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New Shoes at no Extra Cost - Monday 1st June 2015
I decided I needed a new pair of shoes and as my Mother always taught me to buy leather shoes regardless of my financial situation because the leather breathes and stretch. I suddenly remembered what I did when I was 18 and worked opposite the Victoria Market. I bought court shoes for work that were out of fashion in colour and painted them with shoe colour. So I took a pair of old shoes (still in reasonable condition) and bought some black shoe paint for $10 and painted my old plum coloured shoes black, then some shoes I had bought cheaply from a out of stock store and painted them black and then a silver pair of sandals and painted them also. So I now have 3 pairs of new shoes so to speak for less than $10 as I still have 3/4 of the bottle full of paint. Now I have shoes that are fashionable with any colour I wear, just like the old days - new again!
Contributed by Carol Heagney
Contributed by Carol Heagney