Your Cheapskates Club Newsletter 23:17
In this Newsletter
1. Cath's Corner
2. In the Tip Store - Don't Be Delusional About Costs; Medicine Cabinet Inventory Saves Hundreds of Dollars; Simple Gathered Scarves
3. Share Your Tips
4. On the Menu - Mexican Meatballs
5. The $300 a Month Food Challenge - Hot Chocolate and Marshmallows
6. Cheapskates Buzz - Cheapskaters are talking in the Forum and on Cath's blog
7. Member's Featured Blog - A Lean Clean Week With a P.P. (Pristine Purse!!)
8. Last Week's Question - I'd love some MOO skincare recipes
9. This Week's Question - Best containers to keep out weevils?
10. Ask Cath
11. Join the Cheapskates Club
12. Frequently Asked Questions
13. Contact Details
1. Cath's Corner
Hello Cheapskaters,
Is it cold where you are? It sure has been cold here this week, and this morning was positively frosty. The sun is shining now and I'm sitting in front of the window relishing the warmth. It has been so cold I made a batch of Hot Chocolate Drink Mix at the weekend and it's gone! We've all been having a hot drink every time we come in from outside. Time to make another batch, just in time for the long weekend.
One of the things I love is hearing from Cheapskaters. I love to hear all the clever ways you save money, time and energy. I love to hear about your challenges and I love to hear about your successes. This is one email that put a smile on my face recently, I just love to know I'm not the only who has those 'duh' moments.
Hi Cath, I’ve just had what my sister would call a ‘duh’ moment. My sister put me onto this site and I’ve loved every minute of it. I’m doing the Saving Revolution at the moment and boy is it an eye opener. I’d always considered myself a great saver, but there’s always more to learn. I found the clearing out of my handbag and work bag particularly interesting (scary really), what I was doing with 2 rubber bats (from Halloween), a couple of chocolates, my Christmas earrings, a bottle of bubbles and various bits and pieces from goodness only knows when, I’ve no idea.
Thank you for a truly wonderful site. Christine S.
Have a great week everyone (and long weekend if you're celebrating the Queen's birthday).
Happy Cheapskating,
PS: Love our site? We love referrals! Send a note to your favourite newspapers, magazines, radio stations, TV stations, friends and relatives, and tell them about us!
2. From The Tip Store
Don't Be Delusional About Costs
Sometimes I just want to get off the place and use a shopping trip as the excuse and that is the truth of it. The time has come to bite the bullet and put on paper what has previously been just an idea of costs. To shop at the closest town is a 40 kilometre round trip, one major and one minor supermarket - not much to be gained on savings there. The major centre is a 120 kilometre round trip with all of the wonderful options of wholesale butcher, supermarkets and most major stores.
This is what I've come to in costs so far (I drive an old Magna):
Annual expenses:
Rego. $500
Insurance $99
Oil filter $40
Tyres $100
Servicing $100 (Hubby takes care of car).
The approximate cost per kilometre @ 10,000 kilometres per year is 9 cents per kilometre.
Add the cost of fuel at $1.30 per litre and the 40 kilometre local round trip costs $17.60, the 120 kilometre regional round trip plus 20 kilometres around town costs $48.00. WOW! Did that change my thinking. That means that I have to save $30.40 (the difference between getting to the local and the regional centres) before I make any headway at all on savings with my shopping!!!!
Yes, I usually grow as much as is practical, but I still need to purchase the rest. Now when I open the freezer and look at what is there I'll be adding the cost of running the freezer to the equation. What I've learnt from this little exercise is that if I need/want to get serious about what it costs to live in the country and nail it, I have to be honest with myself.
Contributed by Carol
Medicine Cabinet Inventory Saves Hundreds of Dollars
Last night, I could feel the inklings of a headache coming on, so I decided to reach for the Panadol before it took hold. When I pulled down the medicine box out of the cupboard, I decided I should check out the expiry date of the things in there and declutter all the old unused items whilst I was at it. To my horror, there were medicines in there which had expired as far back as 2007! There were unfinished prescription medicines that had been there for so long I didn't even know what they had been taken for in the first place. There were even quite a few medications which I had duplicates of, and they were all past their expiry date. As I started tossing these medicines into the bin, I thought about how much money had been wasted, buying unnecessary medicines, some of which had cost over $40! There was literally hundreds of dollars' worth of now useless medicines clogging up my cupboard. I decided to write up a list of all the medications which we were left with and their expiry dates. I wrote this list into the notebook which I carry around with me in the nappy bag. This way, whenever we go to the doctors and are told to buy 'such and such', I can check the list before I head to the chemist and hand over my cash, and see whether we already have that medication at home. This list will also ensure that I can keep track of which staple medications (such as Nurofen, Panadol, Infant Panadol etc.) are about to go out of date and need to be replaced. There is nothing worse than having a sick child in need of Panadol at 10pm on a Sunday night when there is no chemist open! So, as you can see, taking 10 minutes to check the medicine cupboard at home will not only benefit your health, but also your bank balance!
Contributed by Kelly
Simple Gathered Scarves
I wanted to get some trendy new, flouncy, gathered up scarves recently but went out and found most to be around $30 to $40 each. I came home and dragged out all of my old long scarves. I then picked out some of the longest and hand stitched some thin elastic along the length (like tram tracks). With some I used similar coloured cotton and used big tacking stitches and then just pulled them up and tied knots. With the longest ones, I used two 'U' shaped rows of tacking threads - one at either end. Voila - new and trendy scarves for free! I also found a couple at op shops for $2 each and did the same. Recycling in action.
Contributed by Amanda
There are currently more than 12,000 great tips in the Tip Store
3. Submit Your Tip
The Cheapskate's Club website is over 3,000 pages of money saving hints, tips and ideas. Let's get together and make the Cheapskates Club Australia's largest online hint, tip and idea library. Share your favourite money saving, time saving or energy saving hint and be in the running to win a one-year membership to The Cheapskate Club. We publish a Winning Tip each Thursday, so enter your great money, time or energy saving idea now.
Share your favourite hint or tip that saves money, time and energy and be in the running to win a one-year subscription to The Cheapskate Journal.
Remember, you have to be in it to win it!
Submit your tip
4. On the Menu
Mexican Meatballs
500g best mince
1 egg
1 packet taco seasoning mix
200ml beef stock (stock cube with water)
1 tbsp tomato sauce
2 tsp cornflour
Mix beef stock, tomato sauce, cornflour and 1/2 packet taco seasoning in microwave jug and cook on high for 2 minutes. Mix mince with the egg and 1/2 packet taco seasoning. Shape teaspoons of mixture into balls (makes approximately 25). Place into a 2 litre microwave container. Pour sauce over meatballs. Cook on HIGH for 18 minutes. Serve over steamed rice or mashed potato.
This week we will be eating:
Sunday: Roast Beef
Monday: Mexican Meatballs
Tuesday: Spag bol
Wednesday: Chicken parmigiana, salad, French fries
Thursday: MOO Pizza
Friday: Tacos
Saturday: Toasted Sandwiches
In the fruit bowl: mandarins, pears
In the cake tin: fruit cake, chocolate slice, blueberry cake
There are over 1,500 other great money saving meal ideas in the Recipe File.
5. The $300 a Month Food Challenge
Hot Chocolate and Marshmallows
Well the weather has been cold here and we've been enjoying hot chocolate of an afternoon. As a special treat I've been putting marshmallows on top and letting them melt to gooey sweetness for us to sip through. I make the Cheapskates hot chocolate mix and sit it in a jar on the bench, right next to the kettle, where it is easy to get to. And this week I've been making Karen's marshmallow recipe too - such an easy treat to make and they are 99.9% fat free!
Hot Chocolate Drink Mix
2-1/2 cups skim milk powder
1/2 cup sugar
1 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
In medium bowl, combine milk powder, sugar, coca, and coffee whitener. To serve, place 3 teaspoons cocoa mix in mug. Stir in 3/4 cup boiling water. Store the mix in an airtight container for up to 2 months.
Easy Marshmallow
1 tablespoon gelatine
1/4 cup water
1/3 cup water, extra
1 cup caster sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Red food colouring - optional
Using a fork, combine gelatine and 1/4 cup cold water in a microwave-safe jug. Microwave, uncovered, on HIGH (100%) for 30 seconds. Stir with fork until mixture is clear. Set aside to cool for 5 minutes.
Using an electric mixer, beat sugar and 1/3 cup water on high speed for 5 minutes or until mixture thickens and turns white. While beating on high speed, pour cooled gelatine mixture into sugar mixture in a thin, steady stream. Beat for 10 minutes or until very thick. Add vanilla and enough colouring to produce a pale pink colour. Continue beating on high speed for 1 minute or until well combined. Pour into a well buttered lamington tray that has been dusted with icing sugar. Use a wet spatula to even out the top. Cover with clingwrap and put in fridge to set.
The $300 a Month Food Challenge
The Post that Started it All
6. Cheapskates Buzz
Most popular forum posts this week
Annabel’s Christmas Challenge
Housework System?
Cheap Teen Fun!!
Most popular blog posts this week
Did You Hear? Cath's had a Makeover!
Energize Your Body Wash
Super Cuticle Moisturiser in Your Kitchen
7. Members Featured Blog
Platinum Cheapskates Club members have their very own Cheapskating blogs, and they are wonderful and inspirational and encouraging and even funny. This week's featured blog is written by Palsie.
A Lean Clean Week with a P.P. (Pristine Purse!!)
Yes, cleaned out my purse of receipts, appointment cards and coins. Notes are all in order! Have also downsized my purse. I had a smaller one which I used when travelling overseas a couple of years ago. Have taken Cath's advice and taken out all of those 'loyal customer cards' keeping them in a separate location at home (less temptation) and so now have an extremely lean purse. Now have my envelopes organised to hold receipts as well. This lead me onto cleaning out my handbag stash! I have three or four favourite bags which I rotate and yes, I found coinage and numerous pens.........I must have a fetish for pens as I found 9 of them.... all different know the ones that are always at the checkout for sale!! An AHA moment, don't buy them in the future.
Being on holidays, I have used this opportunity to de-junk my double garage......a job which I thought would take me a couple of days, but in fact has taken me all week!! But I now have a clean and functional garage and have been ruthless in getting rid of all 'the crap' which has been there since I moved house six years ago. I called in a skip and have managed to fill that, so there is two cubic metres of clutter gone, not to mention the eight bags of clothes, household goods donated to local charity shops. [U]Oh what a feeling!!!![/U] I have been able to sort and store any treasures in archive boxes. I now have a wonderful space for my fitness equipment which I have started to use (because I can now get to it) and am saving up for a punching bag! I keep looking in to make sure that nothing has reproduced itself overnight!! Ha! Ha!
I also decided this week that I would have a 'lean' grocery week as I have plenty of meat in my freezer, fresh produce from the market and that I only needed a few items. I surfed the internet of three local supermarkets to see the best deals for the items I required and came up trumps, so knew exactly what I was going to be spending... a total of $29.90. I think Cath calls this 'beating them at their own game'. It's so good to feel in control of spending! A cathartic week really! :):):)
Login to read more Cheapskates Club Member blogs
8. Last Week's Question
Last week's question was from Donna Muter who wrote
"The question I have is about skin care. I am looking for recipes for good basic skin care products I can make at home. A good face moisturiser and body lotion. If anyone has a good recipe I would like to try it and save some dollars as well. Thanks so much."
Susie Venkat answered
Skin cream/Moisturiser: 1/3 Olive Oil, 1/3 Coconut Oil (both cheap and fabulous), 1/6 Macadamia, 1/6 Almond… or any good oil that you like, then a bit of Rosehip (more expensive), and an essential oil that is recommended for topical use (e.g. lavender, tea tree). I put mine in a nice pump bottle as it can be a bit hard to dispense from other bottles. I use this all over - face and body.
Linda S answered
I use plain old cold pressed organic coconut oil. A tiny bit in the morning so I am not greasy and I use extra at night. I have extremely dry skin and after using a myriad of products over the years this works wonders, it's the cheapest and has nothing nasty in it.
Joanna Harper answered
For waterproof eye makeup remover, I moved to Johnson’s baby oil. It does not sting your eyes and leaves your lashes soft and pliable – mine have stopped falling out. It really does remove all your waterproof mascara! You will also need to purchase some cotton face wipes – which you can buy for about $1 for 50.l
For a cheap toner, get a $2 spray bottle and fill it with Witch Hazel (bought from any chemist for about $5) which is an astringent. You can put it in the fridge in summer for a cool spritz, you can even add a couple of drops of rose water.
For an exfoliate I use a salt (finer than sugar) and olive oil mix. You can make it as fine or as heavy as you require. Once again you can use it as is or add a bit of essential oil for fragrance.
If you want a homemade moisturiser go to website “naturalandhealthyliving” you can find a variety of moisturisers to make at home, depending on your skin type.
The simplest seems to be:
• ½ cup coconut oil – anti ageing, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and can be purchased from supermarkets.
• 12 drops of Lavender Oil – Relaxing, antioxidant, helps skin with free radicals
• 1 teaspoon of Vitamin E liquid – or pierce a couple of vitamin E capsules – Helps with scarring, helps hold solution together.
Melt coconut oil in microwave or over a pot of boiling water, add Vitamin E and then lavender, beating with stick blender as it cools down.
9. This Week's Question
Marissa Tanti writes
"I need to know of reasonably priced airtight jars or plastic containers to keep pantry supplies in. I have just thrown out heaps of flour etc contaminated by weevils. We are gluten free and it's very expensive to throw out! Hoping you guys can help me!"
Do you have the answer?
If you can help Marissa let us know. We'll enter your answer into our Tip of the Week competition, with a one-year membership to the Cheapskates Club as the prize too.
Send your answer
10. Ask Cath
We have lots of resources to help you as you live the Cheapskates way but if you didn't find the answer to your question in our extensive archives please just drop me a note with your question.
I read and answer all questions, either in an email to you, in my weekly newsletter, the monthly Journal or by creating blog posts and other resources to help you (and other Cheapskaters).
Ask Your Question
11. Join the Cheapskates Club
For just 10 cents a day you can join the Cheapskates Club and get exclusive access to the Cheapskate Journal, the monthly e-journal that shows you how to cut the costs of everyday living and still have fun.
Joining the Cheapskates Club gives you 24/7 access to the Members Centre with 1000's of money saving tips and articles.
Click here to join the Cheapskates Club today!
12. Frequently Asked Questions
How do I change my email address?
This one is easy. Members can update their email address or any other details by clicking on "Edit Profile" directly under their membership number after they have logged in to the Member's Centre. Subscribers to our free newsletter can use the Change Your Address form (under Customer Service in the menu) and fill it out. Once you've filled it in click the send button and we'll do the rest. Please remember to include your old email address so we can find it in the list as well as the new one.
How do I know when my membership should be renewed?
When you login to the Member's Centre you will be told how many days of membership you have left once you have 30 days left. Just click on the link to renew and your membership will just continue on, uninterrupted.
What will you do with my email address?
We never rent, trade or sell our email list to anyone for any reason whatsoever. You'll never get an unsolicited email from a stranger as a result of joining this list.
Read our privacy policy
How Did You Get on Our List?
You signed up to receive our Free Newsletter at our Cheapskates Club Web site or are a Platinum Cheapskates Club member
13. Contact Details
The Cheapskates Club -
Showing you how to live life
debt free, cashed up and laughing!
PO Box 5077 Studfield Vic 3152
1. Cath's Corner
2. In the Tip Store - Don't Be Delusional About Costs; Medicine Cabinet Inventory Saves Hundreds of Dollars; Simple Gathered Scarves
3. Share Your Tips
4. On the Menu - Mexican Meatballs
5. The $300 a Month Food Challenge - Hot Chocolate and Marshmallows
6. Cheapskates Buzz - Cheapskaters are talking in the Forum and on Cath's blog
7. Member's Featured Blog - A Lean Clean Week With a P.P. (Pristine Purse!!)
8. Last Week's Question - I'd love some MOO skincare recipes
9. This Week's Question - Best containers to keep out weevils?
10. Ask Cath
11. Join the Cheapskates Club
12. Frequently Asked Questions
13. Contact Details
1. Cath's Corner
Hello Cheapskaters,
Is it cold where you are? It sure has been cold here this week, and this morning was positively frosty. The sun is shining now and I'm sitting in front of the window relishing the warmth. It has been so cold I made a batch of Hot Chocolate Drink Mix at the weekend and it's gone! We've all been having a hot drink every time we come in from outside. Time to make another batch, just in time for the long weekend.
One of the things I love is hearing from Cheapskaters. I love to hear all the clever ways you save money, time and energy. I love to hear about your challenges and I love to hear about your successes. This is one email that put a smile on my face recently, I just love to know I'm not the only who has those 'duh' moments.
Hi Cath, I’ve just had what my sister would call a ‘duh’ moment. My sister put me onto this site and I’ve loved every minute of it. I’m doing the Saving Revolution at the moment and boy is it an eye opener. I’d always considered myself a great saver, but there’s always more to learn. I found the clearing out of my handbag and work bag particularly interesting (scary really), what I was doing with 2 rubber bats (from Halloween), a couple of chocolates, my Christmas earrings, a bottle of bubbles and various bits and pieces from goodness only knows when, I’ve no idea.
Thank you for a truly wonderful site. Christine S.
Have a great week everyone (and long weekend if you're celebrating the Queen's birthday).
Happy Cheapskating,
PS: Love our site? We love referrals! Send a note to your favourite newspapers, magazines, radio stations, TV stations, friends and relatives, and tell them about us!
2. From The Tip Store
Don't Be Delusional About Costs
Sometimes I just want to get off the place and use a shopping trip as the excuse and that is the truth of it. The time has come to bite the bullet and put on paper what has previously been just an idea of costs. To shop at the closest town is a 40 kilometre round trip, one major and one minor supermarket - not much to be gained on savings there. The major centre is a 120 kilometre round trip with all of the wonderful options of wholesale butcher, supermarkets and most major stores.
This is what I've come to in costs so far (I drive an old Magna):
Annual expenses:
Rego. $500
Insurance $99
Oil filter $40
Tyres $100
Servicing $100 (Hubby takes care of car).
The approximate cost per kilometre @ 10,000 kilometres per year is 9 cents per kilometre.
Add the cost of fuel at $1.30 per litre and the 40 kilometre local round trip costs $17.60, the 120 kilometre regional round trip plus 20 kilometres around town costs $48.00. WOW! Did that change my thinking. That means that I have to save $30.40 (the difference between getting to the local and the regional centres) before I make any headway at all on savings with my shopping!!!!
Yes, I usually grow as much as is practical, but I still need to purchase the rest. Now when I open the freezer and look at what is there I'll be adding the cost of running the freezer to the equation. What I've learnt from this little exercise is that if I need/want to get serious about what it costs to live in the country and nail it, I have to be honest with myself.
Contributed by Carol
Medicine Cabinet Inventory Saves Hundreds of Dollars
Last night, I could feel the inklings of a headache coming on, so I decided to reach for the Panadol before it took hold. When I pulled down the medicine box out of the cupboard, I decided I should check out the expiry date of the things in there and declutter all the old unused items whilst I was at it. To my horror, there were medicines in there which had expired as far back as 2007! There were unfinished prescription medicines that had been there for so long I didn't even know what they had been taken for in the first place. There were even quite a few medications which I had duplicates of, and they were all past their expiry date. As I started tossing these medicines into the bin, I thought about how much money had been wasted, buying unnecessary medicines, some of which had cost over $40! There was literally hundreds of dollars' worth of now useless medicines clogging up my cupboard. I decided to write up a list of all the medications which we were left with and their expiry dates. I wrote this list into the notebook which I carry around with me in the nappy bag. This way, whenever we go to the doctors and are told to buy 'such and such', I can check the list before I head to the chemist and hand over my cash, and see whether we already have that medication at home. This list will also ensure that I can keep track of which staple medications (such as Nurofen, Panadol, Infant Panadol etc.) are about to go out of date and need to be replaced. There is nothing worse than having a sick child in need of Panadol at 10pm on a Sunday night when there is no chemist open! So, as you can see, taking 10 minutes to check the medicine cupboard at home will not only benefit your health, but also your bank balance!
Contributed by Kelly
Simple Gathered Scarves
I wanted to get some trendy new, flouncy, gathered up scarves recently but went out and found most to be around $30 to $40 each. I came home and dragged out all of my old long scarves. I then picked out some of the longest and hand stitched some thin elastic along the length (like tram tracks). With some I used similar coloured cotton and used big tacking stitches and then just pulled them up and tied knots. With the longest ones, I used two 'U' shaped rows of tacking threads - one at either end. Voila - new and trendy scarves for free! I also found a couple at op shops for $2 each and did the same. Recycling in action.
Contributed by Amanda
There are currently more than 12,000 great tips in the Tip Store
3. Submit Your Tip
The Cheapskate's Club website is over 3,000 pages of money saving hints, tips and ideas. Let's get together and make the Cheapskates Club Australia's largest online hint, tip and idea library. Share your favourite money saving, time saving or energy saving hint and be in the running to win a one-year membership to The Cheapskate Club. We publish a Winning Tip each Thursday, so enter your great money, time or energy saving idea now.
Share your favourite hint or tip that saves money, time and energy and be in the running to win a one-year subscription to The Cheapskate Journal.
Remember, you have to be in it to win it!
Submit your tip
4. On the Menu
Mexican Meatballs
500g best mince
1 egg
1 packet taco seasoning mix
200ml beef stock (stock cube with water)
1 tbsp tomato sauce
2 tsp cornflour
Mix beef stock, tomato sauce, cornflour and 1/2 packet taco seasoning in microwave jug and cook on high for 2 minutes. Mix mince with the egg and 1/2 packet taco seasoning. Shape teaspoons of mixture into balls (makes approximately 25). Place into a 2 litre microwave container. Pour sauce over meatballs. Cook on HIGH for 18 minutes. Serve over steamed rice or mashed potato.
This week we will be eating:
Sunday: Roast Beef
Monday: Mexican Meatballs
Tuesday: Spag bol
Wednesday: Chicken parmigiana, salad, French fries
Thursday: MOO Pizza
Friday: Tacos
Saturday: Toasted Sandwiches
In the fruit bowl: mandarins, pears
In the cake tin: fruit cake, chocolate slice, blueberry cake
There are over 1,500 other great money saving meal ideas in the Recipe File.
5. The $300 a Month Food Challenge
Hot Chocolate and Marshmallows
Well the weather has been cold here and we've been enjoying hot chocolate of an afternoon. As a special treat I've been putting marshmallows on top and letting them melt to gooey sweetness for us to sip through. I make the Cheapskates hot chocolate mix and sit it in a jar on the bench, right next to the kettle, where it is easy to get to. And this week I've been making Karen's marshmallow recipe too - such an easy treat to make and they are 99.9% fat free!
Hot Chocolate Drink Mix
2-1/2 cups skim milk powder
1/2 cup sugar
1 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
In medium bowl, combine milk powder, sugar, coca, and coffee whitener. To serve, place 3 teaspoons cocoa mix in mug. Stir in 3/4 cup boiling water. Store the mix in an airtight container for up to 2 months.
Easy Marshmallow
1 tablespoon gelatine
1/4 cup water
1/3 cup water, extra
1 cup caster sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Red food colouring - optional
Using a fork, combine gelatine and 1/4 cup cold water in a microwave-safe jug. Microwave, uncovered, on HIGH (100%) for 30 seconds. Stir with fork until mixture is clear. Set aside to cool for 5 minutes.
Using an electric mixer, beat sugar and 1/3 cup water on high speed for 5 minutes or until mixture thickens and turns white. While beating on high speed, pour cooled gelatine mixture into sugar mixture in a thin, steady stream. Beat for 10 minutes or until very thick. Add vanilla and enough colouring to produce a pale pink colour. Continue beating on high speed for 1 minute or until well combined. Pour into a well buttered lamington tray that has been dusted with icing sugar. Use a wet spatula to even out the top. Cover with clingwrap and put in fridge to set.
The $300 a Month Food Challenge
The Post that Started it All
6. Cheapskates Buzz
Most popular forum posts this week
Annabel’s Christmas Challenge
Housework System?
Cheap Teen Fun!!
Most popular blog posts this week
Did You Hear? Cath's had a Makeover!
Energize Your Body Wash
Super Cuticle Moisturiser in Your Kitchen
7. Members Featured Blog
Platinum Cheapskates Club members have their very own Cheapskating blogs, and they are wonderful and inspirational and encouraging and even funny. This week's featured blog is written by Palsie.
A Lean Clean Week with a P.P. (Pristine Purse!!)
Yes, cleaned out my purse of receipts, appointment cards and coins. Notes are all in order! Have also downsized my purse. I had a smaller one which I used when travelling overseas a couple of years ago. Have taken Cath's advice and taken out all of those 'loyal customer cards' keeping them in a separate location at home (less temptation) and so now have an extremely lean purse. Now have my envelopes organised to hold receipts as well. This lead me onto cleaning out my handbag stash! I have three or four favourite bags which I rotate and yes, I found coinage and numerous pens.........I must have a fetish for pens as I found 9 of them.... all different know the ones that are always at the checkout for sale!! An AHA moment, don't buy them in the future.
Being on holidays, I have used this opportunity to de-junk my double garage......a job which I thought would take me a couple of days, but in fact has taken me all week!! But I now have a clean and functional garage and have been ruthless in getting rid of all 'the crap' which has been there since I moved house six years ago. I called in a skip and have managed to fill that, so there is two cubic metres of clutter gone, not to mention the eight bags of clothes, household goods donated to local charity shops. [U]Oh what a feeling!!!![/U] I have been able to sort and store any treasures in archive boxes. I now have a wonderful space for my fitness equipment which I have started to use (because I can now get to it) and am saving up for a punching bag! I keep looking in to make sure that nothing has reproduced itself overnight!! Ha! Ha!
I also decided this week that I would have a 'lean' grocery week as I have plenty of meat in my freezer, fresh produce from the market and that I only needed a few items. I surfed the internet of three local supermarkets to see the best deals for the items I required and came up trumps, so knew exactly what I was going to be spending... a total of $29.90. I think Cath calls this 'beating them at their own game'. It's so good to feel in control of spending! A cathartic week really! :):):)
Login to read more Cheapskates Club Member blogs
8. Last Week's Question
Last week's question was from Donna Muter who wrote
"The question I have is about skin care. I am looking for recipes for good basic skin care products I can make at home. A good face moisturiser and body lotion. If anyone has a good recipe I would like to try it and save some dollars as well. Thanks so much."
Susie Venkat answered
Skin cream/Moisturiser: 1/3 Olive Oil, 1/3 Coconut Oil (both cheap and fabulous), 1/6 Macadamia, 1/6 Almond… or any good oil that you like, then a bit of Rosehip (more expensive), and an essential oil that is recommended for topical use (e.g. lavender, tea tree). I put mine in a nice pump bottle as it can be a bit hard to dispense from other bottles. I use this all over - face and body.
Linda S answered
I use plain old cold pressed organic coconut oil. A tiny bit in the morning so I am not greasy and I use extra at night. I have extremely dry skin and after using a myriad of products over the years this works wonders, it's the cheapest and has nothing nasty in it.
Joanna Harper answered
For waterproof eye makeup remover, I moved to Johnson’s baby oil. It does not sting your eyes and leaves your lashes soft and pliable – mine have stopped falling out. It really does remove all your waterproof mascara! You will also need to purchase some cotton face wipes – which you can buy for about $1 for 50.l
For a cheap toner, get a $2 spray bottle and fill it with Witch Hazel (bought from any chemist for about $5) which is an astringent. You can put it in the fridge in summer for a cool spritz, you can even add a couple of drops of rose water.
For an exfoliate I use a salt (finer than sugar) and olive oil mix. You can make it as fine or as heavy as you require. Once again you can use it as is or add a bit of essential oil for fragrance.
If you want a homemade moisturiser go to website “naturalandhealthyliving” you can find a variety of moisturisers to make at home, depending on your skin type.
The simplest seems to be:
• ½ cup coconut oil – anti ageing, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and can be purchased from supermarkets.
• 12 drops of Lavender Oil – Relaxing, antioxidant, helps skin with free radicals
• 1 teaspoon of Vitamin E liquid – or pierce a couple of vitamin E capsules – Helps with scarring, helps hold solution together.
Melt coconut oil in microwave or over a pot of boiling water, add Vitamin E and then lavender, beating with stick blender as it cools down.
9. This Week's Question
Marissa Tanti writes
"I need to know of reasonably priced airtight jars or plastic containers to keep pantry supplies in. I have just thrown out heaps of flour etc contaminated by weevils. We are gluten free and it's very expensive to throw out! Hoping you guys can help me!"
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