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Saving with the New Lower Star Rating
As the price of electricity has been constantly rising and our electric storage hot water system was using too much energy, we installed solar panels to help bring the cost down, but it just didn't save enough money. We then installed a heat pump HWS which dramatically decreased our energy costs by almost half. I was also told that the star rating system on old appliances no longer meant anything, and that less stars on new appliances meant that they were more efficient than an old appliance with more stars. After checking this with a local whitegoods store and having it confirmed, I bought a new fridge-only which only uses 190kWh a year, equating to $1 a week running costs. Our consumption has dropped below half, and in summer we should make money. Our solar panels are monitored by wifi, so you can actually see how the energy from the panels and the grid is used. As I said, not cheap to set up, but we'll worth it for the long haul if you can. Hope this helps with whitegoods, if nothing else.
Contributed by Lyn Plaisted
Contributed by Lyn Plaisted