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Tip Store: Clothes: Second-hand and Op-shop Specials
Upcycle Clothing
Approximate $ Savings: $100
I have put out the word that I will take cast-off clothes and several people give me their "hand me downs". I will use the raw materials to make clothes for my family. I also buy cheap clothes to up-cycle. I have used wool skirts to make hats, scarfs and mitten sets. I had been given several rayon skirts that were long, but too small for me, so I cut 8-10 inches off the top and sewed in an elastic waist-band so now I have several adorable, flattering skirts. I have also made dresses into skirts and skirts into dresses! Men's shirts also make great dresses and skirts. Neckties become belts and t-shirts become shorts, a wool coat becomes a bag. I do have a sewing machine, but my sewing skills are very limited, so if I can do it, anyone can!
Contributed by Ashley Roland, 11th April 2013
I have put out the word that I will take cast-off clothes and several people give me their "hand me downs". I will use the raw materials to make clothes for my family. I also buy cheap clothes to up-cycle. I have used wool skirts to make hats, scarfs and mitten sets. I had been given several rayon skirts that were long, but too small for me, so I cut 8-10 inches off the top and sewed in an elastic waist-band so now I have several adorable, flattering skirts. I have also made dresses into skirts and skirts into dresses! Men's shirts also make great dresses and skirts. Neckties become belts and t-shirts become shorts, a wool coat becomes a bag. I do have a sewing machine, but my sewing skills are very limited, so if I can do it, anyone can!
Contributed by Ashley Roland, 11th April 2013
Old Jeans/New Jeans Recycling
Approximate $ Savings $75+++
I have to share my awesome Cheapskating with you this week. My jeans were worn out saggy in the bum threadbare between the thighs. I was going to use a $50 voucher I had from Christmas to replace them with some basic new ones. Then I thought I will just check the op shop first. I found two lovely pairs that look awesome on me (if I say so myself)much better quality than I would have bought new, and another pair of gorgeous Australian designer ones in a size too small for me. $15 for all three! The small ones I am giving to a friend for her birthday, even second hand you would pay well over $30 on eBay so she is pleased (I would usually spend $15 on her present). My Cheapskating continues, with the worn jeans I have ripped up the leg seams to make to car organisers to hang on the back of the seats. The back pocket fits a water bottle and the front a Nintendo DS! I folded up the bottom to create a big pocket and stitch a smaller pocket on that with some lovely fabric scrapes I had. Much cooler than anything you could buy. AND I still have my voucher for a rainy day!!! Thanks for helping me think out side the box.
- Contributed by Seana Morris, 21st March 2012
I have to share my awesome Cheapskating with you this week. My jeans were worn out saggy in the bum threadbare between the thighs. I was going to use a $50 voucher I had from Christmas to replace them with some basic new ones. Then I thought I will just check the op shop first. I found two lovely pairs that look awesome on me (if I say so myself)much better quality than I would have bought new, and another pair of gorgeous Australian designer ones in a size too small for me. $15 for all three! The small ones I am giving to a friend for her birthday, even second hand you would pay well over $30 on eBay so she is pleased (I would usually spend $15 on her present). My Cheapskating continues, with the worn jeans I have ripped up the leg seams to make to car organisers to hang on the back of the seats. The back pocket fits a water bottle and the front a Nintendo DS! I folded up the bottom to create a big pocket and stitch a smaller pocket on that with some lovely fabric scrapes I had. Much cooler than anything you could buy. AND I still have my voucher for a rainy day!!! Thanks for helping me think out side the box.
- Contributed by Seana Morris, 21st March 2012
Sell Off Your Wardrobe
Take clothes that may be too snug or that you no longer wear, that are in excellent condition, to a consignment store rather than donating to the op shop. If the items are in great condition and still stylish they can be sold, making you some money. A helpful tip is to make sure each garment is properly laundered and pressed at the end of each season ready to store until the store starts taking items for the next season. Check the store policy - some like garments presented on coat hangers, other prefer garments to be neatly folded. Spend a little time to make sure buttons are secure, spots and stains are gone and hems are secure and you will ensure top dollar for your garments.
Look Good, Feel Great and Save Money with Revamped Fashions
I bought some amazing second-hand (REVAMPED fashions) from a shop in Brisbane with a friend who introduced me to the Cheapskates club! I am not a cheapskate at all - but a rich bitch spendthrift who has JUST stopped working in real estate and earning $120 - 150 K a year as now I am very unwell and need a break! Hence the need to learn how to become a cheapskate! :-) However, I love nice expensive bought heaps of designer wear - a pair of Prado Shoes for $100 - $2000 original price! I have some beautiful clothes and love wearing them - getting compliments and saying - yes, I love my labels! It really makes me feel like a million bucks - I recently sold a $2.2 million dollar house and left my $100 Prados outside the house - they were nicer than the shoes the house buyer was wearing! I also like to get my hair professionally styled twice a month - I have a special contract with my hairstylist - you CAN negotiate, but now that I am in the Cheapskates Club, I will probably cut back to once a month! PS photo attached of my friend and I with our "bargain purchases" outside the famous shop ! Revamped Fashions! What an awesome day!
- Contributed by Gaby McEwan, 27th August 2010
- Contributed by Gaby McEwan, 27th August 2010
Always Wear New Clothes
I usually go second-hand shopping at least once a fortnight. I pick out fashionable, clean, quality clothing in excellent condition for my two daughters, my grandson and myself. Once they finish wearing it or get bored with it or in the case of my grandson outgrow it, I put it up for sale on eBay for a cheap price. I then collect the money in my PayPal account and buy things I need (Christmas presents and other necessities) that might be cheaper on eBay with it. For example I bought a lawnmower for $ 50.00 (saves the lawn mowing service - $30.00 a fortnight), toys for Christmas and much more. So my children and my grandson always wear "new" clothes on loan and can virtually exchange them any time they like.
- Contributed by Sabine, Upper Coomera, 13th May 2009
- Contributed by Sabine, Upper Coomera, 13th May 2009
Be Well Dressed and Help Charity
If you want to have a great deal and some good garments, visit the Salvation Army or other charity shops. Sometime you find good clothes, nearly new or even brand new. Just wash and disinfect the garments. You look nice and help the charity..
- Contributed by Veleda Kmet, 6th June 2010
- Contributed by Veleda Kmet, 6th June 2010
Recycling a Recycled Holiday Wardrobe
Approximate $ Savings: $100
Before going on holiday I used to buy at least two or three new items of clothing to take with me, even more if the climate I was travelling to was unfamiliar or seasonally different from home. I now have a new strategy. I pack very light (which in itself is easier on my body to carry and also reduces my carbon footprint whilst travelling). When I get to my destination I visit local opportunity, thrift or charity shops and find everyday basics that I can wear throughout my holiday. This typically includes tee-shirts, trousers, shorts, summer dresses and casual knits. As well as being very cost effective (I usually set myself a budget of $50 or often less depending on what I need), the clothes I buy are totally appropriate for the place I am visiting and the climate I find when I arrive (thus avoiding packing and lugging around totally inappropriate clothing). The best thing is that when my holiday or travelling is over, I return them to – any – op shop for recycling. I love the idea that I am saving money, reducing the weight I am carrying and recycling – all in one!
- Contributed by Louise, Brighton East, 18th April 2009
Before going on holiday I used to buy at least two or three new items of clothing to take with me, even more if the climate I was travelling to was unfamiliar or seasonally different from home. I now have a new strategy. I pack very light (which in itself is easier on my body to carry and also reduces my carbon footprint whilst travelling). When I get to my destination I visit local opportunity, thrift or charity shops and find everyday basics that I can wear throughout my holiday. This typically includes tee-shirts, trousers, shorts, summer dresses and casual knits. As well as being very cost effective (I usually set myself a budget of $50 or often less depending on what I need), the clothes I buy are totally appropriate for the place I am visiting and the climate I find when I arrive (thus avoiding packing and lugging around totally inappropriate clothing). The best thing is that when my holiday or travelling is over, I return them to – any – op shop for recycling. I love the idea that I am saving money, reducing the weight I am carrying and recycling – all in one!
- Contributed by Louise, Brighton East, 18th April 2009
An Alternative to Op Shops for Clothes
In the past people have recommended visiting Op shops to buy clothes at good prices. My local op shops never seem to have anything that appeals to me / or it is a small size. Yesterday I went to my local markets (for the first time) and was delighted to find a nice knitted jumper for only $4. Some of the other clothes were more expensive than op shop prices (the quality makes up for this) but still a lot cheaper than retail stores. In future I will try the local markets before going retail.
- Contributed by Katherine, Nowra, 29th December 2008
- Contributed by Katherine, Nowra, 29th December 2008
Great Wardrobe for a Fraction of the Price
Approximate $ Savings: $2000
This tip is for People new to savings might be concerned about being able to still look good on a budget. One of my biggest outgoings was for clothing as I love to shop for myself and my two boys. To save money I started shopping at op shops. I have found fantastic clothes for all of us. I can even afford to dress us all in labels now. You can pickup Pumpkin Patch, Fred Bare and other children's labels for just a few dollars and in great condition. For myself I have bought Diesel and Gripp jeans for $10 - $15, Metallicus tops for $2, a brand new Esprit handbag $20 and so on. All in fantastic condition. So you can still have a great wardrobe but at a fraction of the price.
- Contributed by Sarah, Quinns Rocks, 23rd February 2010
This tip is for People new to savings might be concerned about being able to still look good on a budget. One of my biggest outgoings was for clothing as I love to shop for myself and my two boys. To save money I started shopping at op shops. I have found fantastic clothes for all of us. I can even afford to dress us all in labels now. You can pickup Pumpkin Patch, Fred Bare and other children's labels for just a few dollars and in great condition. For myself I have bought Diesel and Gripp jeans for $10 - $15, Metallicus tops for $2, a brand new Esprit handbag $20 and so on. All in fantastic condition. So you can still have a great wardrobe but at a fraction of the price.
- Contributed by Sarah, Quinns Rocks, 23rd February 2010
Dressed to Impress
Approximate $ Savings: $150
I have a job interview coming up, and having been employed for 5 years at the one company, had nothing suitable to wear to the upcoming interview. I went to a women's clothing store, and was looking at around $150 for a skirt, shirt and jacket.... whoah! I'm only (hopefully) going to wear it once. Brainwave! Off to the local St Vinnie I go, and got a virtually brand new 3/4 length navy skirt for $3.50, and a great red and white striped shirt for $3.50. Coupled with a nice pair of black heels and some jewellery I already have... I think I will impress, on the fashion front at least!
- Contributed by Kirsty, Deniliquin, 6th November 2009
I have a job interview coming up, and having been employed for 5 years at the one company, had nothing suitable to wear to the upcoming interview. I went to a women's clothing store, and was looking at around $150 for a skirt, shirt and jacket.... whoah! I'm only (hopefully) going to wear it once. Brainwave! Off to the local St Vinnie I go, and got a virtually brand new 3/4 length navy skirt for $3.50, and a great red and white striped shirt for $3.50. Coupled with a nice pair of black heels and some jewellery I already have... I think I will impress, on the fashion front at least!
- Contributed by Kirsty, Deniliquin, 6th November 2009
Dress the Whole Family for $20
Approximate $ Savings: Up to $100
Become a regular customer or contributor to your local "Op Shop" or second hand store. It's amazing what you find or what they can offer. From $5 to fill up a shopping bag to $7 for a pair of Jimmy Choo shoes! One of the kids broke a toy or ripped a shirt? It only cost 50c who cares! The best thing is no one will ever be wearing the same thing as you and you can dress the whole family for $20. It's also a nice feeling walking out knowing the money you spent is more than likely going to a good cause.
- Contributed by Corryne, Rangeway, 14th October 2008
Become a regular customer or contributor to your local "Op Shop" or second hand store. It's amazing what you find or what they can offer. From $5 to fill up a shopping bag to $7 for a pair of Jimmy Choo shoes! One of the kids broke a toy or ripped a shirt? It only cost 50c who cares! The best thing is no one will ever be wearing the same thing as you and you can dress the whole family for $20. It's also a nice feeling walking out knowing the money you spent is more than likely going to a good cause.
- Contributed by Corryne, Rangeway, 14th October 2008
Cash Free Clothes Party
The worst thing about being invited to a clothes party or any other party is that you are obligated to spend money. This clothes party is different. No one makes any money and no one spends any money. All you have to do is get some of your friends together for morning tea or cocktails or whatever, bring along all the clothes that no longer fit you or no longer wear. Have a few drinks and try on the array of clothes on offer and hope you will go home with a bag of new clothes. And the best thing is YOU HAVEN'T SPENT A CENT !!! People can bring an array of stuff not just clothes but shoes, belts, swimwear, baby and kids clothes, school uniforms, perfume, toys, etc. We always have a lovely time at our clothes parties and come home with all our money too.
- Contributed by Julie, Horsham, 17th September 2008
- Contributed by Julie, Horsham, 17th September 2008
Dyeing for New Clothes
When clothes have been worn to the point of fading but are still in good wearable condition, instead of buying new clothes, buy some dye. Dye cost around the $5 mark (supermarkets, chemists) and you can dye many clothes per dye. Works well on faded clothes, tablecloths or any such item and overall can save you hundreds on not having to buy new items. Also works well if you've forgotten to take some clothes off the line and they've faded that way. Also, you can dye clothes for a change when you are sick of a particular item. You'd normally buy new clothes but dying them is like having a new wardrobe. Also, you can dye out some stains depending on the colour.
- Contributed by Rachael, Rivervale, 4th February 2008
- Contributed by Rachael, Rivervale, 4th February 2008
Save the Cost of Buying New Shorts for Summer!
The warmer weather has finally reached us in Melbourne - and my boys wanted to start wearing their shorts again - only to find that they have grown and their shorts from last summer no longer fit! Not only did they not fit - they were 'above the knee' and apparently you don't wear short shorts anymore! I went through their old jeans and pants which are a little short (above the ankles and are too daggy to wear!) and cut them off below the knees and with the sewing machine, sewed a hem on all of them! Now my boys think they are really cool because they've got lots of long shorts in denim and camo material - and all it cost was the thread in the sewing machine and an hour or two! How easy!!
- Contributed by Nicole, Chrinside Park, 30th October 2007
- Contributed by Nicole, Chrinside Park, 30th October 2007
Revamp Tired Clothing With Scissors
Approximate $ Savings: $25
I have just tidied up 2 items of my children's clothing by just using a pair of scissors which only cost me about 10 minutes of my time. A friend passed me on some clothes. There was a T shirt which had a V neck with a triangular piece of fabric behind the V. The T shirt was in great condition except for the stain on the piece behind the V. So seeing as the T-shirt was made of jersey material I just cut this piece out leaving me with a top that my son can wear out of the house. My daughter also had a pair of 3/4 jeans with lace around the bottom. The lace was in very bad condition but it was sewn down with ribbon which was fine. So I got out the trusty scissors and cut off the lace below the ribbon which has made the jeans far more presentable. So for the grand sum of $0 (as both pieces of clothing were given to us) my son and daughter both have an item of clothing they can wear out of the house which previously would have been play clothes.
- Contributed by Naomi, Brahma Lodge, 30th October 2007
I have just tidied up 2 items of my children's clothing by just using a pair of scissors which only cost me about 10 minutes of my time. A friend passed me on some clothes. There was a T shirt which had a V neck with a triangular piece of fabric behind the V. The T shirt was in great condition except for the stain on the piece behind the V. So seeing as the T-shirt was made of jersey material I just cut this piece out leaving me with a top that my son can wear out of the house. My daughter also had a pair of 3/4 jeans with lace around the bottom. The lace was in very bad condition but it was sewn down with ribbon which was fine. So I got out the trusty scissors and cut off the lace below the ribbon which has made the jeans far more presentable. So for the grand sum of $0 (as both pieces of clothing were given to us) my son and daughter both have an item of clothing they can wear out of the house which previously would have been play clothes.
- Contributed by Naomi, Brahma Lodge, 30th October 2007
Second-hand Levi's on eBay Saved Me $200
I was recently shopping for some new jeans (with birthday money) and would have preferred to treat myself to some Levi's. After seeing the price tag though, I changed my mind. Later that day I was surfing around on eBay and found some second hand Levis. I put bids in and won two pairs. The total cost of two pairs of Levis, including delivery, was $32.80 - a saving of over $200!
- Contributed by Kaye, Dianella, March 21st 2005
- Contributed by Kaye, Dianella, March 21st 2005
Online Dress Store
www.Sydney's has an amazing array of dresses in all sizes. Just check out the under $200 and under $100 sections and remember to convert US $ to AUD (approx 1 extra Aussie $ for every 3 US $.)
- Contributed by Tania, Figtree, November 10th 2006
- Contributed by Tania, Figtree, November 10th 2006
I have saved heaps on clothing by shopping at a store called Trade Secrets, they also have a website, I have saved a lot of money by buying clothes and underwear from there for next to nothing, for example a pair of Calvin Klein jeans were $165, I bought them for $35 big difference in price. I urge you all to check this store out you will find everything there to clothe the whole family for next to nothing.
- Contributed by Roula, South Coogee, July 11th 2006
- Contributed by Roula, South Coogee, July 11th 2006
Dyeing For New Clothes
I have many dark coloured t-shirts, track pants etc that have become faded through repeated wear and washing. Instead of buying new ones I thought I would try dying a batch of clothes (if it didn't work I hadn't lost anything). The results were better than I expected. With 2 packets of black dye, 24L of hot water (plus extra for rinsing) and an hour of my time I have rejuvenated 2 pairs of track pants, 2 t-shirts, 1 long sleeved wrap top and my husband's business shirt! This works best on clothes that are dark to begin with - my dark grey track pants are a deeper charcoal, my navy top is now dark navy etc Read the instructions carefully, wear gloves and use your stainless laundry tub (not the washing machine as the plastic parts will dye). The only instruction I ignored was the quantity of dye - I dyed far more than the packet suggested I could.
- Contributed by Cherie, Bull Creek
- Contributed by Cherie, Bull Creek
Re-cycled Clothing Swap Shop
I have found a recycled clothing shop in my local area that does "swaps". I can take any of my children's clothes in that no longer fit them and I'm given a $ amount that they are worth and then it's up to me to "swap" that $ amount over for clothes that will fit. I have found that the quality is very good as the better the quality of clothes the more they are worth when swapping. This has saved me heaps especially as my children are both under 5 and grow so quickly. A quick look in the local phone book for recycled clothing shop and few phone calls is all that is needed. Your bank account will thank you! - Contributed by Barbara, June 16th, 2004
Save Money On Clothes
When it comes to clothes, I do a lot of shopping at op shops and garage sales. You can find the best deals at garage sales but sometimes it can be hard to find the size you are looking for. Sometimes they'll tell you to fill a bag for $5.00. If this doesn't happen the clothes are usually very cheap anyway. Often I am able to find children's and adult clothing for $1 or 50 cents a piece. The op shops are a bit more expensive. There are a variety of prices but all are at least 30% less than retail if not more. I like to go to op shops on their sale days (such as 50% off day) to save even more. There are still times when I buy clothes brand new (usually clearance sales or the market), but most of the time I shop the op shops. Not only do I save money but also I find a bigger variety.
- Contributed by Celia, Sunbury
- Contributed by Celia, Sunbury
Good Style Doesn't Have to Cost Big Bucks
A friend of mine does not have a lot of money to spend so when she goes looking for clothes she often goes to op shops and picks up some really good buys e.g. a Perrie Cutten suit in very good condition for $15; it was worth approximately $400!
Contributed by Colleen Baker, 3rd January 2014
Contributed by Colleen Baker, 3rd January 2014