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Reaping the Bounty with Food Swaps
Attending food swaps allows for sharing of excess home grown produce - fruit, veggies, plants, composting needs, worm wee and herbs. A social event - local community members come together to share their knowledge, food and time. The website below has a list of Eastern 'Burbs swaps - they happen all over Melbourne and can be set up easily with support from an established swap.
Contributed by Cathy Lyons
Editor's note: I love food swaps. The Crafty Mums get together once a month and one of our favourite parts of the day is the swap table. We share garden cuttings, seedlings and seeds as well as produce from our gardens. We also share the jams and pickles we make too. Cath
Contributed by Cathy Lyons
Editor's note: I love food swaps. The Crafty Mums get together once a month and one of our favourite parts of the day is the swap table. We share garden cuttings, seedlings and seeds as well as produce from our gardens. We also share the jams and pickles we make too. Cath
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