Take a Second Look
I always try to use something twice. It takes just a second to look at something before you throw it in the bin. Examples - put used coffee dregs on garden beds, banana skins are great to polish leather, Jalna yoghurt containers to freeze soup, milk cartons for stock and pasta sauce, Chinese food containers to freeze casseroles, 2 litre milk containers to store rice, fruit pulp from juicer for cakes and muffins, vegetable pulp to make stock, bread bags for dog pooper scoopers, cut up no longer used shirts and cotton clothes to make quilts, damp newspaper to clean windows, egg cartons to plant seeds, rubber gloves cut into strips to make strong elastic bands. These are just a few ideas. Not only do you save money, but also you help the environment. Just look and think before you toss and by doing these small things, you will feel a lot better about yourself - not only for saving money but helping the environment and unleashing your creative side.
Contributed by Janelle
Contributed by Janelle
This Tip is from the Household: Re-cyling Tip Store