Your Cheapskates Club Newsletter 20:15
In this Newsletter
1. Cath's Corner
2. In the Tip Store - A Great, Cheap Window and Shower screen Cleaner, Simple Wrap for Breastfeeding Privacy, Triple D-D-DISCOUNT Treat OR How to look like a Million Bucks for only Tens of Dollars
3. Cheapskate's Winning Tip - Clean the Coffee Maker or Buy a New One?
4. Submit Your Tip - Share for your chance to win!
5. On the Menu with Anne - Haystacks
6. The $300 a Month Food Challenge with Wendy -
7. Cheapskates Buzz - Cheapskaters are talking in the Forum and on Cath's blog
8. Member's Featured Blog - Birthday Presents
9. Last Week's Question - How to cook corned beef?
10. This Week's Question - What can I used instead of Naphthalene?
11. Join the Cheapskates Club
12. Gift Memberships
13. Frequently Asked Questions
14. Contact Details
1. Cath's Corner
Hello Cheapskaters,
We've been a houseful of sickies this week. Hannah has had two days off work, AJ has been miserable and Tom has been coughing and spluttering. I guess it's that time of year when the winter bugs start to attack. The sudden dampness hasn't helped.
Thank goodness for frozen lemon juice. It has been easy to drop two cubes of fruit juice into a mug, add a blob (don't you love my exact measurements?) of Manuka honey (organic if you can get it) and top it up with water just off the boil. This soothing drink works wonders to ease sore throats and relieve aches and pains, no drugs involved and minimal cost. It tastes a lot better than the packaged hot lemon and honey drinks too.
Bed rest, lots of coddling by Mum and some favourite foods seem to have worked wonders and after a rather hectic few days things have settled down again. Thankfully they weren't sick on Mother's Day and I was spoiled beautifully.
I'm really looking forward to seeing everyone at the workshop on Saturday. It's going to be a full day of Cheapskating fun, with lots for everyone to do and take home, and some surprises too. I know what they are and I just can't wait to share them.
Have a lovely week everyone.
Happy Cheapskating,
PS: Love our site? We love referrals! Send a note to your favourite newspapers, magazines, radio stations, TV stations, friends and relatives, and tell them about us!
PPS: You can read this newsletter and past copies on the website in the Newsletter Archive.
2. From The Tip Store
A Great, Cheap Window and Shower screen Cleaner
Approximate $ Savings: $5.00
For a great and cheap window and shower screen cleaner: Large spray bottle with a decent squirt of original Palmolive dishwashing liquid add one capful of cloudy ammonia and fill with water (use a decent quality spray bottle. With a damp cloth spray window/mirror/shower screen and wipe over with damp cloth - use squeegee/window wiper to wipe and then get an old handtowel and wipe remaining bits. Get a window cloth and finish off. For heavy soap scum on shower screens use damp cloth with Jiff first and follow all the steps. One bottle of Palmolive ($4) and one bottle Cloudy Ammonia ($1.80) will last you a year.
Contributed by Glenn Holloway
Simple Wrap for Breastfeeding Privacy
Approximate $ Savings: $30
While breastfeeding my son a few years ago I would be constantly arranging a muslin wrap over me for privacy, I wasn't aware of any product at the time that would make this easier. Before having my daughter a few months ago I decided to make that problem easier, I simply sewed a piece of thick ribbon in the appropriate position on one of the many muslin wraps I own so now the ribbon goes around my neck to hold the wrap in the perfect place for a bit of privacy. This has made breastfeeding in public a lot more comfortable for me.
Contributed by Erin Linkr
Triple D-D-DISCOUNT Treat OR How to look like a Million Bucks for only Tens of Dollars
Approximate $ Savings: $100 on 2 items of clothing = $1000's of $$$ annually
Yes I'm a cheapskate but that doesn't mean I don't want to look like a million bucks. Sure I'm happy to wear 'hand-me-downs' and op-shop clothes and I do, but I've found with online shopping for clothes, that's hardly necessary. You can save time as well as money, by shopping online for clothes with 'Ezibuy'. I only buy their sale items and only when they are offering another discount. My tip is regarding a 40% discount on Ezibuy clothing which is offered regularly (about every month) in the 'Woolworths' supermarket brochure. A checkout code-word is given, which gives you a $20 discount on a $50 spend...that's a 40% savings and they will deliver the clothing items for free to the Big W store of your choice! I only shop with them on this discounted offer and I only shop for already discounted items! Once you've signed-up with them they will email you regularly informing you of various other discounts. The discount code-word is valid for about 2 weeks, so I wait to see if they offer any other discount in that period on already discounted items I'd like to buy! You can go 'window shopping' recreationally while you're relaxing at home, putting desirable items in your shopping trolley (they save your trolley items indefinitely) then check back when you get the email advertising another discount on items you wish to buy, with your discount code-word handy (that's a triple discount treat). Aim to only spend the $30 after $20 discount, that way you get the maximum % savings. My last $30 Ezibuy clothing purchase was a lovely tailored linen dress and a pair of linen pants. The original cost of these 2 items was $130 total - I bought them already discounted to $35 dress + $15 pants = $50; using the $20 discount code $50 - $20 = $30, saving $100. I'm really happy with both the quality of the clothes and the price I paid for them! There is clothing for all the family, as well as home-wares, the original prices of which are inflated, in my opinion but good things come to those who wait, they will come on sale and if you miss out on something there is always more - just wait and see!
Contributed by Therese Krix
There are currently more than 11,000 great tips in the Tip Store
3. Cheapskates Winning Tip
This week's winning tip is from Ann Brenton. Ann has won a one year Platinum Cheapskates Club membership for submitting her winning tip.
Clean the Coffee Maker or Buy a New One?
Approximate $ Savings: Cost of a new cappuccino maker
My husband wanted to buy a new cappuccino maker as he said ours had had its day. Instead we made up a mixture of 2/3 cup of water and 1/3 vinegar and ran half through the espresso side and other half through the steam side. It cleaned out the debris, then we ran plain water through both sides to thoroughly wash it out. The machine worked like new, so now we do this every 2 months (and we didn't buy a new one!).
Congratulations Ann, I hope you enjoy your Cheapskates Club membership.
4. Submit Your Tip
The Cheapskate's Club website is over 3,000 pages of money saving hints, tips and ideas. Let's get together and make the Cheapskates Club Australia's largest online hint, tip and idea library. Share your favourite money saving, time saving or energy saving hint and be in the running to win a one-year membership to The Cheapskate Club. We publish a Winning Tip each Thursday, so enter your great money, time or energy saving idea now.
Share your favourite hint or tip that saves money, time and energy and be in the running to win a one-year subscription to The Cheapskate Journal.
Remember, you have to be in it to win it!
Submit your tip
5. On the Menu with Anne
There are times when a quick, simple but spectacular meal is required. Haystacks fit the bill! They can be easily stretched to feed an army, they are cheap and everyone loves them. I've made Haystacks for years for my family, for dinner when we have unexpected visitors, for Church lunches and for school camps, that's how versatile this recipe is.
Frugal Haystacks
2 tins baked beans in tomato sauce
1 tin red kidney beans (or dried equivalent, soaked and cooked)
3 tbsp MOO taco seasoning (or 1 packet)
2 large onions, finely chopped
2 tins diced tomatoes
Sauté onion, add taco seasoning and then beans and tomatoes. Heat through. Serve over corn chips or toasted pita bread or torn mountain bread, add salad to suit, top with salsa and sour cream.
I usually put the salad (lettuce, tomato, cucumber, cheese, salsa, sour cream) out and let them make their own.
This makes a double quantity, so half goes in the freezer for the next time. Freezes well and it makes a great filling for stuffed spuds too
This week we will be eating:
Friday: Stuffed potatoes (coleslaw, grated cheese, spring onions, sour cream)
Saturday: Haystacks
Sunday: Roast chicken, baked vegetables and gravy
Monday: Rissoles, wedges and salad
Tuesday: Lasagne and salad
Wednesday: Plum chicken over fried rice
Thursday: Grilled chops, sweet potato mash, broccoli, corn, gravy
In the fruit bowl: Bananas, mandarins, apples
In the cake tin: Choc chip cookies, Anzac slice, fruit cake
Do you have a meal planning question? Click here to ask your question, you may see your answer in next week's newsletter.
There are over 1,500 other great money saving meal ideas in the Recipe File.
6. The $300 a Month Food Challenge with Wendy
Freezer Challenge
Good afternoon all. Welcome to a new week of trimming your food budget.
The weather is getting cooler and Winter is getting closer. Time to dig out the slow cooker and your favourite Winter recipes. This is a great time of the year to get a stockpile of casseroles and leftovers in the freezer. I have a couple of questions for you. Do you have room in your freezer for the casseroles and leftovers ? Or is it chock a block with no name mystery packages?
I'll be the first to admit that my freezers have too much food in them at the moment. I've been cooking lots of mini quiches and sausage rolls for Darren's 50th birthday next month. These two items are taking up a lot of room in my freezers. Even though they'll be used shortly, I'm having trouble navigating my freezers.
So I thought it was time to do another freezer challenge
For the month of May, lets all try to eat out of the freezer as much as possible. A great way to do this it to have a dig around in the freezer to locate those mystery packages. Place them all on a shelf or near the front so you can see them. Next step is to write them into your menu plan. By the end of May you should have some space in your freezer whether it be big or small.
Here are some benefits of this challenge -
* Might be a saving on your food bill.
* A trip to the butcher that you thought was urgent might be delayed for a week or two.
* A few nights off from cooking.
* Reducing household waste.
* It will make your freezer a little easier to organise with less to move around.
* Defrosting the freezer will be easier.
* It will give you room for those too hard to resist meat specials.
* You'll have room for leftovers etc.
For the month of May, the threads I post will be a chance for everyone to report their progress. It might be interesting to find out what mystery packages you find.
I'll start off this challenge. Today I will revise my menu and add anything that needs using up in the freezer. I have lots of single serve leftovers that need to be eaten. I have lots of stewed apple too. So apple crumble will go on the menu as well.
Who wants to give the freezer challenge a go?
Have a great week and BE ENCOURAGED!!!!
Click here to go to this week's $300 a Month Food Challenge
Click here to read the post that started it all
7. Cheapskates Buzz
Most popular forum posts this week
Chicken Stock Storage Time
Quick and Easy Dessert: Butterscotch Pudding!!
MOO Cheese and Bacon Rolls - Just like the Bought Ones!!
Most popular blog posts this week
A Big Pot of Soup
MOO Condensed Cream of Chicken Soup
Losing Track of Days
8. Members Featured Blog
Platinum Cheapskates Club members have their very own Cheapskating blogs, and they are wonderful and inspirational and encouraging and even funny. This week's featured blog is written by Lamory.
Birthday Presents
Just started tracking our spending and hubby's birthday interrupts my spending controls. We recently asked both sides of the families to all agree to stop buying gifts for adults on birthdays - haven't bought Christmas presents for adults for years - but the birthday presents were just getting stupid. We both have four siblings so add partners, children, step-children, great-nieces, etc. and it becomes a huge expense for all of us. And honestly, no-one in the family really needs anything and the gifts we end up buying are just bought for the sake of a gift. Totally ridiculous! So after DH's birthday tomorrow I am going to suggest we stop buying for each other as well and just plan something special instead.
Login to read more Cheapskates Club Member blogs
9. Last Week's Question
Last week's question was from Susan who wrote
"Hi, my 91 year old Mum is getting dementia and has forgotten how she used to cook silverside. She thinks it was with bay leaves, brown sugar and brown vinegar. Just wondering if anyone knows this recipe so I can cook it for her."
Silverside is a favourite in our house. I often cook it to use as cold meat for salads and sandwiches (much cheaper than buying from the Deli) and of course we love it with cabbage, carrots and cheese or mustard sauce. Here are some delicious ways to prepare this old fashioned, but very budget friendly, meal.
Margaret McLoughlin answered
Wipe the beef and place in large pot and cover with cold water. For each 1 kg of beef add 2 bay leaves (fresh are best), 5 Juniper berries, 4 cloves, 6 black peppercorns and 4 sprigs of thyme. Bring to boil and simmer slowly for at least 3 hours for meltingly tender meat!
Tracy Shilton answered
This recipe is my grandmother's and I have been using it for 30 years so hope it helps.
1 piece of silverside
4 whole peppercorns
1 tablespoon of vinegar
2 teaspoons of brown sugar
2 cloves
1 Bay leaf
Wash meat in cold water, add all the above to a large pan with enough water to cover the silverside. Bring to the boil and simmer for 2 hours (under 1.5 kg or 2-1/2 to 3 for meat over 1.5 kg). In the last half hour add some veggies of your choice.
Leonie Kraft answered
Hi Susan, I don't cook my silverside in water anymore since discovering that dry baking it gives the meat a better texture and taste. No more bay leaves, pepper corns etc., just put in slow cooker or casserole dish in the oven, cover with lid and bake for 3hrs for a 1 - 1.5kg piece. If you want to crisp the fat on top, take the lid off for the last 1/2 hour in the oven. It is easier to slice, doesn't fall apart and goes nicely on a sandwich.
Phil Young answered
Silverside is staple in this house. I use my slow cooker so I can set and forget. Into my slow cooker I throw a couple of onions cut in half, I don't even peel them just remove any loose skin and give them a wash, carrots (the same) 4 or 5 bay leaves, a teaspoon or so of peppercorns, malt vinegar and brown sugar to taste. I prefer a bit less sweetness but the sweet tooths here like it a bit sweeter. Last week I had no brown sugar and used raw sugar, no one knew the difference. If I have celery in the fridge I will throw in a stalk or two as well. I always wash my silverside first I find it helps to reduce the saltiness. I don't really follow a recipe, it depends on the size of the piece you are cooking. My lot will have it on a sandwich so if there are any overs it's never wasted. Once everything is hot I will just give it a stir, a quick taste to see if I need to add more vinegar or sugar and I can then just let it cook. Check it occasionally, when it is cooked to my liking, turn it off a let it sit in the cooking liquid until serving.
There are more answers to this question in the Tip Store
Do you have a question that needs an answer?
Send us your question and receive the combined knowledge of your fellow Cheapskates to solve your problem!
Ask Your Question
10. This Week's Question
Kathleen writes
"I can't seem to find Naphthalene flakes anywhere in Kalgoorlie. We need to relocate and will have linen, clothing etc. in storage and previously have found moth balls not to be very efficient. Any idea what I can use instead would be gratefully appreciated please."
Do you have the answer?
If you have a recipe or idea for Susan let us know. We'll enter your answer into our Tip of the Week competition, with a one-year membership to the Cheapskates Club as the prize too.
Send your answer
11. Join the Cheapskates Club
For just 10 cents a day you can join the Cheapskates Club and get exclusive access to the Cheapskate Journal, the monthly e-journal that shows you how to cut the costs of everyday living and still have fun.
Joining the Cheapskates Club gives you 24/7 access to the Members Centre with 1000's of money saving tips and articles.
Click here to join the Cheapskates Club today!
12. Gift Memberships
Your family and friends will thank you for a whole year when you give them a Platinum Cheapskates Club membership as a gift.
It's so simple: just select the number of gift memberships required, click the Buy Now button and complete the Gift Membership order form (you must use this form to order gift memberships) and we'll get in touch with you to confirm the gift subscriptions.
Click here to order a gift membership right now!
13. Frequently Asked Questions
How do I change my email address?
This one is easy. Members can update their email address or any other details by clicking on "Edit Profile" directly under their membership number after they have logged in to the Member's Centre. Subscribers to our free newsletter can use the Change Your Address form (under Customer Service in the menu) and fill it out. Once you've filled it in click the send button and we'll do the rest. Please remember to include your old email address so we can find it in the list as well as the new one.
How do I know when my membership should be renewed?
When you login to the Member's Centre you will be told how many days of membership you have left once you have 30 days left. Just click on the link to renew and your membership will just continue on, uninterrupted.
What will you do with my email address?
We never rent, trade or sell our email list to anyone for any reason whatsoever. You'll never get an unsolicited email from a stranger as a result of joining this list.
Read our privacy policy
How Did You Get on Our List?
You signed up to receive our Free Newsletter at our Cheapskates Club Web site or are a Platinum Cheapskates Club member
14. Contact Details
The Cheapskates Club -
Showing you how to live life
debt free, cashed up and laughing!
PO Box 5077 Studfield Vic 3152
1. Cath's Corner
2. In the Tip Store - A Great, Cheap Window and Shower screen Cleaner, Simple Wrap for Breastfeeding Privacy, Triple D-D-DISCOUNT Treat OR How to look like a Million Bucks for only Tens of Dollars
3. Cheapskate's Winning Tip - Clean the Coffee Maker or Buy a New One?
4. Submit Your Tip - Share for your chance to win!
5. On the Menu with Anne - Haystacks
6. The $300 a Month Food Challenge with Wendy -
7. Cheapskates Buzz - Cheapskaters are talking in the Forum and on Cath's blog
8. Member's Featured Blog - Birthday Presents
9. Last Week's Question - How to cook corned beef?
10. This Week's Question - What can I used instead of Naphthalene?
11. Join the Cheapskates Club
12. Gift Memberships
13. Frequently Asked Questions
14. Contact Details
1. Cath's Corner
Hello Cheapskaters,
We've been a houseful of sickies this week. Hannah has had two days off work, AJ has been miserable and Tom has been coughing and spluttering. I guess it's that time of year when the winter bugs start to attack. The sudden dampness hasn't helped.
Thank goodness for frozen lemon juice. It has been easy to drop two cubes of fruit juice into a mug, add a blob (don't you love my exact measurements?) of Manuka honey (organic if you can get it) and top it up with water just off the boil. This soothing drink works wonders to ease sore throats and relieve aches and pains, no drugs involved and minimal cost. It tastes a lot better than the packaged hot lemon and honey drinks too.
Bed rest, lots of coddling by Mum and some favourite foods seem to have worked wonders and after a rather hectic few days things have settled down again. Thankfully they weren't sick on Mother's Day and I was spoiled beautifully.
I'm really looking forward to seeing everyone at the workshop on Saturday. It's going to be a full day of Cheapskating fun, with lots for everyone to do and take home, and some surprises too. I know what they are and I just can't wait to share them.
Have a lovely week everyone.
Happy Cheapskating,
PS: Love our site? We love referrals! Send a note to your favourite newspapers, magazines, radio stations, TV stations, friends and relatives, and tell them about us!
PPS: You can read this newsletter and past copies on the website in the Newsletter Archive.
2. From The Tip Store
A Great, Cheap Window and Shower screen Cleaner
Approximate $ Savings: $5.00
For a great and cheap window and shower screen cleaner: Large spray bottle with a decent squirt of original Palmolive dishwashing liquid add one capful of cloudy ammonia and fill with water (use a decent quality spray bottle. With a damp cloth spray window/mirror/shower screen and wipe over with damp cloth - use squeegee/window wiper to wipe and then get an old handtowel and wipe remaining bits. Get a window cloth and finish off. For heavy soap scum on shower screens use damp cloth with Jiff first and follow all the steps. One bottle of Palmolive ($4) and one bottle Cloudy Ammonia ($1.80) will last you a year.
Contributed by Glenn Holloway
Simple Wrap for Breastfeeding Privacy
Approximate $ Savings: $30
While breastfeeding my son a few years ago I would be constantly arranging a muslin wrap over me for privacy, I wasn't aware of any product at the time that would make this easier. Before having my daughter a few months ago I decided to make that problem easier, I simply sewed a piece of thick ribbon in the appropriate position on one of the many muslin wraps I own so now the ribbon goes around my neck to hold the wrap in the perfect place for a bit of privacy. This has made breastfeeding in public a lot more comfortable for me.
Contributed by Erin Linkr
Triple D-D-DISCOUNT Treat OR How to look like a Million Bucks for only Tens of Dollars
Approximate $ Savings: $100 on 2 items of clothing = $1000's of $$$ annually
Yes I'm a cheapskate but that doesn't mean I don't want to look like a million bucks. Sure I'm happy to wear 'hand-me-downs' and op-shop clothes and I do, but I've found with online shopping for clothes, that's hardly necessary. You can save time as well as money, by shopping online for clothes with 'Ezibuy'. I only buy their sale items and only when they are offering another discount. My tip is regarding a 40% discount on Ezibuy clothing which is offered regularly (about every month) in the 'Woolworths' supermarket brochure. A checkout code-word is given, which gives you a $20 discount on a $50 spend...that's a 40% savings and they will deliver the clothing items for free to the Big W store of your choice! I only shop with them on this discounted offer and I only shop for already discounted items! Once you've signed-up with them they will email you regularly informing you of various other discounts. The discount code-word is valid for about 2 weeks, so I wait to see if they offer any other discount in that period on already discounted items I'd like to buy! You can go 'window shopping' recreationally while you're relaxing at home, putting desirable items in your shopping trolley (they save your trolley items indefinitely) then check back when you get the email advertising another discount on items you wish to buy, with your discount code-word handy (that's a triple discount treat). Aim to only spend the $30 after $20 discount, that way you get the maximum % savings. My last $30 Ezibuy clothing purchase was a lovely tailored linen dress and a pair of linen pants. The original cost of these 2 items was $130 total - I bought them already discounted to $35 dress + $15 pants = $50; using the $20 discount code $50 - $20 = $30, saving $100. I'm really happy with both the quality of the clothes and the price I paid for them! There is clothing for all the family, as well as home-wares, the original prices of which are inflated, in my opinion but good things come to those who wait, they will come on sale and if you miss out on something there is always more - just wait and see!
Contributed by Therese Krix
There are currently more than 11,000 great tips in the Tip Store
3. Cheapskates Winning Tip
This week's winning tip is from Ann Brenton. Ann has won a one year Platinum Cheapskates Club membership for submitting her winning tip.
Clean the Coffee Maker or Buy a New One?
Approximate $ Savings: Cost of a new cappuccino maker
My husband wanted to buy a new cappuccino maker as he said ours had had its day. Instead we made up a mixture of 2/3 cup of water and 1/3 vinegar and ran half through the espresso side and other half through the steam side. It cleaned out the debris, then we ran plain water through both sides to thoroughly wash it out. The machine worked like new, so now we do this every 2 months (and we didn't buy a new one!).
Congratulations Ann, I hope you enjoy your Cheapskates Club membership.
4. Submit Your Tip
The Cheapskate's Club website is over 3,000 pages of money saving hints, tips and ideas. Let's get together and make the Cheapskates Club Australia's largest online hint, tip and idea library. Share your favourite money saving, time saving or energy saving hint and be in the running to win a one-year membership to The Cheapskate Club. We publish a Winning Tip each Thursday, so enter your great money, time or energy saving idea now.
Share your favourite hint or tip that saves money, time and energy and be in the running to win a one-year subscription to The Cheapskate Journal.
Remember, you have to be in it to win it!
Submit your tip
5. On the Menu with Anne
There are times when a quick, simple but spectacular meal is required. Haystacks fit the bill! They can be easily stretched to feed an army, they are cheap and everyone loves them. I've made Haystacks for years for my family, for dinner when we have unexpected visitors, for Church lunches and for school camps, that's how versatile this recipe is.
Frugal Haystacks
2 tins baked beans in tomato sauce
1 tin red kidney beans (or dried equivalent, soaked and cooked)
3 tbsp MOO taco seasoning (or 1 packet)
2 large onions, finely chopped
2 tins diced tomatoes
Sauté onion, add taco seasoning and then beans and tomatoes. Heat through. Serve over corn chips or toasted pita bread or torn mountain bread, add salad to suit, top with salsa and sour cream.
I usually put the salad (lettuce, tomato, cucumber, cheese, salsa, sour cream) out and let them make their own.
This makes a double quantity, so half goes in the freezer for the next time. Freezes well and it makes a great filling for stuffed spuds too
This week we will be eating:
Friday: Stuffed potatoes (coleslaw, grated cheese, spring onions, sour cream)
Saturday: Haystacks
Sunday: Roast chicken, baked vegetables and gravy
Monday: Rissoles, wedges and salad
Tuesday: Lasagne and salad
Wednesday: Plum chicken over fried rice
Thursday: Grilled chops, sweet potato mash, broccoli, corn, gravy
In the fruit bowl: Bananas, mandarins, apples
In the cake tin: Choc chip cookies, Anzac slice, fruit cake
Do you have a meal planning question? Click here to ask your question, you may see your answer in next week's newsletter.
There are over 1,500 other great money saving meal ideas in the Recipe File.
6. The $300 a Month Food Challenge with Wendy
Freezer Challenge
Good afternoon all. Welcome to a new week of trimming your food budget.
The weather is getting cooler and Winter is getting closer. Time to dig out the slow cooker and your favourite Winter recipes. This is a great time of the year to get a stockpile of casseroles and leftovers in the freezer. I have a couple of questions for you. Do you have room in your freezer for the casseroles and leftovers ? Or is it chock a block with no name mystery packages?
I'll be the first to admit that my freezers have too much food in them at the moment. I've been cooking lots of mini quiches and sausage rolls for Darren's 50th birthday next month. These two items are taking up a lot of room in my freezers. Even though they'll be used shortly, I'm having trouble navigating my freezers.
So I thought it was time to do another freezer challenge
For the month of May, lets all try to eat out of the freezer as much as possible. A great way to do this it to have a dig around in the freezer to locate those mystery packages. Place them all on a shelf or near the front so you can see them. Next step is to write them into your menu plan. By the end of May you should have some space in your freezer whether it be big or small.
Here are some benefits of this challenge -
* Might be a saving on your food bill.
* A trip to the butcher that you thought was urgent might be delayed for a week or two.
* A few nights off from cooking.
* Reducing household waste.
* It will make your freezer a little easier to organise with less to move around.
* Defrosting the freezer will be easier.
* It will give you room for those too hard to resist meat specials.
* You'll have room for leftovers etc.
For the month of May, the threads I post will be a chance for everyone to report their progress. It might be interesting to find out what mystery packages you find.
I'll start off this challenge. Today I will revise my menu and add anything that needs using up in the freezer. I have lots of single serve leftovers that need to be eaten. I have lots of stewed apple too. So apple crumble will go on the menu as well.
Who wants to give the freezer challenge a go?
Have a great week and BE ENCOURAGED!!!!
Click here to go to this week's $300 a Month Food Challenge
Click here to read the post that started it all
7. Cheapskates Buzz
Most popular forum posts this week
Chicken Stock Storage Time
Quick and Easy Dessert: Butterscotch Pudding!!
MOO Cheese and Bacon Rolls - Just like the Bought Ones!!
Most popular blog posts this week
A Big Pot of Soup
MOO Condensed Cream of Chicken Soup
Losing Track of Days
8. Members Featured Blog
Platinum Cheapskates Club members have their very own Cheapskating blogs, and they are wonderful and inspirational and encouraging and even funny. This week's featured blog is written by Lamory.
Birthday Presents
Just started tracking our spending and hubby's birthday interrupts my spending controls. We recently asked both sides of the families to all agree to stop buying gifts for adults on birthdays - haven't bought Christmas presents for adults for years - but the birthday presents were just getting stupid. We both have four siblings so add partners, children, step-children, great-nieces, etc. and it becomes a huge expense for all of us. And honestly, no-one in the family really needs anything and the gifts we end up buying are just bought for the sake of a gift. Totally ridiculous! So after DH's birthday tomorrow I am going to suggest we stop buying for each other as well and just plan something special instead.
Login to read more Cheapskates Club Member blogs
9. Last Week's Question
Last week's question was from Susan who wrote
"Hi, my 91 year old Mum is getting dementia and has forgotten how she used to cook silverside. She thinks it was with bay leaves, brown sugar and brown vinegar. Just wondering if anyone knows this recipe so I can cook it for her."
Silverside is a favourite in our house. I often cook it to use as cold meat for salads and sandwiches (much cheaper than buying from the Deli) and of course we love it with cabbage, carrots and cheese or mustard sauce. Here are some delicious ways to prepare this old fashioned, but very budget friendly, meal.
Margaret McLoughlin answered
Wipe the beef and place in large pot and cover with cold water. For each 1 kg of beef add 2 bay leaves (fresh are best), 5 Juniper berries, 4 cloves, 6 black peppercorns and 4 sprigs of thyme. Bring to boil and simmer slowly for at least 3 hours for meltingly tender meat!
Tracy Shilton answered
This recipe is my grandmother's and I have been using it for 30 years so hope it helps.
1 piece of silverside
4 whole peppercorns
1 tablespoon of vinegar
2 teaspoons of brown sugar
2 cloves
1 Bay leaf
Wash meat in cold water, add all the above to a large pan with enough water to cover the silverside. Bring to the boil and simmer for 2 hours (under 1.5 kg or 2-1/2 to 3 for meat over 1.5 kg). In the last half hour add some veggies of your choice.
Leonie Kraft answered
Hi Susan, I don't cook my silverside in water anymore since discovering that dry baking it gives the meat a better texture and taste. No more bay leaves, pepper corns etc., just put in slow cooker or casserole dish in the oven, cover with lid and bake for 3hrs for a 1 - 1.5kg piece. If you want to crisp the fat on top, take the lid off for the last 1/2 hour in the oven. It is easier to slice, doesn't fall apart and goes nicely on a sandwich.
Phil Young answered
Silverside is staple in this house. I use my slow cooker so I can set and forget. Into my slow cooker I throw a couple of onions cut in half, I don't even peel them just remove any loose skin and give them a wash, carrots (the same) 4 or 5 bay leaves, a teaspoon or so of peppercorns, malt vinegar and brown sugar to taste. I prefer a bit less sweetness but the sweet tooths here like it a bit sweeter. Last week I had no brown sugar and used raw sugar, no one knew the difference. If I have celery in the fridge I will throw in a stalk or two as well. I always wash my silverside first I find it helps to reduce the saltiness. I don't really follow a recipe, it depends on the size of the piece you are cooking. My lot will have it on a sandwich so if there are any overs it's never wasted. Once everything is hot I will just give it a stir, a quick taste to see if I need to add more vinegar or sugar and I can then just let it cook. Check it occasionally, when it is cooked to my liking, turn it off a let it sit in the cooking liquid until serving.
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10. This Week's Question
Kathleen writes
"I can't seem to find Naphthalene flakes anywhere in Kalgoorlie. We need to relocate and will have linen, clothing etc. in storage and previously have found moth balls not to be very efficient. Any idea what I can use instead would be gratefully appreciated please."
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