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Grow Your Own Lavender
Please don't buy lavender as you can easily take cuttings from an established plant and grow new plants. It's as simple as taking a cutting, removing most of the foliage and all of the flowers if there are any, and planting. I've heard of using honey on the stem to encourage root growth and covering the cutting with a large soft drink bottle with the bottom cut off which enables less water evaporation, keeping the soil moist. There are many other plants you can grow for free such as spring onions - just plant the root and approximately 1cm of the white; succulents - you just need a leaf and place on top of the soil and roots will grow; mint - this grows easily from a piece or if already in the garden lay a piece down in the soil, cover with more soil and roots will establish, you can then remove this section and plant somewhere in the garden. So many plants can be propagated easily, you never need to buy seedlings again. Good luck with the garden.
Contributed by Michelle Parsons
Contributed by Michelle Parsons