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Price Card System Saved My Sanity - September 2018
I am new to Cheapskates and loving it, but the idea of setting up a price book was just overwhelming. The thought of ruling up a notebook and then copying all the prices and trying to get them into some sort of order scared me, and stopped me from making use of this amazing too. And then I had a brainwave! While tidying up at work I found an old index card box with the alphabetical dividers and even some blank index cards. I asked if I could have it, and they answer was yes. Over the next week I sat each lunchtime and made an index card for each item on my shopping list. I ruled them up the same as the price book pages, and filled in the details off the receipts I had, then filed each card alphabetically. It's almost finished and I love it. The thought of a book was beyond me, but the thought of using index cards wasn't. Now as I write my shopping list, I check the price on the card, jot it next to the item on my list and do the shopping. When I get home, if there has been a price change, I just record it on the relevant card and my price card system is up to date.
Contributed by Jodi Livingstone
Contributed by Jodi Livingstone