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From Cath's Desk
Hello Cheapskaters,
Here we are half way through No Spending month, with Journal full of fun and frugal ways you can save money, time and energy.
I'm in Perth this morning, and super excited. It is my first official Cheapskates trip to Western Australia! It's a short trip, only three days, but I have a lot packed into those three days. Two workshops, a TV interview, a teaching session with a young family and of course as much sightseeing as I can squeeze in. And all without any unnecessary spending!
If you are new to the Cheapskates Club you may not be aware of our February Spending Freeze. It's a whole month of no spending - not a cent that isn't absolutely necessary is spent. The Spending Freeze is to get you back on track after the spending spree that is Christmas, the holidays and back to school, the three most expensive things in a family Spending Plan and they all fall at the same time.
There are still two weeks left in the month, if you haven't joined the challenge yet it is not too late, just jump in with that no spending attitude and see how much you can save by the end of the month.
Here we are half way through No Spending month, with Journal full of fun and frugal ways you can save money, time and energy.
I'm in Perth this morning, and super excited. It is my first official Cheapskates trip to Western Australia! It's a short trip, only three days, but I have a lot packed into those three days. Two workshops, a TV interview, a teaching session with a young family and of course as much sightseeing as I can squeeze in. And all without any unnecessary spending!
If you are new to the Cheapskates Club you may not be aware of our February Spending Freeze. It's a whole month of no spending - not a cent that isn't absolutely necessary is spent. The Spending Freeze is to get you back on track after the spending spree that is Christmas, the holidays and back to school, the three most expensive things in a family Spending Plan and they all fall at the same time.
There are still two weeks left in the month, if you haven't joined the challenge yet it is not too late, just jump in with that no spending attitude and see how much you can save by the end of the month.