Your Cheapskates Club Newsletter 40:19
In This Newsletter
1. Cath's Corner
2. From the Tip Store - Anytime Breakfast Coffee; My $1 Bottle of Chew Deterrent; MOO Gluten Free Wraps
3. Share Your Tips -
4. Own Your Christmas Challenge
5. On the Menu - Tasty Treats that Make Great Gifts
6. The $300 a Month Food Challenge- MOO Cream of Chicken Soup
7. Cheapskates Buzz - Cheapskaters are talking in the Forum and on Cath's blog
8. The Cheapskates Club Show
9. Ask A Question - Have a question? Ask it here
10.. Join the Cheapskates Club
11. Frequently Asked Questions
12. Contact Details
1. Cath's Corner
Hello Cheapskaters,
,I'm in Christmas planning mode this week and it's no wonder - our annual Own Your Christmas challenge started on Tuesday.
I've spring cleaned the pantry, been inspired to soak the fruit for Christmas baking and made 24 cupcake sized Christmas cakes, transplanted some of the lavender strikes I've been growing into the lavender garden, decluttered another cupboard and dropped the things off immediately (sometimes they can languish by the front door for a few days!) and started making our Christmas cards. It's been a very busy, and fun week.
Most exciting of all is that we've started sending out the Living the Cheapskates Way Budget & Lifestyle Planners. If you ordered your planner before 16th September, then it will be arriving very soon! Remember, we're sending them in the order they were ordered, so first ordered first sent, and when yours will be sent depends on when you ordered it.
Have a great week everyone.
Happy Cheapskating,
2. From The Tip Store
Anytime Breakfast Coffee
I am an early riser, so have my morning cuppa before my husband clambers out of bed. I boil the kettle for a hot cup of tea when I get up and pour the remainder into a Thermos for my husband's breakfast when he decides to get up. Saves boiling the jug twice. He has never complained (ever) that his morning cup of tea is not freshly boiled....whatever time he chooses to breakfast.
Contributed by Caroline Marryatt
My $1 Bottle of Chew Deterrent
I went to the local pet shop to get something to deter my puppy from chewing; he was chewing edge of carpets, furniture, shoes. It cost me $22 for an 8 Fl.oz bottle of chew deterrent and I found out after a day that I had to spray again. Now I spray with straight white vinegar, and straight away my pup leaves it alone. I can get a big bottle of vinegar for $1 - an instant saving of more than $21 plus replacement costs of all the damaged items. What a take "chew deterrent" is!
Contributed by Glad Power
MOO Gluten Free Wraps
A few months ago I was told I couldn't have flour and a few other things to eat so to make my lunch for work I had to think about it. Sandwiches were out as I can't have bread or flour, so I made a chick pea and tapioca flour wrap. It is wonderful and I can use it as a pizza base. If it is toasted under the grill it will go crisp and you can cut it up and use it for chips. Look in the Indian part of the supermarket, you can get besan flour (which is chickpea flour) a lot cheaper and the tapioca flour (starch) in the Asian section, it is same thing.
Chickpea & Tapioca Wrap
2 cups chickpea flour
1 cup tapioca four (starch)
Water, enough to make a runny batter
Mix ingredients together. Spray frying pan with oil and cook, turning over to cook the other side.
You can add spices and herbs to the batter for a savoury wrap, or for a sweet wrap add mashed banana or blueberries.
I can buy gluten free wraps, but they're expensive. If I MOO them, not only are they cheaper, but they're fresh too - and freshly made wraps are the best!
Contributed by Karen Witek
Add a Tip
3. Share Your Tips
The Cheapskate's Club website is thousands of pages of money saving hints, tips and ideas. There are over 12,000 tips to save you money, time and energy; 1,600 budget and family friendly recipes, hundreds of printable tip sheets and ebooks.
Let's get together and make the Cheapskates Club Australia's largest online hint, tip and idea library. Share your favourite money saving, time saving or energy saving hint and be in the running to win a one-year membership to The Cheapskate Club.
Share your favourite hint or tip that saves money, time and energy and be in the running to win a one-year subscription to The Cheapskate Journal.
Remember, you have to be in it to win it!
Share Your Tip
4. Own Your Christmas Challenge
With just 83 days until Christmas, it's time to face it and get organised (if you're not already). To own your Christmas you need to put some effort in now. Then come December 1 you'll be sitting back, relaxed, organised and prepared, while everyone else is just realising they only have 24 days to get organised and prepare.
And in January, when the bills start rolling in, your letterbox will be Christmas bill free - you owned your Christmas so you won't have any bills to fear or worry about.
If you haven't joined the challenge yet, head over and get started.
And here are the Week 1 tasks and tips, so you can catch up.
This has been a planning week, the week where you set the tone for the rest of your Challenge.
There are 5 tasks for week 1:
Task 1: print the planners
Task 2: start to work on your Christmas Spending Plan
Task 3: get your Christmas gift list done
Task 4: start on the handmade gifts you are going to give
Task 5: write up your Christmas card list, and divide by 8. Write up the first lot of cards.
The tasks are outlined here in greater detail, and you can get the Own Your Christmas planners here too.
If you'd like the weekly tasks and round-up, you can join the Own Your Christmas challenge here
5. On The Menu
Tasty Treats that Make Great GiftsWe all have one or two people on our gift lists who are almost impossible to buy a gift for. That's OK - just make them one instead. This is a selection of tasty treats that package up beautifully to make gorgeous gifts for those aforementioned impossible to buy for folk.
It's a little early to make them for gifts now, but it's not too early to do a test run (or two) of the recipe to see how they turn out.
Nutty Caramel Popcorn Bombs
1/2 cup chopped nuts of your choice (peanuts, hazelnuts, almonds, cashews etc)
125g butter or margarine
3/4 cup sugar
2 tbsp honey syrup
3/4 cup popping corn
Pop corn using popcorn machine, microwave or saucepan and pour into a heatproof bowl to cool. Lightly grease a Swiss roll tray. Combine butter, sugar and honey in a small saucepan. Stir over a low heat until butter has melted and sugar is dissolved. Increase heat and bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Boil for five minutes without stirring. Remove from heat and add nuts. Pour over popcorn. Use two metal spoons (the caramel is very hot) to toss popcorn through the caramel, mixing well. Pour popcorn onto greased Swiss roll tray and let cool. Break into small pieces to serve. Store in an airtight container for up to five days.
500g Nutrigrain (generic equivalent works just as well)
375g salted peanuts
375g pretzels (broken into small pieces)
100g pumpkin seeds
1 packet Cream of Chicken soup mix (or use MOO Cream of Chicken Cup-a-Soup Mix)
1 packet French Onion soup mix (generic works just as well)
3 tsp curry powder
Pinch chilli powder
1/2 cup currants (or sultanas)
3/4 cup olive oil, heated
Combine all ingredients except oil in a large bowl. Mix well to make sure everything is coated with the seasonings. Warm the oil and stir through the dry ingredients, making sure they are all coated completely. Store in a large, air tight bowl. If you are going to jar it up for gifts, wait two days. Stir the mix completely each day then on the third day pour into jars and label. This mix looks great in nut dishes on the Christmas table too.
Cheesy Sticks
1pkt puff pastry sheets
1egg white
180g grated cheddar cheese
90g grated parmesan cheese
1tbsp paprika
Pre-heat oven to 230 degrees Celsius. Cut each strip of pastry into 2cm strips and brush with the egg white. Take two strips of pastry and criss-cross to form one stick of pastry. Lay the twisted sticks onto a greased pastry tray and cut in half. Combine the cheeses and sprinkle over the pastry sticks. Sieve the paprika over the top. Bake in a hot oven about 7 minutes, until cheeses are melted and golden and pastry is cooked. Makes about 70.
This week we will be eating:
Sunday: Roast Lamb
Monday: Vegetable Moussaka
Tuesday: Spag Bol, salad, garlic bread
Wednesday: Baked Chicken Enchiladas
Thursday: MOO Pizza
Friday: Fish, wedges, salad
Saturday: Cheesy Filled & Grilled Quesadillas
In the fruit bowl: oranges, lemons, bananas
In the cake tin: fruit cake, choc chip biscuits.
There are over 1,700 budget and family friendly recipes in the Cheapskates Club Recipe File, all contributed by your fellow Cheapskates, so you know they're good.
Add A Recipe
Recipe File Index
6. The $300 A Month Food Challenge
MOO Tinned Cream of Chicken Soup
There are so many great recipes that use cream of chicken (or mushroom or celery or corn) soup, and that used to turn me off. I really try to limit the number of tins in my pantry and per recipe (you'll see six tins of cream of chicken, six of cream of mushroom and six of cream of celery on the pantry shelves, that are kept for emergency meals, or quick dinners).
Now not using canned soups doesn't mean I don't try those recipes. Instead I whip up a batch of MOO Tinned Cream of Chicken Soup. It makes the equivalent of two tins of soup, so I use half and freeze the other half (and it freezes really well). It makes a beautiful version of condensed cream of chicken soup and can be used in casseroles and stews, or made up as a soup.
When I make this recipe at workshops, everyone is amazed at just how close it is to the commercial tinned versions, and even more amazed at how easy it is to make, and then their minds are blown when the realise how cheap it is!
MOO Tinned Cream of Chicken Soup
This is the equivalent of two tins of cream of chicken soup, much cheaper than bought and far healthier too.
1-1/2 cups chicken stock (homemade is best, but bought does a decent job too - use what you have)
1 Vegeta chicken stock cube (or 1 tsp chicken stock powder)
1/4 tsp onion powder
1/4 tsp garlic powder
1/8 tsp black pepper
1/2 tsp parsley
1/4 tsp paprika
1-1/2 cups milk
3/4 cup plain flour
Put chicken stock, 1/2 cup milk and the seasonings in a medium saucepan and bring to a boil. Boil for one minute. Whisk the remaining milk and flour together until there are no lumps. Add to boiling mixture, whisking continually until mixture boils and thickens.
This makes approximately the equivalent of two tins of condensed Cream of Chicken soup. Use or freeze it immediately or keep in fridge for up to 5 days. This soup mix freezes and thaws beautifully. Use to make soup or in place of tinned soup in recipes.
80 cents if using MOO chicken stock
$2.10 if using bought stock
Cream of mushroom: finely slice 200g mushrooms and saute them in a little butter, then add to the boiling chicken stock - milk mixture with the remaining ingredients.
Cream of celery: finely slice one or two celery sticks. Saute in a little butter, then add to the boiling chicken stock - milk mixture with the other ingredients.
The $300 a Month Food Challenge Forum
The Post that Started it All
7. Cheapskates Buzz
From The Article Archive
A Christmas Ready Fridge
A Greeting Card Gift Set for Christmas
Making Sure You Own Your Christmas
This Week's Hot Forum Topics
Going Lower and Living our Best Lives
Meat Prices
8. The Cheapskates Club Show
oin Cath and Hannah live Tuesdays and Thursdays on You Tube at 7.30pm AET
Join us live on YouTube every Tuesday and Thursday and see how we are living debt free, cashed up and laughing - and find out how you can too!
Show Schedule
Tuesday: Around the Kitchen Table - join Cath and Hannah for a cuppa and a chat around the kitchen table as they talk about living the Cheapskates way.
Thursday: Cheapskates in the Kitchen - want to know how to cook delicious, healthy and cheap meals? Watch Cath and Hannah as they create cheapskates style cuisine and share their favourite recipes.
Latest Shows
1. Cath's Corner
2. From the Tip Store - Anytime Breakfast Coffee; My $1 Bottle of Chew Deterrent; MOO Gluten Free Wraps
3. Share Your Tips -
4. Own Your Christmas Challenge
5. On the Menu - Tasty Treats that Make Great Gifts
6. The $300 a Month Food Challenge- MOO Cream of Chicken Soup
7. Cheapskates Buzz - Cheapskaters are talking in the Forum and on Cath's blog
8. The Cheapskates Club Show
9. Ask A Question - Have a question? Ask it here
10.. Join the Cheapskates Club
11. Frequently Asked Questions
12. Contact Details
1. Cath's Corner
Hello Cheapskaters,
,I'm in Christmas planning mode this week and it's no wonder - our annual Own Your Christmas challenge started on Tuesday.
I've spring cleaned the pantry, been inspired to soak the fruit for Christmas baking and made 24 cupcake sized Christmas cakes, transplanted some of the lavender strikes I've been growing into the lavender garden, decluttered another cupboard and dropped the things off immediately (sometimes they can languish by the front door for a few days!) and started making our Christmas cards. It's been a very busy, and fun week.
Most exciting of all is that we've started sending out the Living the Cheapskates Way Budget & Lifestyle Planners. If you ordered your planner before 16th September, then it will be arriving very soon! Remember, we're sending them in the order they were ordered, so first ordered first sent, and when yours will be sent depends on when you ordered it.
Have a great week everyone.
Happy Cheapskating,
2. From The Tip Store
Anytime Breakfast Coffee
I am an early riser, so have my morning cuppa before my husband clambers out of bed. I boil the kettle for a hot cup of tea when I get up and pour the remainder into a Thermos for my husband's breakfast when he decides to get up. Saves boiling the jug twice. He has never complained (ever) that his morning cup of tea is not freshly boiled....whatever time he chooses to breakfast.
Contributed by Caroline Marryatt
My $1 Bottle of Chew Deterrent
I went to the local pet shop to get something to deter my puppy from chewing; he was chewing edge of carpets, furniture, shoes. It cost me $22 for an 8 Fl.oz bottle of chew deterrent and I found out after a day that I had to spray again. Now I spray with straight white vinegar, and straight away my pup leaves it alone. I can get a big bottle of vinegar for $1 - an instant saving of more than $21 plus replacement costs of all the damaged items. What a take "chew deterrent" is!
Contributed by Glad Power
MOO Gluten Free Wraps
A few months ago I was told I couldn't have flour and a few other things to eat so to make my lunch for work I had to think about it. Sandwiches were out as I can't have bread or flour, so I made a chick pea and tapioca flour wrap. It is wonderful and I can use it as a pizza base. If it is toasted under the grill it will go crisp and you can cut it up and use it for chips. Look in the Indian part of the supermarket, you can get besan flour (which is chickpea flour) a lot cheaper and the tapioca flour (starch) in the Asian section, it is same thing.
Chickpea & Tapioca Wrap
2 cups chickpea flour
1 cup tapioca four (starch)
Water, enough to make a runny batter
Mix ingredients together. Spray frying pan with oil and cook, turning over to cook the other side.
You can add spices and herbs to the batter for a savoury wrap, or for a sweet wrap add mashed banana or blueberries.
I can buy gluten free wraps, but they're expensive. If I MOO them, not only are they cheaper, but they're fresh too - and freshly made wraps are the best!
Contributed by Karen Witek
Add a Tip
3. Share Your Tips
The Cheapskate's Club website is thousands of pages of money saving hints, tips and ideas. There are over 12,000 tips to save you money, time and energy; 1,600 budget and family friendly recipes, hundreds of printable tip sheets and ebooks.
Let's get together and make the Cheapskates Club Australia's largest online hint, tip and idea library. Share your favourite money saving, time saving or energy saving hint and be in the running to win a one-year membership to The Cheapskate Club.
Share your favourite hint or tip that saves money, time and energy and be in the running to win a one-year subscription to The Cheapskate Journal.
Remember, you have to be in it to win it!
Share Your Tip
4. Own Your Christmas Challenge
With just 83 days until Christmas, it's time to face it and get organised (if you're not already). To own your Christmas you need to put some effort in now. Then come December 1 you'll be sitting back, relaxed, organised and prepared, while everyone else is just realising they only have 24 days to get organised and prepare.
And in January, when the bills start rolling in, your letterbox will be Christmas bill free - you owned your Christmas so you won't have any bills to fear or worry about.
If you haven't joined the challenge yet, head over and get started.
And here are the Week 1 tasks and tips, so you can catch up.
This has been a planning week, the week where you set the tone for the rest of your Challenge.
There are 5 tasks for week 1:
Task 1: print the planners
Task 2: start to work on your Christmas Spending Plan
Task 3: get your Christmas gift list done
Task 4: start on the handmade gifts you are going to give
Task 5: write up your Christmas card list, and divide by 8. Write up the first lot of cards.
The tasks are outlined here in greater detail, and you can get the Own Your Christmas planners here too.
If you'd like the weekly tasks and round-up, you can join the Own Your Christmas challenge here
5. On The Menu
Tasty Treats that Make Great GiftsWe all have one or two people on our gift lists who are almost impossible to buy a gift for. That's OK - just make them one instead. This is a selection of tasty treats that package up beautifully to make gorgeous gifts for those aforementioned impossible to buy for folk.
It's a little early to make them for gifts now, but it's not too early to do a test run (or two) of the recipe to see how they turn out.
Nutty Caramel Popcorn Bombs
1/2 cup chopped nuts of your choice (peanuts, hazelnuts, almonds, cashews etc)
125g butter or margarine
3/4 cup sugar
2 tbsp honey syrup
3/4 cup popping corn
Pop corn using popcorn machine, microwave or saucepan and pour into a heatproof bowl to cool. Lightly grease a Swiss roll tray. Combine butter, sugar and honey in a small saucepan. Stir over a low heat until butter has melted and sugar is dissolved. Increase heat and bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Boil for five minutes without stirring. Remove from heat and add nuts. Pour over popcorn. Use two metal spoons (the caramel is very hot) to toss popcorn through the caramel, mixing well. Pour popcorn onto greased Swiss roll tray and let cool. Break into small pieces to serve. Store in an airtight container for up to five days.
500g Nutrigrain (generic equivalent works just as well)
375g salted peanuts
375g pretzels (broken into small pieces)
100g pumpkin seeds
1 packet Cream of Chicken soup mix (or use MOO Cream of Chicken Cup-a-Soup Mix)
1 packet French Onion soup mix (generic works just as well)
3 tsp curry powder
Pinch chilli powder
1/2 cup currants (or sultanas)
3/4 cup olive oil, heated
Combine all ingredients except oil in a large bowl. Mix well to make sure everything is coated with the seasonings. Warm the oil and stir through the dry ingredients, making sure they are all coated completely. Store in a large, air tight bowl. If you are going to jar it up for gifts, wait two days. Stir the mix completely each day then on the third day pour into jars and label. This mix looks great in nut dishes on the Christmas table too.
Cheesy Sticks
1pkt puff pastry sheets
1egg white
180g grated cheddar cheese
90g grated parmesan cheese
1tbsp paprika
Pre-heat oven to 230 degrees Celsius. Cut each strip of pastry into 2cm strips and brush with the egg white. Take two strips of pastry and criss-cross to form one stick of pastry. Lay the twisted sticks onto a greased pastry tray and cut in half. Combine the cheeses and sprinkle over the pastry sticks. Sieve the paprika over the top. Bake in a hot oven about 7 minutes, until cheeses are melted and golden and pastry is cooked. Makes about 70.
This week we will be eating:
Sunday: Roast Lamb
Monday: Vegetable Moussaka
Tuesday: Spag Bol, salad, garlic bread
Wednesday: Baked Chicken Enchiladas
Thursday: MOO Pizza
Friday: Fish, wedges, salad
Saturday: Cheesy Filled & Grilled Quesadillas
In the fruit bowl: oranges, lemons, bananas
In the cake tin: fruit cake, choc chip biscuits.
There are over 1,700 budget and family friendly recipes in the Cheapskates Club Recipe File, all contributed by your fellow Cheapskates, so you know they're good.
Add A Recipe
Recipe File Index
6. The $300 A Month Food Challenge
MOO Tinned Cream of Chicken Soup
There are so many great recipes that use cream of chicken (or mushroom or celery or corn) soup, and that used to turn me off. I really try to limit the number of tins in my pantry and per recipe (you'll see six tins of cream of chicken, six of cream of mushroom and six of cream of celery on the pantry shelves, that are kept for emergency meals, or quick dinners).
Now not using canned soups doesn't mean I don't try those recipes. Instead I whip up a batch of MOO Tinned Cream of Chicken Soup. It makes the equivalent of two tins of soup, so I use half and freeze the other half (and it freezes really well). It makes a beautiful version of condensed cream of chicken soup and can be used in casseroles and stews, or made up as a soup.
When I make this recipe at workshops, everyone is amazed at just how close it is to the commercial tinned versions, and even more amazed at how easy it is to make, and then their minds are blown when the realise how cheap it is!
MOO Tinned Cream of Chicken Soup
This is the equivalent of two tins of cream of chicken soup, much cheaper than bought and far healthier too.
1-1/2 cups chicken stock (homemade is best, but bought does a decent job too - use what you have)
1 Vegeta chicken stock cube (or 1 tsp chicken stock powder)
1/4 tsp onion powder
1/4 tsp garlic powder
1/8 tsp black pepper
1/2 tsp parsley
1/4 tsp paprika
1-1/2 cups milk
3/4 cup plain flour
Put chicken stock, 1/2 cup milk and the seasonings in a medium saucepan and bring to a boil. Boil for one minute. Whisk the remaining milk and flour together until there are no lumps. Add to boiling mixture, whisking continually until mixture boils and thickens.
This makes approximately the equivalent of two tins of condensed Cream of Chicken soup. Use or freeze it immediately or keep in fridge for up to 5 days. This soup mix freezes and thaws beautifully. Use to make soup or in place of tinned soup in recipes.
80 cents if using MOO chicken stock
$2.10 if using bought stock
Cream of mushroom: finely slice 200g mushrooms and saute them in a little butter, then add to the boiling chicken stock - milk mixture with the remaining ingredients.
Cream of celery: finely slice one or two celery sticks. Saute in a little butter, then add to the boiling chicken stock - milk mixture with the other ingredients.
The $300 a Month Food Challenge Forum
The Post that Started it All
7. Cheapskates Buzz
From The Article Archive
A Christmas Ready Fridge
A Greeting Card Gift Set for Christmas
Making Sure You Own Your Christmas
This Week's Hot Forum Topics
Going Lower and Living our Best Lives
Meat Prices
8. The Cheapskates Club Show
oin Cath and Hannah live Tuesdays and Thursdays on You Tube at 7.30pm AET
Join us live on YouTube every Tuesday and Thursday and see how we are living debt free, cashed up and laughing - and find out how you can too!
Show Schedule
Tuesday: Around the Kitchen Table - join Cath and Hannah for a cuppa and a chat around the kitchen table as they talk about living the Cheapskates way.
Thursday: Cheapskates in the Kitchen - want to know how to cook delicious, healthy and cheap meals? Watch Cath and Hannah as they create cheapskates style cuisine and share their favourite recipes.
Latest Shows
Coming Up
Thursday 2nd October: Spring Rolls and getting ready for Christmas baking
Tuesday 8th October: Giving Great Gifts, Even on a Budget9. Ask A Questions
We have lots of resources to help you as you live the Cheapskates way but if you didn't find the answer to your question in our extensive archives please just drop me a note with your question.
I read and answer all questions, either in an email to you, in my weekly newsletter, the monthly Journal or by creating blog posts and other resources to help you (and other Cheapskaters).
Ask Your Question
10. Join The Cheapskates Club
For just $30 a year, you can join the Cheapskates Club and get exclusive access to the Cheapskate Journal, the monthly e-journal that shows you how to cut the costs of everyday living and still have fun.
Joining the Cheapskates Club gives you 24/7 access to the Members Centre with 1000's of money saving tips and articles.
Click here to join the Cheapskates Club today!
11. Frequently Asked Questions
How do I change my email address?
This one is easy. When you login to the Member's Centre just click on your name at the top of the page to go straight to your profile page where you can update your details, change your password and find your subscription details.
Not a Cheapskates Club member? Then please use the Changing Details form found here to update your email address.
How do I know when my membership should be renewed?
As per the terms of sbucription, your renewal will be processed on the due date. Renewal notices are not sent. You can find your membership expiry date on your profile page (membership are active for one year from the date of joining/renewing).
When you login to the Member's Centre just click on your name to go straight to your profile page where you can will find your join date and your expiry date.
What will you do with my email address?
We never rent, trade or sell our email list to anyone for any reason whatsoever. You'll never get an unsolicited email from a stranger as a result of joining this list.
How did I get on this list?
The only way you can get onto our newsletter mailing list is to subscribe yourself. You signed up to receive our Free Newsletter at our Cheapskates Club Web site or are a Platinum Cheapskates Club member.
12. Contact Cheapskates
The Cheapskates Club -
Showing you how to live life
debt free, cashed up and laughing!
PO Box 5077 Studfield Vic 3152
Contact Cheapskates
Thursday 2nd October: Spring Rolls and getting ready for Christmas baking
Tuesday 8th October: Giving Great Gifts, Even on a Budget9. Ask A Questions
We have lots of resources to help you as you live the Cheapskates way but if you didn't find the answer to your question in our extensive archives please just drop me a note with your question.
I read and answer all questions, either in an email to you, in my weekly newsletter, the monthly Journal or by creating blog posts and other resources to help you (and other Cheapskaters).
Ask Your Question
10. Join The Cheapskates Club
For just $30 a year, you can join the Cheapskates Club and get exclusive access to the Cheapskate Journal, the monthly e-journal that shows you how to cut the costs of everyday living and still have fun.
Joining the Cheapskates Club gives you 24/7 access to the Members Centre with 1000's of money saving tips and articles.
Click here to join the Cheapskates Club today!
11. Frequently Asked Questions
How do I change my email address?
This one is easy. When you login to the Member's Centre just click on your name at the top of the page to go straight to your profile page where you can update your details, change your password and find your subscription details.
Not a Cheapskates Club member? Then please use the Changing Details form found here to update your email address.
How do I know when my membership should be renewed?
As per the terms of sbucription, your renewal will be processed on the due date. Renewal notices are not sent. You can find your membership expiry date on your profile page (membership are active for one year from the date of joining/renewing).
When you login to the Member's Centre just click on your name to go straight to your profile page where you can will find your join date and your expiry date.
What will you do with my email address?
We never rent, trade or sell our email list to anyone for any reason whatsoever. You'll never get an unsolicited email from a stranger as a result of joining this list.
How did I get on this list?
The only way you can get onto our newsletter mailing list is to subscribe yourself. You signed up to receive our Free Newsletter at our Cheapskates Club Web site or are a Platinum Cheapskates Club member.
12. Contact Cheapskates
The Cheapskates Club -
Showing you how to live life
debt free, cashed up and laughing!
PO Box 5077 Studfield Vic 3152
Contact Cheapskates