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The Zero Food Waste Trifecta - November 2018
I love to cook, save the environment and save money, so these simple actions win the zero food waste trifecta!. In our house, when I cook, I have two lidded containers at hand. Any fresh vegetable and fruit scraps that the rabbit can eat, go in one (for example: a half-eaten apple, broccoli stalk). All of the peelings and other organic matter go into the other container, with egg shells, coffee grinds etc., to go into the compost. Added to the compost is rabbit poo and crappy sand from our yard, leaves etc. When we have finished eating our meals, I collect any cooked leftovers or scraps from everyone's plate and put them into ziplock bags. I also save zip lock bags from when I buy things like rice, muesli, nuts etc that have a reseal option. Then I pop them into the freezer. When I have so many bags my freezer is full, I call my friend who has a dog and she collects it in bulk to feed her pooch. So, that about covers my zero food waste trifecta!
Contributed by Angela Coombes
Contributed by Angela Coombes