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Serviette Saver - January 2019
I use napkins at every meal, and discovered that we were going through a lot of packets. So I went to the Op shop, bought 1dozen material serviettes, use for 1 day, pop into the wash and reuse. Sometimes they get an iron. Cost us $5. After 12 months they are still as good as new.
Contributed by Glenda Hymers
Editor's note: If you are a sewer, serviettes are easy to make. They can be made from just about any cotton or linen fabric. Old shirts make lovely serviettes, as do old doona covers and sheets or pillowcases. You get 6 - 8 serviettes from a shirt (depends how big you make them) and dozens from doona covers and sheets. A pillow case makes 8 matching serviettes. Cath
Contributed by Glenda Hymers
Editor's note: If you are a sewer, serviettes are easy to make. They can be made from just about any cotton or linen fabric. Old shirts make lovely serviettes, as do old doona covers and sheets or pillowcases. You get 6 - 8 serviettes from a shirt (depends how big you make them) and dozens from doona covers and sheets. A pillow case makes 8 matching serviettes. Cath