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Keep an Eye on those $ Shops - Monday 1st June 2015
As I now need to eat gluten and dairy free I am finding it difficult to keep costs down as well as find foods I like. I discovered a fantastic cereal from a well-known cereal brand which cost nearly $7 a packet at my local supermarket. Today I found it on special in my local Discount $ shop at $2 per packet. The use by date was October this year, so I bought 5 packets, saving myself $25. I don't eat it every day, so did not buy any more. The brand was the same and it is identical to what I already had at home. I checked by purchasing one packet and then checking it against what I had to ensure I was getting the real deal and then purchasing more.. I had not thought of checking there for cereals!
Contributed by Mary O'Neill
Contributed by Mary O'Neill