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Tip Sheet October 2019
Presents for Pennies
Christmas is fast approaching, so gifts that are unique and inexpensive are probably on your mind. Here are three quick, easy, simple and very inexpensive gift ideas you can make at home. Best of all, you probably already have everything you need - these gifts use things that can be repurposed and/or recycled!
And no specials skills required - they really are that easy.
Christmas is fast approaching, so gifts that are unique and inexpensive are probably on your mind. Here are three quick, easy, simple and very inexpensive gift ideas you can make at home. Best of all, you probably already have everything you need - these gifts use things that can be repurposed and/or recycled!
And no specials skills required - they really are that easy.
Click here to download this month's tip sheet Presents for Pennies
Find all Cheapskates tip sheets here.
Find all Cheapskates tip sheets here.