack of like-sized junk mail papers in the top left corner.
You've just made your own scratch paper pads and they didn't cost a cent.
6. On the Menu with Anne
Elephant Ears
Annette emailed asking what Elephant Ears are. Elephant Ears are one of our favourite sweet or savoury treats. We love them hot, straight from the pan, with hot chocolate in winter and cold milk or lemonade in summer.
Elephant Ears
1 packet flour tortillas (8, 10 or 12 -- depends on size you choose)
Cinnamon sugar
Oil for frying
Heat about 1cm oil in fry pan. Put 1 tortilla into the oil for 10 seconds. Turn with tongs and do the other side. After it is turned the tortilla will puff up. Remove from pan with tongs and put in a container with the cinnamon sugar, toss to coat the elephant's ear with the mixture. Serve immediately.
Cinnamon Sugar
1/4 cup white sugar
2 tsp cinnamon
Mix well. Store in an airtight container.
This week we will be eating:
Friday: Tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches
Saturday: Apricot chicken over steamed savoury rice
Sunday: Roast lamb, rosemary and garlic roasted vegetables
Monday: Chicken parmas, wedges, tomato, onion and zucchini casserole
Tuesday: Spaghetti carbonara, tossed salad, bread rolls
Wednesday: Fish fillets, oven fries and tartare sauce
Thursday: Honey soy chicken with vegetables over noodles
In the fruit bowl: apples, pears, oranges and kiwi fruit
In the cake tin: Chocolate coconut slice, apple slice, Cornflake cookies
There are over 1,300 other great money saving meal ideas in the Recipe File
7. The $300 a Month Food Challenge with Wendy
Keeping the cost of toiletries under control can be a challenge. Yes they are included in the $300 a month food challenge, but I only include basics like shampoo, conditioner, face soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, shower gel and liquid hand soap. I dilute as many things as I can to get value for money. Liquid hand soap is no exception.
I've tried all sort of hand soaps over the years. I've made my own liquid hand soap with varying degrees of success. It ends up being goopy and clogs up the dispenser. I've tried diluting it but then it squirts everywhere but my hands.
Store bought liquid hand soap is costly and way too thick. If the liquid gets too warm it leaks out of the pump. The hands free dispensers are so over priced and leave a mess on the bench. I've seen this many times when I clean clients homes.
Bars of soap might be the cheapest option but can end up sitting in a pool of soapy water if the soap dish isn't cleaned regularly. Also, who wants to deal with a bar of soap when you have raw meat to wash off your hands - ewww!!!
I've now found a solution to the soap problem. Introducing "Foaming hand soap". It's fantastic. I've bought it, I've tried it and I love it. I can promise you I don't buy many new products and I rarely rave about them. Originally I tried to find a foaming soap dispenser bottle in the discount shops but couldn't find one anywhere. So I waited until the foaming soap came on sale in a chemist for $1.99.
It smells and feels great on my hands and so little is needed with each use. The bottle has a sturdy base and is mess free. When the bottle was half empty I topped it up with water. It stilled worked just the same. When it eventually ran out I found some shower gel in the bathroom cupboard of the same fragrance. So I diluted it one part shower gel to three parts water, mixed it well and filled the dispenser up. It works a treat and costs a fraction of the original price. The shower gel cost $2.50 for a 500 ml bottle. Diluting it means I'll get eight refills from the shower gel costing $0.31 for each 250 ml refill
Both our bathrooms now have a bottle. My girls love it. They think it's luxurious. As soon as the MOO liquid hand soap runs out, the kitchen will get foaming hand soap too.
Just another way to cut the cost of grocery shopping. I'm hoping you'll enjoy foaming hand soap too.
Have a great week and BE ENCOURAGED!!!!
The $300 a Month Food Challenge
The Post that Started it All
8.Cheapskates Buzz
This week's hot forum topics
What's on for today
The 31 Days of MOO
Advice from camping gurus please!!
Most popular blog posts this week
Food Processor Cinnamon Scrolls
Off the Grid Appliances
Composting: A Great Way to Save Money in the Garden and Go Green
9. The Art of Living the Cheapskates Way Workshops
New - 1 Day Workshop
Come along and join us for a whole day of fun, frivolity, food and frugality as we refine the Art of Living the Cheapskates Way.
Places are limited for this hands on workshop (yes, you'll be put to work!) to be held on Saturday 17th May 2014
Click here for more information and to book your place now.
10. Last Week's Question
Last week's question was from Trish who wrote
"My brother-in-law recently lost his wife and intends taking out a funeral plan. Is their someone with any suggestions as to a reasonably priced reliable provider? Many thanks."
Janine Benson answered
Don't buy a funeral plan. Instead visit the local funeral director and arrange for a pre-paid funeral. You can pay it off and once you have paid the full amount there are no more payments. They put your money in trust and the interest it earns covers any CPI increases. When my mum died we didn't have to worry about a thing. The best part was we received money back as the interest it earned was more than the funeral cost. Those insurance take your money and if you cancel you get nothing back.
Eilene Baxter answered
When my husband died, I arranged a double plot with a head stone that set out both of us but left a line for my dates and the 's' of the word " parents". The stone mason simply fills in the line and ads the 's' when its time. I had the opportunity of buying the three sites next his burial plot for our three children at approximately $1,000 each. I had the option of paying for entombment as well but declined. The kids can keep them or sell them when they're old enough to decide. I then opened a bank account and added the cost of a funeral. This has been put away to be used when needed. No weekly fees, account is accessible immediately. And burial site is already covered. (Be careful of how long the lease on the site is. Some are indefinite, some are 25years.)
Maggie Hodges answered
I would recommend purchasing a Funeral Bond as opposed to a Plan. Your preferred funeral director will probably be able to arrange this and most offer payment plans. This means that you pay for the agreed funeral cost in advance with no ongoing payments. We did this for my Mum and it worked out really well as the Funeral Director already had our arrangements on file and handled everything for us. It also worked out heaps cheaper than ongoing payments.
Nick Haggarty answered
Funeral insurance is almost always sold as what's called a stepped premium, meaning the cost of the premium in the first year escalates very quickly to eventually cost many times more than an expensive funeral would. If you cancel your cover you don't get any money back. If you were to save the equivalent of the funeral insurance premiums each year until you had enough to pay for a pre-paid funeral, your loved ones would be much better off. The only catch is that you have to live long enough after you start saving (which would be a few years, depending on how big a funeral you want, the returns on your savings and the funeral insurance your savings are replicating.)
Do you have a question that needs an answer?
Send us your question and receive the combined knowledge of your fellow Cheapskates to solve your problem!
Ask Your Question
11. This Week's Question
Liz writes
"I need help desperately. Last week my girlfriend had her camera stolen at a local park, no biggie, except that she hadn't downloaded the pictures. That had me thinking; I tend to wait until the card is full then just download it to the "My Pictures" folder on my computer. And there they sit. I really need ideas on how to safely organise and store them so I can not only find them when I want them but not lose them. How does everyone else organise and store their digital photos?"
Do you have the answer?
If you have a suggestion or idea for Liz let us know. We'll enter your answer into our Tip of the Week competition, with a one-year membership to the Cheapskates Club as the prize too.
Send your answer
12. Join the Cheapskates Club
For just 10 cents a day you can join the Cheapskates Club and get exclusive access to the Cheapskate Journal, the monthly e-journal that shows you how to cut the costs of everyday living and still have fun.
Joining the Cheapskates Club gives you 24/7 access to the Members Centre with 1000's of money saving tips and articles.
Click here to join the Cheapskates Club today!
13. Gift Memberships
Your family and friends will thank you for a whole year when you give them a Platinum Cheapskates Club membership as a gift.
It's so simple: just select the number of gift memberships required, click the Buy Now button and complete the Gift Membership order form (you must use this form to order gift memberships) and we'll get in touch with you to confirm the gift subscriptions.
Click here to order a gift membership right now!
14. Frequently Asked Questions
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This one is easy. Members can update their email address or any other details by clicking on "Edit Profile" directly under their membership number after they have logged in to the Member's Centre. Subscribers to our free newsletter can use the Change Your Address form (under Customer Service in the menu) and fill it out. Once you've filled it in click the send button and we'll do the rest. Please remember to include your old email address so we can find it in the list as well as the new one.
How do I know when my membership should be renewed?
When you login to the Member's Centre you will be told how many days of membership you have left once you have 30 days left. Just click on the link to renew and your membership will just continue on, uninterrupted.
What will you do with my email address?
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You signed up to receive our Free Newsletter at our Cheapskates Club Web site or are a Platinum Cheapskates Club member
15. Contact Details
The Cheapskates Club -
Showing you how to live life
debt free, cashed up and laughing!
PO Box 5077 Studfield Vic 3152
[email protected]
2. In the Tip Store - $5 Saving Plan, Save on Training Nappies, MOO Seasoned Bread Crumbs
3. Cheapskate's Winning Tip - Save Big on Medical Bills
4. Submit Your Tip - Have a favourite hint? Share it here and you could be a winner!
5. Living Green in 2014 - Recycling Your Junk Mail
6. On the Menu with Anne - Elephant Ears
7. The $300 a Month Food Challenge with Wendy - Keeping the Cost of Toiletries Under Control
8. Cheapskates Buzz - Cheapskaters are talking in the Forum and on Cath's blog
9. The Art of Living the Cheapskates Way Workshop - New 1 Day workshop announced
10. Last Week's Question - It's time to think about a funeral plan
11. This Week's Question - Help needed with storing and organizing digital photos
12. Join the Cheapskates Club
13. Gift Memberships
14. Frequently Asked Questions
15. Contact Details
1. Cath's Corner
Hello Cheapskaters,
I hope you're having a wonderful week. We've had a (very) little rain here and oh my goodness but it has perked up the garden. The cooler days mean less watering too, although the wind dries things out very quickly. The autumn garden is starting to look beautiful.
I'm a little excited because we've put in three new raised beds and I'm having fun contemplating what to plant in them while they settle down. I'll let you know what I decide on next week.
I'm more than a little excited about the next workshop. It is a full day, yes one whole day of Cheapskating fun. Four new sessions, with lots of new ideas and tips and MOOs. This is a hands-on workshop, where everyone will be MOOing all day long. Can you imagine it - a room full of chatty Cheapskaters (because if previous workshops are anything to go by they will be chatting) all MOOing away. I can't wait! If you missed the email on Tuesday night, you can find out more about this workshop here.
On that note I get requests just about every day to visit Brisbane or Perth or Adelaide or Sydney or Hobart or Broken Hill or Ballarat and just about every other city or town in Australia. I ran a poll a couple of weeks ago to see if there was enough interest in me visiting and the results were less than encouraging for interstate visits. So I'll try again. Please take a minute to take the survey, it will really help with planning future workshops.
MOO Month is almost over and it's been so much fun. I've loved trying new MOOs to include, and sharing some old favourites. If you haven't been following MOO Month or have missed a couple of the daily MOOs, you can find them on my blog, under the "31 Days of MOO" banner.
"Cath, I just love this months MOO tips. I look forward to them every day. The main topic in our family is the MOO tip. Thanks Cath for making each day special." Jill
"Hello Cath, Knew there was once an answer to my question, an answer before the days of regular grey hair roots, sure enough there is was in the tip store from 2009. My question was how to buy one hair colour, not use it all and apportion it wisely for root touch ups later on. Could have figured it out but so much more helpful to find it in the tips store from a lady in Bendigo. Thank you!" Carol
"Hi Cath, Just a follow up from my last email regarding the Miracle Spray. I took your advice and over the weekend I cleaned to my hearts content and wiped over surfaces to remove any residue. Needless to say my house is clean, sparkling and smells lovely (not of chemicals). Thank you so much for your help."Louisa
Have a great week everyone (and if you could, please take the survey).
PS: Love our site? We love referrals! Send a note to your favourite newspapers, magazines, radio stations, TV stations, friends and relatives, and tell them about us!
PPS: You can read this newsletter and past copies on the website in the Newsletter Archive.
2. From The Tip Store
$5 Saving Plan
Approximate $ Savings: $60 - $70 a fortnight
My husband and I have started what we call our $5 savings plan. It is very simple, at the end of each day if either of us have a $5 note in our wallet they go straight into a jar (we are using an old Moccona jar that is a good size) the great thing is you don't even miss the $5 note the next day and it adds up so quickly! we were shocked that in two weeks we had saved $65 and in four weeks we had over $150 and we hadn't even missed the money we were putting away. It has inspired us to try and hold on to any $5 notes we get given as change so we can put it away!
Contributed by Joanne Dodd
Save on Training Nappies
Approximate $ Savings: $150 a month
My granddaughter is at the 'catch if you can' stage of toilet training and the misses are as many or more than the catches at this stage. The pull-on pants which she loves (big girl pants!) and are ideal are also expensive; they work out around 73 cents each buying in a pack of 24 ($17.45 a pack). I decided to try children's panties with a "moderate" (3 dot) incontinence pad in them, around 34 cents each in a pack of 14. They worked beautifully and she is even happier with "proper pants". The pack of pants lasted a week, using around 3 a day and one at night. Twenty-four pads costs around $8 per week, saving $9.50 per week or $38 every month. In the 3-4 months that with luck it will take to train a 2-1/2 year old I reckon on a saving of $150!
Contributed by Judith Bancks
MOO Seasoned Bread Crumbs
A great way to use up bread crusts is to put then into your food processor. Then place them on an oven tray and sprinkle in some sesame seeds. Put on low heat in the oven and check regularly. Mix them around to ensure they're all dried out. You now have delicious bread crumbs. It's important to add the sesame seeds at this stage so they pop in the oven instead of when they're cooking in the hot oil.
Contributed by Robyn Stewart
There are more than 11,000 great tips in the Tip Store
3. Cheapskates Winning tip
This week's winning tip is from Nadia Fedorenko. Nadia has won a one year Platinum Cheapskates Club membership for submitting her winning tip.
Save Big on Medical Bills
Approximate $ Savings: $154.00
I saved $154.00 by spending five minutes on the phone. My cardiologist wrote me a referral for an ultrasound of my heart at a Melbourne hospital. My friend asked me what it was going to cost. I did not even think about cost because when my GP has previously sent me for ultrasounds for other reasons it was always bulk billed at the clinics I was sent to. My friend suggested I check as hers was very, very expensive. Being a low income earner with no private health cover, and a frugal careful person, I rang the hospital to check and was shocked that it was $350.00! I checked that Medicare gave back $196.00 which still left me $154.00 out of pocket! A lot of money for someone who had no work for the last few months. I immediately rang the bulk billing clinic where I had previous bulk billed ultrasounds for other reasons and asked if they did this particular heart one and I was delighted to hear they did and it was totally bulk billed. I immediately rang my cardiologist's office to check if they had a problem with me going there. They had no problem. It was actually closer to my home and easier to get to. Total time 5 minutes on the phone, saving $154.00 plus time and petrol money saved driving to an HBA office for a rebate as I just had to give my Medicare card when I arrived and it was taken care of. Tip - when you get sent for further medical scans, x-rays, ultrasounds etc. check the cost and if it can be done elsewhere and bulk billed before you make the appointment.
Congratulations Nadia I hope you enjoy your Cheapskates Club membership.
4. Submit your tip
The Cheapskate's Club website is over 3,000 pages of money saving hints, tips and ideas. Let's get together and make the Cheapskates Club Australia's largest online hint, tip and idea library. Share your favourite money saving, time saving or energy saving hint and be in the running to win a one-year membership to The Cheapskate Club. We publish a Winning Tip each Thursday, so enter your great money, time or energy saving idea now.
Share your favourite hint or tip that saves money, time and energy and be in the running to win a one-year subscription to The Cheapskate Journal.
Remember, you have to be in it to win it!
Submit your tip
5. Living Green in 2014
Recycling Your Junk Mail
Going green is not only great for the environment, but it's easy on your wallet. Check out this Green Money Tip on how to finally get some use out of all that pesky junk mail and save money at the same time.
If you're like most people, you make quick lists throughout your week, such as the errands you need to do today or items you want to pick up at the grocery store. You've got tons of those little memo pads you buy at the office supply store. Every-where throughout the house, the car, your purse and your briefcase, you need a scratch pad.
Rather than purchase all those pads of paper for your lists and notes, try the follow-ing:
When junk mail arrives, open each envelope.
Next, sort the papers by size.
Stack the papers, turning each paper over so the blank sides are on top.
Use the envelopes as long as they are blank and have little writing on the back side. Envelopes are the perfect size for task and store lists.
Staple each stack of like-sized junk mail papers in the top left corner.
You've just made your own scratch paper pads and they didn't cost a cent.
- Place a pad in your kitchen to serve as a shopping list.
- Put one of your junk mail pads in your car to scribble important notes.
- Store a pad on your bedside table to record special information before retiring.
- Keep one of your junk mail pads in your bag or briefcase for quick notes.
6. On the Menu with Anne
Elephant Ears
Annette emailed asking what Elephant Ears are. Elephant Ears are one of our favourite sweet or savoury treats. We love them hot, straight from the pan, with hot chocolate in winter and cold milk or lemonade in summer.
Elephant Ears
1 packet flour tortillas (8, 10 or 12 -- depends on size you choose)
Cinnamon sugar
Oil for frying
Heat about 1cm oil in fry pan. Put 1 tortilla into the oil for 10 seconds. Turn with tongs and do the other side. After it is turned the tortilla will puff up. Remove from pan with tongs and put in a container with the cinnamon sugar, toss to coat the elephant's ear with the mixture. Serve immediately.
Cinnamon Sugar
1/4 cup white sugar
2 tsp cinnamon
Mix well. Store in an airtight container.
This week we will be eating:
Friday: Tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches
Saturday: Apricot chicken over steamed savoury rice
Sunday: Roast lamb, rosemary and garlic roasted vegetables
Monday: Chicken parmas, wedges, tomato, onion and zucchini casserole
Tuesday: Spaghetti carbonara, tossed salad, bread rolls
Wednesday: Fish fillets, oven fries and tartare sauce
Thursday: Honey soy chicken with vegetables over noodles
In the fruit bowl: apples, pears, oranges and kiwi fruit
In the cake tin: Chocolate coconut slice, apple slice, Cornflake cookies
There are over 1,300 other great money saving meal ideas in the Recipe File
7. The $300 a Month Food Challenge with Wendy
Keeping the cost of toiletries under control can be a challenge. Yes they are included in the $300 a month food challenge, but I only include basics like shampoo, conditioner, face soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, shower gel and liquid hand soap. I dilute as many things as I can to get value for money. Liquid hand soap is no exception.
I've tried all sort of hand soaps over the years. I've made my own liquid hand soap with varying degrees of success. It ends up being goopy and clogs up the dispenser. I've tried diluting it but then it squirts everywhere but my hands.
Store bought liquid hand soap is costly and way too thick. If the liquid gets too warm it leaks out of the pump. The hands free dispensers are so over priced and leave a mess on the bench. I've seen this many times when I clean clients homes.
Bars of soap might be the cheapest option but can end up sitting in a pool of soapy water if the soap dish isn't cleaned regularly. Also, who wants to deal with a bar of soap when you have raw meat to wash off your hands - ewww!!!
I've now found a solution to the soap problem. Introducing "Foaming hand soap". It's fantastic. I've bought it, I've tried it and I love it. I can promise you I don't buy many new products and I rarely rave about them. Originally I tried to find a foaming soap dispenser bottle in the discount shops but couldn't find one anywhere. So I waited until the foaming soap came on sale in a chemist for $1.99.
It smells and feels great on my hands and so little is needed with each use. The bottle has a sturdy base and is mess free. When the bottle was half empty I topped it up with water. It stilled worked just the same. When it eventually ran out I found some shower gel in the bathroom cupboard of the same fragrance. So I diluted it one part shower gel to three parts water, mixed it well and filled the dispenser up. It works a treat and costs a fraction of the original price. The shower gel cost $2.50 for a 500 ml bottle. Diluting it means I'll get eight refills from the shower gel costing $0.31 for each 250 ml refill
Both our bathrooms now have a bottle. My girls love it. They think it's luxurious. As soon as the MOO liquid hand soap runs out, the kitchen will get foaming hand soap too.
Just another way to cut the cost of grocery shopping. I'm hoping you'll enjoy foaming hand soap too.
Have a great week and BE ENCOURAGED!!!!
The $300 a Month Food Challenge
The Post that Started it All
8.Cheapskates Buzz
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9. The Art of Living the Cheapskates Way Workshops
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10. Last Week's Question
Last week's question was from Trish who wrote
"My brother-in-law recently lost his wife and intends taking out a funeral plan. Is their someone with any suggestions as to a reasonably priced reliable provider? Many thanks."
Janine Benson answered
Don't buy a funeral plan. Instead visit the local funeral director and arrange for a pre-paid funeral. You can pay it off and once you have paid the full amount there are no more payments. They put your money in trust and the interest it earns covers any CPI increases. When my mum died we didn't have to worry about a thing. The best part was we received money back as the interest it earned was more than the funeral cost. Those insurance take your money and if you cancel you get nothing back.
Eilene Baxter answered
When my husband died, I arranged a double plot with a head stone that set out both of us but left a line for my dates and the 's' of the word " parents". The stone mason simply fills in the line and ads the 's' when its time. I had the opportunity of buying the three sites next his burial plot for our three children at approximately $1,000 each. I had the option of paying for entombment as well but declined. The kids can keep them or sell them when they're old enough to decide. I then opened a bank account and added the cost of a funeral. This has been put away to be used when needed. No weekly fees, account is accessible immediately. And burial site is already covered. (Be careful of how long the lease on the site is. Some are indefinite, some are 25years.)
Maggie Hodges answered
I would recommend purchasing a Funeral Bond as opposed to a Plan. Your preferred funeral director will probably be able to arrange this and most offer payment plans. This means that you pay for the agreed funeral cost in advance with no ongoing payments. We did this for my Mum and it worked out really well as the Funeral Director already had our arrangements on file and handled everything for us. It also worked out heaps cheaper than ongoing payments.
Nick Haggarty answered
Funeral insurance is almost always sold as what's called a stepped premium, meaning the cost of the premium in the first year escalates very quickly to eventually cost many times more than an expensive funeral would. If you cancel your cover you don't get any money back. If you were to save the equivalent of the funeral insurance premiums each year until you had enough to pay for a pre-paid funeral, your loved ones would be much better off. The only catch is that you have to live long enough after you start saving (which would be a few years, depending on how big a funeral you want, the returns on your savings and the funeral insurance your savings are replicating.)
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11. This Week's Question
Liz writes
"I need help desperately. Last week my girlfriend had her camera stolen at a local park, no biggie, except that she hadn't downloaded the pictures. That had me thinking; I tend to wait until the card is full then just download it to the "My Pictures" folder on my computer. And there they sit. I really need ideas on how to safely organise and store them so I can not only find them when I want them but not lose them. How does everyone else organise and store their digital photos?"
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