Tip Store: Shopping: Vouchers, Discount Dockets
Kmart Pensioner Discount Program
A friend of mine discovered that Kmart offers a 5 % discount to pensioners, but there is a catch. It only applies to Commonwealth Govt Pensioner Concession Card holders or Commonwealth Govt Department of Veterans Affairs Health Cards. State or territory-issued Seniors Card does not qualify. The discount is available on the first Wednesday of every month. A Kmart representative said holders of the cards just need to present their card in-store for the discount to take effect. It is not available online. If you’re worried about whether or not your local Kmart will honour the discount, the retailer has confirmed that the discount is available at all Kmart stores nationwide.
Contributed by Edeltraud Heyer
Contributed by Edeltraud Heyer
Double the Freebies
Sign up at Lincraft, spotlight etc. and when you get your free birthday vouchers. Buy products you can turn into craft items you can sell for double the value or more.
Contributed by Julie Stroud-Watts
Contributed by Julie Stroud-Watts
Woolworths and Coles % Off Shop - 3 Ways
Three ways to save on groceries:
1. Have you considered how much you would save over the whole year if you bought all your Coles/Woolies groceries at 3-4% off every shop? The half price specials are BETTER than half price.
RAC in WA, Suncorp insurance holders, companies such as Flightcentre and Fortescue have deals available where employees' families can buy gift cards for groceries (and heaps other stores). I know $3 and $4 for every $100 does not sound a lot but this discount can add up all year.
You need to be organised with your egift cards on your phone (or print them out) . Use the Woolworths app to use in store and online. Coles egfitcards barcodes can be used on mobile phone screenshots.
When purchased online using your credit card ($20-$500), the egiftcards take less than a day to arrive in your email inbox and you can start using them straight away. No activation required. Egiftcards denominations are as low as $20 - $500.
2. Coles and Woolies now give their mobile plan users 10% off grocery orders as well.
3.Employees of Wesfarmers and Woolworths get a % off for their family groceries with their employee discount card.
Contributed by Vaz Deacs
1. Have you considered how much you would save over the whole year if you bought all your Coles/Woolies groceries at 3-4% off every shop? The half price specials are BETTER than half price.
RAC in WA, Suncorp insurance holders, companies such as Flightcentre and Fortescue have deals available where employees' families can buy gift cards for groceries (and heaps other stores). I know $3 and $4 for every $100 does not sound a lot but this discount can add up all year.
You need to be organised with your egift cards on your phone (or print them out) . Use the Woolworths app to use in store and online. Coles egfitcards barcodes can be used on mobile phone screenshots.
When purchased online using your credit card ($20-$500), the egiftcards take less than a day to arrive in your email inbox and you can start using them straight away. No activation required. Egiftcards denominations are as low as $20 - $500.
2. Coles and Woolies now give their mobile plan users 10% off grocery orders as well.
3.Employees of Wesfarmers and Woolworths get a % off for their family groceries with their employee discount card.
Contributed by Vaz Deacs
Using Christmas Gift Vouchers Before they Expire
I've been caught a few times with gift vouchers that have expired. What a waste! From now on I'm going to set a reminder in my diary/calendar a month (and another a week) before expiry, as soon as I receive these gifts. That way I'll be prompted to use the vouchers in plenty of time.
Contributed by Meri Fricker
Contributed by Meri Fricker
Discount Codes Save Real Money
If you are going to buy something on the internet, whether goods, services or even flights, take a minute to check the internet for discount codes or offers. Some web-sites offer a discount for new customers (I saved $35 on an item recently!), some have a short-term discount code. Just do a web-search, and you can often find significant savings. This morning I saved over $100 on a couple of flights with a 10% discount code. It costs you nothing to look, and may save you serious $$!
Contributed by Jenny Marshall, 7th December 2017
Contributed by Jenny Marshall, 7th December 2017
Supermarket Multi-buy Law
Sentry Page Protection
I came across a consumer law in CHOICE magazine regarding supermarket multi-buys, especially used by Coles. I was not aware of this so wanted to share it. The law says you don't need to buy in multiples of the named amount to get the special price as long as you meet the minimum. For example, if a singular item price is $ 1.50, the offer is 3 items for $ 3.00 and you want four, you don't need to buy six - four should cost you $ 4.00.
Contributed by Edeltraud Heyer, 27th January 2017
Contributed by Edeltraud Heyer, 27th January 2017
Be Alert at the Register and Check Your Receipts!
When standing at the cash register we tend to fiddle with our phones or our wallets, read a magazine or stare into space. My advice is to pay attention to how much your items are scanning for as more often than not, items are scanned for more than advertised on the shelf. This happens to me at least weekly and the policy at my local supermarket (Woolworths) is to give a full refund if an item is scanned incorrectly. If I don't catch it when the items are being scanned, I always look over each and every receipt to ensure I've not being overcharged. So please be alert, remember how much the product was advertised for (especially 'specials') and check your receipts after each and every shop! You could save yourself a whole lot of your hard earned dollars.
Contributed by Refija Schumman, 15th October 2013
Contributed by Refija Schumman, 15th October 2013
Do You Use Coupons?
Coupons are becoming more and more popular in Australia, and if you're wise you'll make good use of them. Instead of paying full price for things you buy at the supermarket, department or online stores, you can easily see some good savings by using coupons for some of your regularly used products. While saving 50 cents or a dollar might not readily seem like anything significant to you, you'd be surprised how quickly those savings add up at the end of each month! You'll find coupons in your letterbox, and online. Search for them in your local area for the best deals.
Tip of the Day, 23rd January 2013
Tip of the Day, 23rd January 2013
Clever Discount Coupons
Approximate $ Savings: $6-12 per movie
If you are like me I love going and watching movies, but of course the cheapest place to go is 20 minutes drive away thus maybe $5 petrol for that, and when you think about it I may as well walk down the road and see a movie there are pay their full price of $12.50 as a student. www.clevercoupons.com.au in the Carindale and Capalaba areas every month put out a discount card for everybody to use that allows them to see a movie for $6 which is cheap. Also Video Ezy has a great deal going on that you rent now or rent it free later. If you are wanting to watch a new release movie or a weekly, the best time is to wait until they have sold out of the copies, and request a rent it free coupon and order it. The other thing is to go on cheap Tuesdays, new releases are only $2 and weeklies $1, so just keep an eye out because you may very well get it for free.
Contributed by Carly, Wishart, 27th May 2009
Website: www.clevercoupons.com.au
If you are like me I love going and watching movies, but of course the cheapest place to go is 20 minutes drive away thus maybe $5 petrol for that, and when you think about it I may as well walk down the road and see a movie there are pay their full price of $12.50 as a student. www.clevercoupons.com.au in the Carindale and Capalaba areas every month put out a discount card for everybody to use that allows them to see a movie for $6 which is cheap. Also Video Ezy has a great deal going on that you rent now or rent it free later. If you are wanting to watch a new release movie or a weekly, the best time is to wait until they have sold out of the copies, and request a rent it free coupon and order it. The other thing is to go on cheap Tuesdays, new releases are only $2 and weeklies $1, so just keep an eye out because you may very well get it for free.
Contributed by Carly, Wishart, 27th May 2009
Website: www.clevercoupons.com.au
Print Your Own Shopping Coupons
Go to SmartSaver.com.au and click on the state you live in out of the three available (New South Wales, Victoria or Western Australia). Then choose the category you want a coupon for: automotive, food, entertaining, health and beauty, trades and services etc. When you have found the one for you, just print out your own coupon. There is a new batch of discount coupons every three weeks. Contributed by Suzanne McEwan, 19th June 2010
Website: www.smartsaver.com.au
Website: www.smartsaver.com.au
Discount for Multiples
They don't advertise this but anyone with multiples ( twins+) can gain a special account from "Karicare" for formula at a super discounted rate if buying in bulk. My twins were on goat milk RRP $26 in store. I got it straight from the company for $15. All you need to do is fax a letter from your GP verifying you have multiples.
Contributed by Daina, Wattle Grove, 5th February 2009
Contributed by Daina, Wattle Grove, 5th February 2009
This Gift Voucher is a Saver
Approximate $ Savings: Approximately $430
My husband recently gave me a voucher for $100 to spend at SAVERS. I wasn't impressed at first because I like buying new clothes at proper retail stores (and Savers has a whole lot of seconds). This seemed a bit, I don't know, kind of degrading(bottom of the barrel) to me. However after my initial 'screwing up my nose reaction' I went to the Brunswick store to have a look and found 4 pieces of clothing, so I then went to the Greensborough store and found another 9 including two office jackets and two lovely winter coats. The thing about Savers is if you contribute the odd pieces of clothing you can get up to 25% more off the total price (which is dirt cheap any way). I could have saved more money but I forgot to drop off clothing the second time to receive the extra discounts. I am now a transformed Savers shopper and would recommend it to anyone!! As we've recently hit hard times we are looking for any ways we can save so this is a massive blessing. Quality for an unbelievable price!!! Contributed by Suzanne, Mitcham, 14th October 2009
My husband recently gave me a voucher for $100 to spend at SAVERS. I wasn't impressed at first because I like buying new clothes at proper retail stores (and Savers has a whole lot of seconds). This seemed a bit, I don't know, kind of degrading(bottom of the barrel) to me. However after my initial 'screwing up my nose reaction' I went to the Brunswick store to have a look and found 4 pieces of clothing, so I then went to the Greensborough store and found another 9 including two office jackets and two lovely winter coats. The thing about Savers is if you contribute the odd pieces of clothing you can get up to 25% more off the total price (which is dirt cheap any way). I could have saved more money but I forgot to drop off clothing the second time to receive the extra discounts. I am now a transformed Savers shopper and would recommend it to anyone!! As we've recently hit hard times we are looking for any ways we can save so this is a massive blessing. Quality for an unbelievable price!!! Contributed by Suzanne, Mitcham, 14th October 2009
Really, Really Budget Classifieds
There is a publication called "Budget Classifieds" that targets people of country Victoria. You'll usually find about 90% of items listed in these classifieds a really good deal or a lot cheaper than most second hand prices. Basically if you want to sell something second hand it's a great little booklet to flick through. It comes out every 4 weeks and is sold in most milk bars and newsagencies throughout country Victoria. You don't have to pay to place an ad and there is no fee - this is what I thought Cheapskaters might find useful.
Contributed by Dee, Culgoa, 16th October 2009
Contributed by Dee, Culgoa, 16th October 2009
Double Petrol Coupons on One Shop
I try to do my big grocery shops once a fortnight, but I still need to fill up with petrol weekly. This used to mean that for every second tank, I was without my 4 cents/litre discount voucher. So what I do now is divide my shopping into two at the checkout. I just put a divider between one half of the shopping and the other, and tell the checkout operator that I have to pay for these separately. That gives me two receipts, and two discount vouchers.
Contributed by Rachel, Quakers Hill, 5th November 2008
Contributed by Rachel, Quakers Hill, 5th November 2008
Support Your Favourite Sport and Get Discounts Too
Found a link to www.thegoodsportsteam.com.au They offer 5% discount at Woolies and Caltex for a $30 per year membership which in turn goes to sporting clubs etc this may be worth checking out and other benefits
Contributed by Narelle, North Rockhampton, 4th November 2008
Website: www.thegoodsportsteam.com.au
Contributed by Narelle, North Rockhampton, 4th November 2008
Website: www.thegoodsportsteam.com.au
Never Miss an Opportunity for a Discount
Approximate $ Savings: Approx $250 this year so far
Many places offer discounts at particular stores just for using their products eg RAA membership offers discount on insurance, 20% at OPSM and so on. Also credit card companies offer instant rewards like dollars off at stores when using credit (of course you have to pay it off before the interest charges occur!) I have found myself struggling to remember all the places that I can get discount so I have made a little book with sections in it. The book has sections like Clothing, Health, Services, Food and more. Each time I get a reminder from places about a discount available I write it in the appropriate section for later or cut out the voucher and stick it in the section. This way when I go to buy something I can check the appropriate section to see where I can get a better deal and save more money for the important things in life.
Contributed by Leanne, Willaston, 30th October 2008
Many places offer discounts at particular stores just for using their products eg RAA membership offers discount on insurance, 20% at OPSM and so on. Also credit card companies offer instant rewards like dollars off at stores when using credit (of course you have to pay it off before the interest charges occur!) I have found myself struggling to remember all the places that I can get discount so I have made a little book with sections in it. The book has sections like Clothing, Health, Services, Food and more. Each time I get a reminder from places about a discount available I write it in the appropriate section for later or cut out the voucher and stick it in the section. This way when I go to buy something I can check the appropriate section to see where I can get a better deal and save more money for the important things in life.
Contributed by Leanne, Willaston, 30th October 2008
Supermarket Savings
Always remember to ask for a raincheck if the item advertised on sale is not on the shelves. This weekend we did our normal shop at Coles and a 20pack of AA Eveready batteries was on special for $6.99 (below half price reduced from $14.67) of course there was none on the shelves as it was Sunday (the last day of the sale) so we asked at the service desk (they got a bit grumpy but they are obliged to do it). Anyway they had no more out the back but instead of giving us a raincheck (which would mean coming back later) they gave us 2 x 10 packs (which are normally $9.61). So it definitely pays to ask!
Contributed by Karen, Wyoming, June 20th 2006
Contributed by Karen, Wyoming, June 20th 2006
I go to the hotdockets.com.au to get the vouchers for my holiday destination. You don't have to wait until you get there or buy groceries to get the docket.
Contributed by Lynda, Griffith, June 22nd 2006
Contributed by Lynda, Griffith, June 22nd 2006
TAFE Trainees for Discount Services
I am a TAFE lecturer and at my Tafe and others the beauty department offer cheap services. Leg wax $5, facials for $10, Eye brow wax $5 and more. The same goes for hair cuts and colour. Each student is fully supervised by a trained and practicing professional. Each Tafe trains for industry standard and the student need to learn on real clients. Call your local Tafe and ask what services they provide to the public. You will need to book in advance but the savings are worth it. PS: My Tafe also offers basic car services (all you pay for is the consumables no labour) and a restaurant with a 4 course meal for $25 on a Tuesday night It is worth the call to find out as these services are not allowed to be advertised. Remember each Tafe is different and offers different courses.
Contributed by Rhyl McFarlane, 12th March 2008
Contributed by Rhyl McFarlane, 12th March 2008
Ensure You Get All Your Petrol Vouchers
When you shop at Coles or Woolworths, to ensure that you get your petrol discount vouchers watch the tally as your groceries go through the register and ask the assistant to stop at each $30 total, and ADD the voucher EACH TIME you get to $30. I have to admit I got FOUR vouchers after my fortnightly shop!! If you don't ASK.... you only get ONE voucher at the end. You deserve the voucher....you spent the money at their store....get all your vouchers and save, save, save!!!
Contributed by Rebecca, Stirling, 21st April 2008
Contributed by Rebecca, Stirling, 21st April 2008
Coles and Woolworth Vouchers Discounted
Approximate $ Savings: 5% saving
I have recently joined the union at my work (HSU) and as part of the membership rewards program, I can get vouchers for Coles and Woolworths with a 5% discount. By using the gift cards instead of paying cash for my shopping, it actually saves me $5 per week ($95 instead of $100!!!)
Contributed by Anthony, Leichardt, 9th August, 2007
I have recently joined the union at my work (HSU) and as part of the membership rewards program, I can get vouchers for Coles and Woolworths with a 5% discount. By using the gift cards instead of paying cash for my shopping, it actually saves me $5 per week ($95 instead of $100!!!)
Contributed by Anthony, Leichardt, 9th August, 2007
Junk Mail Coupons Save Money
I keep all coupons that come in the mail. My best one of late is one pizza company has large Pizzas for $3.99 each, with a big family and knowing most pizza shops will accept other coupons we have loved buying 4 Pizzas for $16 where normally 2 are about $16.80. What a saving
Contributed by Lesley, Orange, April 25th 2005
Contributed by Lesley, Orange, April 25th 2005
Save a Bundle on Takeaway and Other Offers
Visit www.hotdockets.com.au and print out vouchers relevant to the area in which you live. I can get 2 foot long subway and a large drink for $10.00, this will feed 4 people and is a good healthy meal. There is also a offer for a unlimited large pizzas at Dominos for $6.95. Other offers in my area include Video Ezy new release for $3.95, Car Service and Tune up at Heyer Ford for $99.00, 25% off main meal at Hogs Breath Cafe.
Contributed by Marilyn, Wellington, March 2nd 2005
Contributed by Marilyn, Wellington, March 2nd 2005
Closed Door Sales
If you are in Melbourne then you know you are in the shopping capital of Australia but did you know that you are in the discount shopping capital of Australia too? The warehouse sales business is huge in Melbourne and you can get real bargains on top quality, brand name items if you know where to go and if you can get in. Not all warehouses are open to the public. Go to www.closeddoorsales.com.au and register. You can then book tickets to your very own warehouse shopping trip, and the best thing is you choose the outlets you go to, saving you time, energy and money.
Website: www.closeddoorsales.com.au
Website: www.closeddoorsales.com.au
Whats On Sale
Get all the best bargains from What's On Sale (www.whatsonsale.com.au). This website lists the best bargains from retailers at better than wholesale prices. Currently available for Sydney and Melbourne, with Brisbane coming online in early 2009, you can sign up for the free email newsletter advising you of the best of the sales.
Website: www.whatsonsale.com.au
Website: www.whatsonsale.com.au