From Cath's Desk - Thursday 1st October 2015
Hello Cheapskaters,
Welcome to yet another edition of The Cheapskates Journal.
This is the last edition of the Journal that will be uploaded to this old website. By the time November rolls around we'll be moved, finally, to our new home and I for one just can't wait. This has been a trial and a half. The Cheapskates Club may not look too complicated on the outside but the programs that work to keep it all up and running, that allow me to publish pages for you to read, provide Tip Sheets and the Recipe File, that allow you to submit tips and contact me is complicated but that's not the hard part. The website as a whole is huge - we're nudging 7,000 pages at the moment - that's a whole lot of information. Then there's the 18,000 links that hold all those pages together and the images that make the pages look pretty, and that's a whole lot of not just page building but page testing, link testing, image testing and download testing that has to be done.
Oh, and that's without all your membership information - that needs to be collated, checked, formatted, uploaded to the new website, checked and tested all before it goes live just so you can continue to log in!
But we are finally on the home stretch. I can see what the pages are going to look like to you, and I can see how they are going to work and it is rather nice. It will also be a very different experience for you, but I know you are going to love it just as much as I do.
Being October we are starting our annual Christmas countdown, with weekly challenges so that you will own your Christmas this year. Come December 25 you'll be able to relax and celebrate, secure in the knowledge that all your gifts are paid for, all your food is paid for, all your decorations are paid for, your new outfits are paid for. You'll be able to tell your friends and family that your Christmas 2015 is debt free, that you aren't quaking at the thought of credit card bills in January, and watch them first pale at the thought of their Christmas debt and then turn green with envy at just how stress free you are. Click on the link in the menu to the left to go to this year's Christmas Countdown.
Have a great month everyone, and please keep checking into the Forum for updates on the big move - I'll post as things get done so you know what's happening.
Welcome to yet another edition of The Cheapskates Journal.
This is the last edition of the Journal that will be uploaded to this old website. By the time November rolls around we'll be moved, finally, to our new home and I for one just can't wait. This has been a trial and a half. The Cheapskates Club may not look too complicated on the outside but the programs that work to keep it all up and running, that allow me to publish pages for you to read, provide Tip Sheets and the Recipe File, that allow you to submit tips and contact me is complicated but that's not the hard part. The website as a whole is huge - we're nudging 7,000 pages at the moment - that's a whole lot of information. Then there's the 18,000 links that hold all those pages together and the images that make the pages look pretty, and that's a whole lot of not just page building but page testing, link testing, image testing and download testing that has to be done.
Oh, and that's without all your membership information - that needs to be collated, checked, formatted, uploaded to the new website, checked and tested all before it goes live just so you can continue to log in!
But we are finally on the home stretch. I can see what the pages are going to look like to you, and I can see how they are going to work and it is rather nice. It will also be a very different experience for you, but I know you are going to love it just as much as I do.
Being October we are starting our annual Christmas countdown, with weekly challenges so that you will own your Christmas this year. Come December 25 you'll be able to relax and celebrate, secure in the knowledge that all your gifts are paid for, all your food is paid for, all your decorations are paid for, your new outfits are paid for. You'll be able to tell your friends and family that your Christmas 2015 is debt free, that you aren't quaking at the thought of credit card bills in January, and watch them first pale at the thought of their Christmas debt and then turn green with envy at just how stress free you are. Click on the link in the menu to the left to go to this year's Christmas Countdown.
Have a great month everyone, and please keep checking into the Forum for updates on the big move - I'll post as things get done so you know what's happening.