The Family Recipe Book - Handmade Christmas Challenge

Almost every family has a treasured, favourite recipe or recipes that have been handed down through the generations. A great way to ensure that the recipe and the family history aren't lost is to make a family recipe book.
Putting your Family Recipe book together will be great fun and easy to do if you follow these simple steps.
Planning & Design
*Will it just be a recipe book or will it have space for family history?
*Will you include stories with the recipes, such as why Granny's Johnny Cakes were the best ever, or the secret to Aunty Mary's Beef Casserole?
*Will there be space to add other recipes?
*Are you going to include illustrations, photos (you can scan them in), family sayings, funny events etc.?
*And will you leave space for comments and notes to be added later on?
*How will you decorate it?
*Is it to be a single page or a double page spread?
*And what about a cover and binding?
*Is this your own personal project or would you like some other family members to help you?
Gathering the Recipes
Ask family members for copies of their favourite recipes and anything else you want to include in the recipe book. Give a deadline for the return of the information or your Family Recipe book could be an ongoing work.
Putting it Together
This is the fun part. Use your computer to type the recipes up, add the images etc. Have someone else proof read it for you, there are bound to be typos and formatting errors that you just don’t notice because you’re so close to the project.
Printing and Binding
You can print the pages yourself if you’re confident and have a good printer. Alternatively you can take it to an office supply store (Officeworks etc.) or a printer (Kwik Copy etc.) and have it printed. The size of the finished book will determine the best binding. A spiral or comb binding will allow the book to open flat, making it easier to use and read. If your book isn’t too thick, you can punch holes and tie the book off with a ribbon.
Laminating the pages will also help to protect them from spills etc. something you can do if your Family recipe book is to be just for the family.
Putting your Family Recipe book together will be great fun and easy to do if you follow these simple steps.
Planning & Design
*Will it just be a recipe book or will it have space for family history?
*Will you include stories with the recipes, such as why Granny's Johnny Cakes were the best ever, or the secret to Aunty Mary's Beef Casserole?
*Will there be space to add other recipes?
*Are you going to include illustrations, photos (you can scan them in), family sayings, funny events etc.?
*And will you leave space for comments and notes to be added later on?
*How will you decorate it?
*Is it to be a single page or a double page spread?
*And what about a cover and binding?
*Is this your own personal project or would you like some other family members to help you?
Gathering the Recipes
Ask family members for copies of their favourite recipes and anything else you want to include in the recipe book. Give a deadline for the return of the information or your Family Recipe book could be an ongoing work.
Putting it Together
This is the fun part. Use your computer to type the recipes up, add the images etc. Have someone else proof read it for you, there are bound to be typos and formatting errors that you just don’t notice because you’re so close to the project.
Printing and Binding
You can print the pages yourself if you’re confident and have a good printer. Alternatively you can take it to an office supply store (Officeworks etc.) or a printer (Kwik Copy etc.) and have it printed. The size of the finished book will determine the best binding. A spiral or comb binding will allow the book to open flat, making it easier to use and read. If your book isn’t too thick, you can punch holes and tie the book off with a ribbon.
Laminating the pages will also help to protect them from spills etc. something you can do if your Family recipe book is to be just for the family.