Your Cheapskates Club Newsletter: 16:14 Bright ideas to save you money
1. Cath's Corner
2. In the Tip Store - Organized Meals = Organized Shopping and Big Savings, A Miracle Way to be Rid of Ants, Dogs Dinner Deluxe
3. Cheapskate's Winning Tip - Stop the Washday Fade
4. Submit Your Tip -You have to be in it to win it!
5. Living Green in 2014 - Reduce Car Use, Save Money and the Planet
6. On the Menu with Anne - Hummingbird Cake
7. The $300 a Month Food Challenge with Wendy - Pantry Organisation Makes Room for a Stockpile
8. Cheapskates Buzz - Cheapskaters are talking in the Forum and on Cath's blog
9. Member's Featured Blog - Going Strong by Leanne68
10. Last Week's Question - Caring for antique chairs
11. This Week's Question - Where do I buy whole grains at a decent price?
12. Join the Cheapskates Club
13. Gift Memberships
14. Frequently Asked Questions
15. Contact Details
1. Cath's Corner
From my home to yours we wish you all a happy and safe Easter. We have visitors for the weekend, with lunch with our extended family, a train exhibition to visit (Wayne and AJ, not my cup of tea) and hopefully lots of gardening done to get the late winter/early spring veggies in and under way.
The 1 Day workshop is almost full and this week is the last week to take advantage of the payment plan, if that suits your Spending Plan better than one lump sum payment. Hannah has been busy this week working on samples for the hands one workshops and I will admit to being just a tad envious. I know it's work, but it's fun too and she sure was having fun and you will too during the four workshop sessions, you'll even get to take your creations home with you. If you'd like to know more about this workshop or to book your spot, you can do so here on the Cheapskates Club website.
Here's a couple of the lovely emails that have come in this week:
Please pass on my best regards to Wendy for her $300 Monthly Challenge writings. I love her catchphrase "Be encouraged" and I certainly am! I am an older woman who has needed to budget hard at various times of life (4 children then a single mum) and now as an aged pensioner. I love your whole ethos of living well without wasting cash or goods. So good for our environment and our health as well as our finances. Jan
I LOVE this site, and visit most days. I need my fix, in essence; you guys help me to stay on track so much. Rosie
Hi Cath, Love your Cheapskates newsletters and page. Just renewed my platinum membership by direct payment, thank you. Valerie Cooper
Absolutely loving the challenge of the $300 a month food challenge. We are a family of seven, so I budget $525 a month. Haven't reached it yet, but last month was $547.82, so close. It's made me all the more determined this month, and it looks like I'll come in right on target, even with Easter. I'd never be able to get our grocery bill down so low without Cheapskates and this amazing challenge. Sheree Watson
Have a lovely Easter and a great week.
PS: Love our site? We love referrals! Send a note to your favourite newspapers, magazines, radio stations, TV stations, friends and relatives, and tell them about us!
PPS: You can read this newsletter and past copies on the website in the Newsletter Archive.
2. From The Tip Store
Organized Meals = Organized Shopping and Big Savings
When I do my fortnightly shopping I have my pre-prepared list to include my ten dinners for the two weeks following. The core of the list is dinners, then other items follow in order of importance. I also try to duplicate the ingredients (i.e.: mince for lasagne in first week and mince for hamburgers the second week as I have found that buying a larger quantity and splitting in two portions is cheaper, this is especially so with meat.) Being organised like this prevents you from dashing to the shops at the last minute to buy that one missing ingredient, as I believe that is when you completely blow your budget by purchasing items not really necessary. Stick to your list, try to go without the kids and if necessary split your shop between multiple stores i.e.: butcher, greengrocer etc. (preferably all in the one centre) to maximise both time and savings.
Contributed by Erin Bridges
A Miracle Way to be Rid of Ants
I have just discovered that 'miracle spray' is great for ant problems. Light spray along the ant trail and a heftier one at the source and job done. Within seconds the ants are dead and no sign of new invaders.
Contributed by Tracy Hicks
Editors note: Miracle Spray really is miraculous! If you haven't tried it yet, here's the Tip Sheet with the recipe and some other uses for it. Cath
Dogs Dinner Deluxe
Approximate $ Savings: $5-10 per week
If you like to make your own stock - as I do - and you also like to make sure your pets are eating good food that costs little - try the following: make stock for soups, risottos- etc. using carrot and celery. When you drain the stock keep the left over vegetables and add to some cooked mince steak and rice for the cheapest doggie dinners. It is wonderful to find two uses for the same product and saves hundreds of dollars over a year in buying pet food. Everyone wins! Note: Don't use onion or garlic in your stock, add it to your recipe later. Onion and garlic are toxic to dogs and can make them very sick, even kill them.
Contributed by Andrea McCarthy
There are more than 11,000 great tips in the Tip Store
3. Cheapskates Winning tip
This week's winning tip is from Louise Campbell. Louise has won a one year Platinum Cheapskates Club membership for submitting her winning tip.
Stop the Washday Fade
Even though most clothes and manchester are marked as "colour fast" these days they all tend to fade, especially the stronger colours like the reds, navy blues and darker greens. This was especially distressing for me as I spent a lot of money (more than I normally would) buying new towel sets for our bathroom and I noticed that the lovely fuchsia colour was starting to fade after just a couple of washes - my beautiful towels were being washed away! My Mother gave me a tip to stop the colour fade and it works. Not only that I didn't need to buy anything special and I was able to fix the colour fade in just a day. To set colours in new clothes soak them in cold water and ordinary table salt. I use about two cups of plain table salt to a bucket of cold water. Soak for about three hours. This will “set” the colours and helps clothes not fade. Always wash colours in the cold water, with the bare minimum of detergent and for the shortest wash cycle you can. Water and detergent can leech out colour and send it down the drain. For our towels I don't use detergent at all unless they are particularly grubby or someone has been ill - most of the time they just need to be freshened up as they are not actually "dirty". My lovely new towels have kept their colour now for almost a year and still look fantastic. I wish I'd known to do this when they were brand new and kept the original colour.
Congratulations Louise I hope you enjoy your Cheapskates Club membership.
4. Submit your tip
The Cheapskate's Club website is over 3,000 pages of money saving hints, tips and ideas. Let's get together and make the Cheapskates Club Australia's largest online hint, tip and idea library. Share your favourite money saving, time saving or energy saving hint and be in the running to win a one-year membership to The Cheapskate Club. We publish a Winning Tip each Thursday, so enter your great money, time or energy saving idea now.
Share your favourite hint or tip that saves money, time and energy and be in the running to win a one-year subscription to The Cheapskate Journal.
Remember, you have to be in it to win it!
Submit your tip
5. Living Green in 2014
Reduce Car Use, Save Money and the Planet
Vehicle emissions contribute a considerable amount of air pollution and the accumulation of greenhouse gases. The less you use your car, the better it is for the planet and the more money you can save on car expenses – particularly with the price of petrol, diesel and LPG going up and up and up.
But it's not only petrol money you save when you cut down on the use of your car; your tyres last longer and you can go longer between oil changes and other maintenance as well.
Reducing our car use is something we can all do to improve our air quality, the health of our planet, and our bank account.
Here are five easy ways to cut down your car use:
1. Carpooling - hitch a ride with a friend, neighbour or colleague heading in the same direction.
2. Walk or cycle to work, school, the shops, to run errands, to the gym.
3. Use public transport, it saves money, driving stress, parking hassles and gives you time to read, knit, do the crossword all while saving a bundle of cash.
4. Telecommunting, my favourite way of cutting down car use. Depending on your job and your employer you might be able to stay home one or more days a week and work from the comfort of your home office. Saving the time and cost of your commute are added benefits.
5. Consolidate trips. It's not rocket science - many of your destinations are located centrally; the goal here is to do all of your errands in one trip.
Reducing your dependence on your car can go a long way toward contributing to improving the air quality in your area. All of these ideas will not only lessen the use of your automobile, but they'll also improve your life by saving money, saving time, or strengthening your health.
6. On the Menu with Anne
Hummingbird Cake
This cake is a favourite in our house and it's straight from the Recipe File. I make it for really special occasions when all the family gets together like birthdays and of course Easter. It has become our Easter Sunday dessert, loved by everyone. Actually I do a double recipe and bake it in my Corningware baking dish so there's enough for seconds, we're a big family when we all get together. Then I slice it through the middle, spread the frosting on one layer, top it with the other and cover the top in the remaining cream cheese frosting and sprinkle with chopped nuts.
Hummingbird Cake
3 cups plain flour, sifted
2 cups sugar
1 tsp salt
1 tsp bicarb soda
1 tsp ground cinnamon
3 eggs, beaten
1 cup vegetable oil
1-1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
250g crushed pineapple, undrained
2 cups chopped pecans or walnuts, divided
2 cups diced bananas (about 3 regular bananas)
Pre-heat oven to 175 degrees Celsius. Prepare three 22cm round cake tins by greasing well, lining the base with baking paper and flouring the sides. Combine dry ingredients in a large mixing bowl; add eggs and oil, stirring until dry ingredients are moistened. Do not beat. Stir in vanilla, pineapple, 1 cup chopped nuts and bananas. Spoon batter into 3 well-greased and floured 9-inch cake pans. Bake 25 to 30 minutes; cool in pans 10 minutes then turn out onto cake racks to cool completely. Spread frosting between layers and on top and sides of cake. Sprinkle with 1 cup chopped nuts.
Cream Cheese Frosting
250g cream cheese, softened
1/2 cup butter, softened
500g icing sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Combine cream cheese and butter; beat until smooth. Add icing sugar, beating until light and fluffy. Stir in vanilla.
Store this cake in the fridge as it has cream cheese frosting. Let it come to room temperature to serve.
This week we will be eating:
Friday: Smoked cod in white sauce
Saturday: Curried sausages and rice, MOO naan
Sunday: Roast lamb, baked vegetables, gravy, mint sauce
Monday: Cream cheese patties with salad
Tuesday: French Shepherds pie, steamed broccoli, carrots and corn
Wednesday: Meatloaf, yellow mash, beans, corn, carrot
Thursday: Lamb and vegetable soup with toasted crumpets
In the fruit bowl: lemons, apples, mandarins, kiwi fruit
In the cake tin: Hummingbird cake, fruit cake, scones, Lunchbox Cookies
There are over 1,300 other great money saving meal ideas in the Recipe File
7. The $300 a Month Food Challenge with Wendy
Today I was cleaning a client's home when we started talking about being prepared for any emergencies including food shortages. This friend said she'd like to start stockpiling but really didn't have the space to start. She has an enormous house with so many floor to ceiling cupboards (very high ceilings too I might add). Plenty of space!!! Oh, let me at it.
Organisation is the key to finding extra space in your house. This includes the pantry. I learnt long ago that I can always find extra space in my pantry by having like sized items neatly stacked on top of each other in neat rows. A bit OCD ? Maybe, but it works and I can stockpile enough food for my family for many months without running out .
Another trick is to have all your canisters and containers full at all times. No point in having the containers empty or half empty as well as having packets floating around. Empty containers are wasted space and packets (opened or not) floating around are too hard to keep track of. They get lost or forgotten about and this can lead to out of date food and waste.
Tomorrow I'll be doing my monthly food shop. As I scanned over the shopping list today I noticed a change in food needed. My shopping list now has winter food on it. Soups for casseroles, pasta, flour, sugar, quick oats, tinned corn and tuna etc. These are bulkier items unlike the lighter meals we eat in summer. Then I had a look at my small yet tidy, organised pantry. There will be no problems fitting it all in tomorrow.
With the changing of the seasons and food being eaten, I thought it was time encourage you all to do a quick tidy up of your pantries. Can your canisters be topped up? Do you have bits and pieces floating around ? Can you stack your tinned foods a little neater or higher?
I'd love to hear your stories of surprise foods found or space you have created?
Have a great week and BE ENCOURAGED!!!!!!
The $300 a Month Food Challenge
The Post that Started it All
8.Cheapskates Buzz
This week's hot forum topics
The Bare Bones Shopping List
How to Create Pretty Storage Solutions with Items You Already Own
Natural Air Cleaners
Most popular blog posts this week
Today I...
How to Spread Hard Butter?
What's for dinner - April 11 - 17 2014
9. Member's Featured Blog
Platinum Cheapskates Club members have their very own Cheapskating blogs, and they are wonderful and inspirational and encouraging and even funny. This week's featured blog is written by Leanne68.
Going Strong
Well it has been a while since I last blogged so time for an update. DS1 and DDIL are moving back to QLD in 4 weeks so there have been/are going to be big changes here.
I have reduced our grocery budget and it will be further reduced when they move.
I have done this by:
*Cutting back on meat and bulking the meals up with vegies.
*Serving some cheaper meals.
*Making things like fried rice or quiche that only need a little bacon instead of meat.
*Creating a stockpile; I have coffee, dish liquid, frozen veg, cup-a-soups etc. all bought half price or better.
*Baking instead of buying snacks.
*MOOing more items.
*Using half a scoop of laundry powder instead of full, when this runs out I will make the MOO powder.
I have also been lucky enough to get some bargains this week on items that were all on my need/want list. A popcorn machine for $7 (this will save us money as we won't have to buy the microwave packs anymore AND it's healthier), toaster for $10, electric steamer for $15 and slippers for DS2 half price at $10.
DS2 is helping with finding specials, reduced to clears etc. and realises that money will be tight when the two older kids move.
We will get there.
Login to read more Cheapskates Club member blogs
10. Last Week's Question
Last week's question was from John who wrote "I have eight Victorian chairs I'm wanting to sell that have been in storage but three of them have spots on the fabric that need to cleaned. Any idea what I should use to make them clean?"
Well the answers came flooding in and I thought I was seeing things: they all recommended the same treatment! Baby wipes are amazing things. I use them when we are camping for all sorts of clean-ups, including people, but I've never tried them on upholstery until now. I had to test this tip so I did a before and after on the arms of lounge in our family room. It worked - now I just need to get around to doing the chairs so they match!
Anne Palmer answered
Hi John, I have two small children in my house so I am always wiping up spills. I find that "baby wipes" are an amazing product to remove just about most messes. I had a friend in the fashion industry and she told me that when there is makeup left on clothes from women trying them on they use baby wipes to clean it off. Give this a try but I do advise to test it in a small area on the chair first. Good luck with the chairs!
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11. This Week's Question
Jacksoncamp writes
I would love to get into serving more whole grains for my family but I can't seem to find any bulk suppliers at a decent price on net. I also don't seem to have anywhere locally that sells these unless I want to use stock feed! I'm looking for wheat, oats, rye, barley, spelt, triticale and chia; these can all be cooked whole or roasted and ground for all sorts. I would really appreciate any input, we're in New South Wales, but I am sure there are other Cheapskaters who have the same problem, so any supplier anywhere you know of might help us all.
Do you have the answer?
If you have a supplier or suggestion for Jacksoncamp let us know. We'll enter your answer into our Tip of the Week competition and the SYLT directory, for a chance to win a one-year membership to the Cheapskates Club
Send your answer
12. Join the Cheapskates Club
For just 10 cents a day you can join the Cheapskates Club and get exclusive access to the Cheapskate Journal, the monthly e-journal that shows you how to cut the costs of everyday living and still have fun.
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13. Gift Memberships
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Click here to order a gift membership right now!
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15. Contact Details
The Cheapskates Club -
Showing you how to live life
debt free, cashed up and laughing!
PO Box 5077 Studfield Vic 3152
[email protected]
2. In the Tip Store - Organized Meals = Organized Shopping and Big Savings, A Miracle Way to be Rid of Ants, Dogs Dinner Deluxe
3. Cheapskate's Winning Tip - Stop the Washday Fade
4. Submit Your Tip -You have to be in it to win it!
5. Living Green in 2014 - Reduce Car Use, Save Money and the Planet
6. On the Menu with Anne - Hummingbird Cake
7. The $300 a Month Food Challenge with Wendy - Pantry Organisation Makes Room for a Stockpile
8. Cheapskates Buzz - Cheapskaters are talking in the Forum and on Cath's blog
9. Member's Featured Blog - Going Strong by Leanne68
10. Last Week's Question - Caring for antique chairs
11. This Week's Question - Where do I buy whole grains at a decent price?
12. Join the Cheapskates Club
13. Gift Memberships
14. Frequently Asked Questions
15. Contact Details
1. Cath's Corner
From my home to yours we wish you all a happy and safe Easter. We have visitors for the weekend, with lunch with our extended family, a train exhibition to visit (Wayne and AJ, not my cup of tea) and hopefully lots of gardening done to get the late winter/early spring veggies in and under way.
The 1 Day workshop is almost full and this week is the last week to take advantage of the payment plan, if that suits your Spending Plan better than one lump sum payment. Hannah has been busy this week working on samples for the hands one workshops and I will admit to being just a tad envious. I know it's work, but it's fun too and she sure was having fun and you will too during the four workshop sessions, you'll even get to take your creations home with you. If you'd like to know more about this workshop or to book your spot, you can do so here on the Cheapskates Club website.
Here's a couple of the lovely emails that have come in this week:
Please pass on my best regards to Wendy for her $300 Monthly Challenge writings. I love her catchphrase "Be encouraged" and I certainly am! I am an older woman who has needed to budget hard at various times of life (4 children then a single mum) and now as an aged pensioner. I love your whole ethos of living well without wasting cash or goods. So good for our environment and our health as well as our finances. Jan
I LOVE this site, and visit most days. I need my fix, in essence; you guys help me to stay on track so much. Rosie
Hi Cath, Love your Cheapskates newsletters and page. Just renewed my platinum membership by direct payment, thank you. Valerie Cooper
Absolutely loving the challenge of the $300 a month food challenge. We are a family of seven, so I budget $525 a month. Haven't reached it yet, but last month was $547.82, so close. It's made me all the more determined this month, and it looks like I'll come in right on target, even with Easter. I'd never be able to get our grocery bill down so low without Cheapskates and this amazing challenge. Sheree Watson
Have a lovely Easter and a great week.
PS: Love our site? We love referrals! Send a note to your favourite newspapers, magazines, radio stations, TV stations, friends and relatives, and tell them about us!
PPS: You can read this newsletter and past copies on the website in the Newsletter Archive.
2. From The Tip Store
Organized Meals = Organized Shopping and Big Savings
When I do my fortnightly shopping I have my pre-prepared list to include my ten dinners for the two weeks following. The core of the list is dinners, then other items follow in order of importance. I also try to duplicate the ingredients (i.e.: mince for lasagne in first week and mince for hamburgers the second week as I have found that buying a larger quantity and splitting in two portions is cheaper, this is especially so with meat.) Being organised like this prevents you from dashing to the shops at the last minute to buy that one missing ingredient, as I believe that is when you completely blow your budget by purchasing items not really necessary. Stick to your list, try to go without the kids and if necessary split your shop between multiple stores i.e.: butcher, greengrocer etc. (preferably all in the one centre) to maximise both time and savings.
Contributed by Erin Bridges
A Miracle Way to be Rid of Ants
I have just discovered that 'miracle spray' is great for ant problems. Light spray along the ant trail and a heftier one at the source and job done. Within seconds the ants are dead and no sign of new invaders.
Contributed by Tracy Hicks
Editors note: Miracle Spray really is miraculous! If you haven't tried it yet, here's the Tip Sheet with the recipe and some other uses for it. Cath
Dogs Dinner Deluxe
Approximate $ Savings: $5-10 per week
If you like to make your own stock - as I do - and you also like to make sure your pets are eating good food that costs little - try the following: make stock for soups, risottos- etc. using carrot and celery. When you drain the stock keep the left over vegetables and add to some cooked mince steak and rice for the cheapest doggie dinners. It is wonderful to find two uses for the same product and saves hundreds of dollars over a year in buying pet food. Everyone wins! Note: Don't use onion or garlic in your stock, add it to your recipe later. Onion and garlic are toxic to dogs and can make them very sick, even kill them.
Contributed by Andrea McCarthy
There are more than 11,000 great tips in the Tip Store
3. Cheapskates Winning tip
This week's winning tip is from Louise Campbell. Louise has won a one year Platinum Cheapskates Club membership for submitting her winning tip.
Stop the Washday Fade
Even though most clothes and manchester are marked as "colour fast" these days they all tend to fade, especially the stronger colours like the reds, navy blues and darker greens. This was especially distressing for me as I spent a lot of money (more than I normally would) buying new towel sets for our bathroom and I noticed that the lovely fuchsia colour was starting to fade after just a couple of washes - my beautiful towels were being washed away! My Mother gave me a tip to stop the colour fade and it works. Not only that I didn't need to buy anything special and I was able to fix the colour fade in just a day. To set colours in new clothes soak them in cold water and ordinary table salt. I use about two cups of plain table salt to a bucket of cold water. Soak for about three hours. This will “set” the colours and helps clothes not fade. Always wash colours in the cold water, with the bare minimum of detergent and for the shortest wash cycle you can. Water and detergent can leech out colour and send it down the drain. For our towels I don't use detergent at all unless they are particularly grubby or someone has been ill - most of the time they just need to be freshened up as they are not actually "dirty". My lovely new towels have kept their colour now for almost a year and still look fantastic. I wish I'd known to do this when they were brand new and kept the original colour.
Congratulations Louise I hope you enjoy your Cheapskates Club membership.
4. Submit your tip
The Cheapskate's Club website is over 3,000 pages of money saving hints, tips and ideas. Let's get together and make the Cheapskates Club Australia's largest online hint, tip and idea library. Share your favourite money saving, time saving or energy saving hint and be in the running to win a one-year membership to The Cheapskate Club. We publish a Winning Tip each Thursday, so enter your great money, time or energy saving idea now.
Share your favourite hint or tip that saves money, time and energy and be in the running to win a one-year subscription to The Cheapskate Journal.
Remember, you have to be in it to win it!
Submit your tip
5. Living Green in 2014
Reduce Car Use, Save Money and the Planet
Vehicle emissions contribute a considerable amount of air pollution and the accumulation of greenhouse gases. The less you use your car, the better it is for the planet and the more money you can save on car expenses – particularly with the price of petrol, diesel and LPG going up and up and up.
But it's not only petrol money you save when you cut down on the use of your car; your tyres last longer and you can go longer between oil changes and other maintenance as well.
Reducing our car use is something we can all do to improve our air quality, the health of our planet, and our bank account.
Here are five easy ways to cut down your car use:
1. Carpooling - hitch a ride with a friend, neighbour or colleague heading in the same direction.
2. Walk or cycle to work, school, the shops, to run errands, to the gym.
3. Use public transport, it saves money, driving stress, parking hassles and gives you time to read, knit, do the crossword all while saving a bundle of cash.
4. Telecommunting, my favourite way of cutting down car use. Depending on your job and your employer you might be able to stay home one or more days a week and work from the comfort of your home office. Saving the time and cost of your commute are added benefits.
5. Consolidate trips. It's not rocket science - many of your destinations are located centrally; the goal here is to do all of your errands in one trip.
Reducing your dependence on your car can go a long way toward contributing to improving the air quality in your area. All of these ideas will not only lessen the use of your automobile, but they'll also improve your life by saving money, saving time, or strengthening your health.
6. On the Menu with Anne
Hummingbird Cake
This cake is a favourite in our house and it's straight from the Recipe File. I make it for really special occasions when all the family gets together like birthdays and of course Easter. It has become our Easter Sunday dessert, loved by everyone. Actually I do a double recipe and bake it in my Corningware baking dish so there's enough for seconds, we're a big family when we all get together. Then I slice it through the middle, spread the frosting on one layer, top it with the other and cover the top in the remaining cream cheese frosting and sprinkle with chopped nuts.
Hummingbird Cake
3 cups plain flour, sifted
2 cups sugar
1 tsp salt
1 tsp bicarb soda
1 tsp ground cinnamon
3 eggs, beaten
1 cup vegetable oil
1-1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
250g crushed pineapple, undrained
2 cups chopped pecans or walnuts, divided
2 cups diced bananas (about 3 regular bananas)
Pre-heat oven to 175 degrees Celsius. Prepare three 22cm round cake tins by greasing well, lining the base with baking paper and flouring the sides. Combine dry ingredients in a large mixing bowl; add eggs and oil, stirring until dry ingredients are moistened. Do not beat. Stir in vanilla, pineapple, 1 cup chopped nuts and bananas. Spoon batter into 3 well-greased and floured 9-inch cake pans. Bake 25 to 30 minutes; cool in pans 10 minutes then turn out onto cake racks to cool completely. Spread frosting between layers and on top and sides of cake. Sprinkle with 1 cup chopped nuts.
Cream Cheese Frosting
250g cream cheese, softened
1/2 cup butter, softened
500g icing sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Combine cream cheese and butter; beat until smooth. Add icing sugar, beating until light and fluffy. Stir in vanilla.
Store this cake in the fridge as it has cream cheese frosting. Let it come to room temperature to serve.
This week we will be eating:
Friday: Smoked cod in white sauce
Saturday: Curried sausages and rice, MOO naan
Sunday: Roast lamb, baked vegetables, gravy, mint sauce
Monday: Cream cheese patties with salad
Tuesday: French Shepherds pie, steamed broccoli, carrots and corn
Wednesday: Meatloaf, yellow mash, beans, corn, carrot
Thursday: Lamb and vegetable soup with toasted crumpets
In the fruit bowl: lemons, apples, mandarins, kiwi fruit
In the cake tin: Hummingbird cake, fruit cake, scones, Lunchbox Cookies
There are over 1,300 other great money saving meal ideas in the Recipe File
7. The $300 a Month Food Challenge with Wendy
Today I was cleaning a client's home when we started talking about being prepared for any emergencies including food shortages. This friend said she'd like to start stockpiling but really didn't have the space to start. She has an enormous house with so many floor to ceiling cupboards (very high ceilings too I might add). Plenty of space!!! Oh, let me at it.
Organisation is the key to finding extra space in your house. This includes the pantry. I learnt long ago that I can always find extra space in my pantry by having like sized items neatly stacked on top of each other in neat rows. A bit OCD ? Maybe, but it works and I can stockpile enough food for my family for many months without running out .
Another trick is to have all your canisters and containers full at all times. No point in having the containers empty or half empty as well as having packets floating around. Empty containers are wasted space and packets (opened or not) floating around are too hard to keep track of. They get lost or forgotten about and this can lead to out of date food and waste.
Tomorrow I'll be doing my monthly food shop. As I scanned over the shopping list today I noticed a change in food needed. My shopping list now has winter food on it. Soups for casseroles, pasta, flour, sugar, quick oats, tinned corn and tuna etc. These are bulkier items unlike the lighter meals we eat in summer. Then I had a look at my small yet tidy, organised pantry. There will be no problems fitting it all in tomorrow.
With the changing of the seasons and food being eaten, I thought it was time encourage you all to do a quick tidy up of your pantries. Can your canisters be topped up? Do you have bits and pieces floating around ? Can you stack your tinned foods a little neater or higher?
I'd love to hear your stories of surprise foods found or space you have created?
Have a great week and BE ENCOURAGED!!!!!!
The $300 a Month Food Challenge
The Post that Started it All
8.Cheapskates Buzz
This week's hot forum topics
The Bare Bones Shopping List
How to Create Pretty Storage Solutions with Items You Already Own
Natural Air Cleaners
Most popular blog posts this week
Today I...
How to Spread Hard Butter?
What's for dinner - April 11 - 17 2014
9. Member's Featured Blog
Platinum Cheapskates Club members have their very own Cheapskating blogs, and they are wonderful and inspirational and encouraging and even funny. This week's featured blog is written by Leanne68.
Going Strong
Well it has been a while since I last blogged so time for an update. DS1 and DDIL are moving back to QLD in 4 weeks so there have been/are going to be big changes here.
I have reduced our grocery budget and it will be further reduced when they move.
I have done this by:
*Cutting back on meat and bulking the meals up with vegies.
*Serving some cheaper meals.
*Making things like fried rice or quiche that only need a little bacon instead of meat.
*Creating a stockpile; I have coffee, dish liquid, frozen veg, cup-a-soups etc. all bought half price or better.
*Baking instead of buying snacks.
*MOOing more items.
*Using half a scoop of laundry powder instead of full, when this runs out I will make the MOO powder.
I have also been lucky enough to get some bargains this week on items that were all on my need/want list. A popcorn machine for $7 (this will save us money as we won't have to buy the microwave packs anymore AND it's healthier), toaster for $10, electric steamer for $15 and slippers for DS2 half price at $10.
DS2 is helping with finding specials, reduced to clears etc. and realises that money will be tight when the two older kids move.
We will get there.
Login to read more Cheapskates Club member blogs
10. Last Week's Question
Last week's question was from John who wrote "I have eight Victorian chairs I'm wanting to sell that have been in storage but three of them have spots on the fabric that need to cleaned. Any idea what I should use to make them clean?"
Well the answers came flooding in and I thought I was seeing things: they all recommended the same treatment! Baby wipes are amazing things. I use them when we are camping for all sorts of clean-ups, including people, but I've never tried them on upholstery until now. I had to test this tip so I did a before and after on the arms of lounge in our family room. It worked - now I just need to get around to doing the chairs so they match!
Anne Palmer answered
Hi John, I have two small children in my house so I am always wiping up spills. I find that "baby wipes" are an amazing product to remove just about most messes. I had a friend in the fashion industry and she told me that when there is makeup left on clothes from women trying them on they use baby wipes to clean it off. Give this a try but I do advise to test it in a small area on the chair first. Good luck with the chairs!
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11. This Week's Question
Jacksoncamp writes
I would love to get into serving more whole grains for my family but I can't seem to find any bulk suppliers at a decent price on net. I also don't seem to have anywhere locally that sells these unless I want to use stock feed! I'm looking for wheat, oats, rye, barley, spelt, triticale and chia; these can all be cooked whole or roasted and ground for all sorts. I would really appreciate any input, we're in New South Wales, but I am sure there are other Cheapskaters who have the same problem, so any supplier anywhere you know of might help us all.
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