Your Cheapskates Club Newsletter 10:19
In This Newsletter
1. Cath's Corner
2. From the Tip Store - Food Scraps and Newspaper Recycling; Better Tasting, Budget Friendly Blueberries; Tab Those Cards
3. This Week's Winning Tip - MOO Leave-In Hair Treatment
4. Share Your Tips
5. On the Menu - MOO Wedges
6. The $300 a Month Food Challenge - Let's All MOO
7. Cheapskates Buzz - Cheapskaters are talking in the Forum and on Cath's blog
8. The Cheapskates Club Show - Join us live each Tuesday and Thursday night
9. Ask A Question - Have a question? Ask it here
10. Join the Cheapskates Club
11. Frequently Asked Questions
12. Contact Details
1. Cath's Corner
Hello Cheapskaters,
Welcome to another Bright Ideas newsletter.
The weather has cooled here, thank goodness, and as I'm writing this the rain is pouring down outside. What a blessing, I hope it's raining over the fires that need putting out.
It's MOO month folks! March sure does come around fast when you're busy living the Cheapskates way!. This year I have promised myself to MOO one item a day, so far I'm on track and you can see what I've accomplished below.
I wonder if I can include the Cheapskates Club Shows in my MOO list? I'll have to think about it.
In the meantime, have you caught a show yet? They're live on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7.30pm AEDST (which will be chaning in a couple of weeks when Daylight Savings ends here). Hannah and I are having a lot of fun with the shows and I love being able to chat with you and answer questions live. The next show is tongiht at 7.30pm when I'll be in the kitchen MOOing mixes and answering questions.
Have a great week everyone.
Happy Cheapskating,
2. From The Tip Store
Food Scraps and Newspaper Recycling
We get at least two community newspapers delivered each week. We also eat a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables so we have organic waste each day. Unfortunately we don't have chickens but we do have organic waste bins through our council rubbish pick up each week. Rather than fill our organic bin with rotting vegetable peelings and the like, I lay a couple of sheets of newspaper on the kitchen bench and peel my vegetables onto this, along with any other organic waste from the day. Wrapping it up in the newspaper before it goes into the organic waste bin cuts down on some of the rotting smell before bin day and stops that smelly liquid slosh in the bottom of the bin which also means less work for me cleaning the bin out each week. Plus I'm recycling my newspapers at the same time.
Contributed by Carol Sadler
Better Tasting, Budget Friendly Blueberries
Blueberries are so good for you, but I have always felt the fresh ones don't have much flavour - and so expensive by the punnet (works out at $36 per kilo). I discovered they taste much better when lightly cooked. So now I buy a pack of frozen blueberries (500g for $5 at Woollies), so less than a third the price. Toss a cupful in the microwave for a minute or so with a half teaspoon of sugar and they are so delicious. Delicious on their own or with yoghurt or over icecream..
Contributed by Judith Lowe
Tab Those Cards
I have a really good hint I came across the other day. It's hard getting your key card or credit card out from your mobile wallet case. Stick a piece of sticky tape on the end of the card like a tab and it pulls out no trouble.
Contributed by Diane Westren
Add a Tip
3. This Week's Winning Tip
This week's winning tip is from Julie Richter. Julie has won a one year Platinum Cheapskates Club membership for submitting her winning tip.
MOO Leave-In Hair Treatment
Instead of buying leave in conditioning treatments, use this tip a hairdresser gave me. Rub your normal conditioner into dry hair, comb through and leave on for about half an hour. Then rinse off and wash your hair as normal - leaves your hair in fab condition and you don't have to stand in the shower with the water running waiting for the other treatments to work. Saves water and time (you can do other things while you're waiting). I do this once a fortnight and the difference it has made to my hair is amazing. While I'm waiting I just put a shower cap on my head and get on with whatever I was doing. The kids thought it was funny at first, they're used to it now though. Just make sure you're not expecting visitors or you could get some funny looks.
Congratulations Julie I hope you enjoy your Cheapskates Club membership..
The Cheapskate's Club website is thousands of pages of money saving hints, tips and ideas. There are over 12,000 tips to save you money, time and energy; 1,600 budget and family friendly recipes, hundreds of printable tip sheets and ebooks.
Let's get together and make the Cheapskates Club Australia's largest online hint, tip and idea library. Share your favourite money saving, time saving or energy saving hint and be in the running to win a one-year membership to The Cheapskate Club.
4. Share Your Tips
Share your favourite hint or tip that saves money, time and energy and be in the running to win a one-year subscription to The Cheapskate Journal.
Remember, you have to be in it to win it!
Share Your Tip
5. On The Menu
MOO Wedges
We often have wedges with our meals. I can prep them ahead of time, and then they just bake while I get on with preparing the rest of the meal. But I don't buy them - I MOO them! They are so quick and easy, and this version of wedges is tasty and cheap to boot.
These are another food we've been brainwashed into believing it's easier to buy, that they're far too difficult to MOO. Not true, they are so easy my kids were making them when they were in primary school (truly - that's how easy they are).
MOO Wedges
1 potato per person, scrubbed but not peeled
2 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp paprika (hot, mild, sweet - it's up to you - use whatever have).
Pre-heat oven to 220 degrees Celsius. Dry the potatoes and cut into wedges. Mix the paprika into the olive oil. Put the potatoes into a bowl, pour over the oil mixture and toss. Line a baking sheet with baking paper. Spread the wedges on the baking sheet in a single layer. Bake for 15 minutes, turn, and bake a further 15 minutes until the potatoes are golden and crisp.
This week we will be eating:
Sunday: Roast Beef
Monday: Honey soy chicken wings, fried rice
Tuesday: Pasta Carbonara, salad
Wednesday: Chicken Parma, wedges, salad
Thursday: MOO Pizza
Friday: Cream cheese patties, tossed salad
Saturday: Cheesy Filled & Grilled Quesadillas
In the fruit bowl: Oranges
In the cake tin: Sultana cake
There are over 1,700 budget and family friendly recipes in the Cheapskates Club Recipe File, all contributed by your fellow Cheapskates, so you know they're good.
Add A Recipe
Recipe File Index
6. The $300 A Month Food Challenge
Lets All MOO!
Design best-practices suggest a large font size for easy readability both on desktop and mobile devices.It's MOO month! I love MOO month, it's my very favourite Cheapskating thing to do.
When we Make Our Own, we cut out the middle man. But we also empower ourselves with knowledge and skills. MOOing gives us back the power to think for ourselves. We no longer believe that we need to buy everything we have, use, want or need just because the ad men tell us we do.
We know better. We can take their suggestions, because sometimes they are really good suggestions, and simply MOO the food, outfit, cleaning product, gift idea or whatever. And save money, time and energy into the bargain.
You don't need to MOO everything; choose the things that will give you the best ROI in terms of time and money, because the aim is to MOO what you can to keep your grocery bill down and save you money, not stress you out so you give up in despair.
This month I am going to MOO one thing a day, just one thing. It may be food, or it may be a household item or a cleaning product. It could be something for the garden or car. I don’t know. I'll have to wait and see what each day requires and take it from there.
So far I've MOOed:
1. Bread
2. Pest spray for the garden
3. Yoghurt
4. Greeting cards
5. Miracle Spray
6. Super Strength Shower Cleaner
If you'd like to join me in this challenge, please do. If every Cheapskates Club member MOOed one thing a day for the whole of March that would be over 1 million things not bought during March! If the saving was just $1 on each thing, Platinum Cheapskates Club members would have saved $1,000,000 in just 31 days!
The $300 a Month Food Challenge Forum
The Post that Started it All
7. Cheapskates Buzz
From The Article Archive
Meal Stretchers
Every Little Bit of Savings Adds Up
Six Multitasking Tips to Get More Out of Your Day
This Week's Hot Forum Topics
Make Our Own 2019
The 31 Days of MOO
MOO Challenge
Most Popular Blog Posts This Week
Almost Instant Fudge
Make a Cloth Shopping Bag
MOO Toilet Bombs
8. The Cheapskates Club Show
Join Cath and Hannah live Tuesdays and Thursdays on You Tube at 7.30pm AEDST
Show Schedule
Tuesday: Around the Kitchen Table - join Cath and Hannah for a cuppa and a chat around the kitchen table as they talk about living the Cheapskates way.
Thursday: Cheapskates in the Kitchen - want to know how to cook delicious, healthy and cheap meals? Watch Cath and Hannah as they create cheapskates style cuisine and share their favourite recipes.
Latest Shows
Is Subliminal Spending Keeping You In Debt?
Sweet Treats that won't Heat Up the Kitchen or Your Grocery Budget
Learn To Say No!
Remember to like, so we know you're enjoying the shows; subscribe so you won't miss a show; and share because it helps spread the message about living life debt free, cashed up and laughing.
And when we reach 1,000 subscribers we'll be having a draw for a fantastic prize!
9. Ask A Question
We have lots of resources to help you as you live the Cheapskates way but if you didn't find the answer to your question in our extensive archives please just drop me a note with your question.
I read and answer all questions, either in an email to you, in my weekly newsletter, the monthly Journal or by creating blog posts and other resources to help you (and other Cheapskaters).
Ask Your Question
10. Join The Cheapskates Club
For just $25 a year, you can join the Cheapskates Club and get exclusive access to the Cheapskate Journal, the monthly e-journal that shows you how to cut the costs of everyday living and still have fun.
Joining the Cheapskates Club gives you 24/7 access to the Members Centre with 1000's of money saving tips and articles.
Click here to join the Cheapskates Club today!
11. Frequently Asked Questions
How do I change my email address?
This one is easy. When you login to the Member's Centre just click on your name at the top of the page to go straight to your profile page where you can update your details, change your password and find your subscription details.
Not a Cheapskates Club member? Then please use the Changing Details form found here to update your email address.
How do I know when my membership should be renewed?
Memberships are active for one year from the date of joining. You will be sent a renewal reminder before your subscription is due to renew. You can also find your membership expiry date on your profile page.
When you login to the Member's Centre just click on your name to go straight to your profile page where you can will find your join date and your expiry date.
What will you do with my email address?
We never rent, trade or sell our email list to anyone for any reason whatsoever. You'll never get an unsolicited email from a stranger as a result of joining this list.
How did I get on this list?
The only way you can get onto our newsletter mailing list is to subscribe yourself. You signed up to receive our Free Newsletter at our Cheapskates Club Web site or are a Platinum Cheapskates Club member.
12. Contact Cheapskates
The Cheapskates Club -
Showing you how to live life
debt free, cashed up and laughing!
PO Box 5077 Studfield Vic 3152
Contact Cheapskates
1. Cath's Corner
2. From the Tip Store - Food Scraps and Newspaper Recycling; Better Tasting, Budget Friendly Blueberries; Tab Those Cards
3. This Week's Winning Tip - MOO Leave-In Hair Treatment
4. Share Your Tips
5. On the Menu - MOO Wedges
6. The $300 a Month Food Challenge - Let's All MOO
7. Cheapskates Buzz - Cheapskaters are talking in the Forum and on Cath's blog
8. The Cheapskates Club Show - Join us live each Tuesday and Thursday night
9. Ask A Question - Have a question? Ask it here
10. Join the Cheapskates Club
11. Frequently Asked Questions
12. Contact Details
1. Cath's Corner
Hello Cheapskaters,
Welcome to another Bright Ideas newsletter.
The weather has cooled here, thank goodness, and as I'm writing this the rain is pouring down outside. What a blessing, I hope it's raining over the fires that need putting out.
It's MOO month folks! March sure does come around fast when you're busy living the Cheapskates way!. This year I have promised myself to MOO one item a day, so far I'm on track and you can see what I've accomplished below.
I wonder if I can include the Cheapskates Club Shows in my MOO list? I'll have to think about it.
In the meantime, have you caught a show yet? They're live on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7.30pm AEDST (which will be chaning in a couple of weeks when Daylight Savings ends here). Hannah and I are having a lot of fun with the shows and I love being able to chat with you and answer questions live. The next show is tongiht at 7.30pm when I'll be in the kitchen MOOing mixes and answering questions.
Have a great week everyone.
Happy Cheapskating,
2. From The Tip Store
Food Scraps and Newspaper Recycling
We get at least two community newspapers delivered each week. We also eat a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables so we have organic waste each day. Unfortunately we don't have chickens but we do have organic waste bins through our council rubbish pick up each week. Rather than fill our organic bin with rotting vegetable peelings and the like, I lay a couple of sheets of newspaper on the kitchen bench and peel my vegetables onto this, along with any other organic waste from the day. Wrapping it up in the newspaper before it goes into the organic waste bin cuts down on some of the rotting smell before bin day and stops that smelly liquid slosh in the bottom of the bin which also means less work for me cleaning the bin out each week. Plus I'm recycling my newspapers at the same time.
Contributed by Carol Sadler
Better Tasting, Budget Friendly Blueberries
Blueberries are so good for you, but I have always felt the fresh ones don't have much flavour - and so expensive by the punnet (works out at $36 per kilo). I discovered they taste much better when lightly cooked. So now I buy a pack of frozen blueberries (500g for $5 at Woollies), so less than a third the price. Toss a cupful in the microwave for a minute or so with a half teaspoon of sugar and they are so delicious. Delicious on their own or with yoghurt or over icecream..
Contributed by Judith Lowe
Tab Those Cards
I have a really good hint I came across the other day. It's hard getting your key card or credit card out from your mobile wallet case. Stick a piece of sticky tape on the end of the card like a tab and it pulls out no trouble.
Contributed by Diane Westren
Add a Tip
3. This Week's Winning Tip
This week's winning tip is from Julie Richter. Julie has won a one year Platinum Cheapskates Club membership for submitting her winning tip.
MOO Leave-In Hair Treatment
Instead of buying leave in conditioning treatments, use this tip a hairdresser gave me. Rub your normal conditioner into dry hair, comb through and leave on for about half an hour. Then rinse off and wash your hair as normal - leaves your hair in fab condition and you don't have to stand in the shower with the water running waiting for the other treatments to work. Saves water and time (you can do other things while you're waiting). I do this once a fortnight and the difference it has made to my hair is amazing. While I'm waiting I just put a shower cap on my head and get on with whatever I was doing. The kids thought it was funny at first, they're used to it now though. Just make sure you're not expecting visitors or you could get some funny looks.
Congratulations Julie I hope you enjoy your Cheapskates Club membership..
The Cheapskate's Club website is thousands of pages of money saving hints, tips and ideas. There are over 12,000 tips to save you money, time and energy; 1,600 budget and family friendly recipes, hundreds of printable tip sheets and ebooks.
Let's get together and make the Cheapskates Club Australia's largest online hint, tip and idea library. Share your favourite money saving, time saving or energy saving hint and be in the running to win a one-year membership to The Cheapskate Club.
4. Share Your Tips
Share your favourite hint or tip that saves money, time and energy and be in the running to win a one-year subscription to The Cheapskate Journal.
Remember, you have to be in it to win it!
Share Your Tip
5. On The Menu
MOO Wedges
We often have wedges with our meals. I can prep them ahead of time, and then they just bake while I get on with preparing the rest of the meal. But I don't buy them - I MOO them! They are so quick and easy, and this version of wedges is tasty and cheap to boot.
These are another food we've been brainwashed into believing it's easier to buy, that they're far too difficult to MOO. Not true, they are so easy my kids were making them when they were in primary school (truly - that's how easy they are).
MOO Wedges
1 potato per person, scrubbed but not peeled
2 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp paprika (hot, mild, sweet - it's up to you - use whatever have).
Pre-heat oven to 220 degrees Celsius. Dry the potatoes and cut into wedges. Mix the paprika into the olive oil. Put the potatoes into a bowl, pour over the oil mixture and toss. Line a baking sheet with baking paper. Spread the wedges on the baking sheet in a single layer. Bake for 15 minutes, turn, and bake a further 15 minutes until the potatoes are golden and crisp.
This week we will be eating:
Sunday: Roast Beef
Monday: Honey soy chicken wings, fried rice
Tuesday: Pasta Carbonara, salad
Wednesday: Chicken Parma, wedges, salad
Thursday: MOO Pizza
Friday: Cream cheese patties, tossed salad
Saturday: Cheesy Filled & Grilled Quesadillas
In the fruit bowl: Oranges
In the cake tin: Sultana cake
There are over 1,700 budget and family friendly recipes in the Cheapskates Club Recipe File, all contributed by your fellow Cheapskates, so you know they're good.
Add A Recipe
Recipe File Index
6. The $300 A Month Food Challenge
Lets All MOO!
Design best-practices suggest a large font size for easy readability both on desktop and mobile devices.It's MOO month! I love MOO month, it's my very favourite Cheapskating thing to do.
When we Make Our Own, we cut out the middle man. But we also empower ourselves with knowledge and skills. MOOing gives us back the power to think for ourselves. We no longer believe that we need to buy everything we have, use, want or need just because the ad men tell us we do.
We know better. We can take their suggestions, because sometimes they are really good suggestions, and simply MOO the food, outfit, cleaning product, gift idea or whatever. And save money, time and energy into the bargain.
You don't need to MOO everything; choose the things that will give you the best ROI in terms of time and money, because the aim is to MOO what you can to keep your grocery bill down and save you money, not stress you out so you give up in despair.
This month I am going to MOO one thing a day, just one thing. It may be food, or it may be a household item or a cleaning product. It could be something for the garden or car. I don’t know. I'll have to wait and see what each day requires and take it from there.
So far I've MOOed:
1. Bread
2. Pest spray for the garden
3. Yoghurt
4. Greeting cards
5. Miracle Spray
6. Super Strength Shower Cleaner
If you'd like to join me in this challenge, please do. If every Cheapskates Club member MOOed one thing a day for the whole of March that would be over 1 million things not bought during March! If the saving was just $1 on each thing, Platinum Cheapskates Club members would have saved $1,000,000 in just 31 days!
The $300 a Month Food Challenge Forum
The Post that Started it All
7. Cheapskates Buzz
From The Article Archive
Meal Stretchers
Every Little Bit of Savings Adds Up
Six Multitasking Tips to Get More Out of Your Day
This Week's Hot Forum Topics
Make Our Own 2019
The 31 Days of MOO
MOO Challenge
Most Popular Blog Posts This Week
Almost Instant Fudge
Make a Cloth Shopping Bag
MOO Toilet Bombs
8. The Cheapskates Club Show
Join Cath and Hannah live Tuesdays and Thursdays on You Tube at 7.30pm AEDST
Show Schedule
Tuesday: Around the Kitchen Table - join Cath and Hannah for a cuppa and a chat around the kitchen table as they talk about living the Cheapskates way.
Thursday: Cheapskates in the Kitchen - want to know how to cook delicious, healthy and cheap meals? Watch Cath and Hannah as they create cheapskates style cuisine and share their favourite recipes.
Latest Shows
Is Subliminal Spending Keeping You In Debt?
Sweet Treats that won't Heat Up the Kitchen or Your Grocery Budget
Learn To Say No!
Remember to like, so we know you're enjoying the shows; subscribe so you won't miss a show; and share because it helps spread the message about living life debt free, cashed up and laughing.
And when we reach 1,000 subscribers we'll be having a draw for a fantastic prize!
9. Ask A Question
We have lots of resources to help you as you live the Cheapskates way but if you didn't find the answer to your question in our extensive archives please just drop me a note with your question.
I read and answer all questions, either in an email to you, in my weekly newsletter, the monthly Journal or by creating blog posts and other resources to help you (and other Cheapskaters).
Ask Your Question
10. Join The Cheapskates Club
For just $25 a year, you can join the Cheapskates Club and get exclusive access to the Cheapskate Journal, the monthly e-journal that shows you how to cut the costs of everyday living and still have fun.
Joining the Cheapskates Club gives you 24/7 access to the Members Centre with 1000's of money saving tips and articles.
Click here to join the Cheapskates Club today!
11. Frequently Asked Questions
How do I change my email address?
This one is easy. When you login to the Member's Centre just click on your name at the top of the page to go straight to your profile page where you can update your details, change your password and find your subscription details.
Not a Cheapskates Club member? Then please use the Changing Details form found here to update your email address.
How do I know when my membership should be renewed?
Memberships are active for one year from the date of joining. You will be sent a renewal reminder before your subscription is due to renew. You can also find your membership expiry date on your profile page.
When you login to the Member's Centre just click on your name to go straight to your profile page where you can will find your join date and your expiry date.
What will you do with my email address?
We never rent, trade or sell our email list to anyone for any reason whatsoever. You'll never get an unsolicited email from a stranger as a result of joining this list.
How did I get on this list?
The only way you can get onto our newsletter mailing list is to subscribe yourself. You signed up to receive our Free Newsletter at our Cheapskates Club Web site or are a Platinum Cheapskates Club member.
12. Contact Cheapskates
The Cheapskates Club -
Showing you how to live life
debt free, cashed up and laughing!
PO Box 5077 Studfield Vic 3152
Contact Cheapskates