My Successful Start to Cheapskating
I've been slowing working my way through each section of the site, to see what's useful for my lifestyle. There is so much information that my brain is going into overload. I'm gradually making sense of it all, and getting things stuck in my head. If I don't write it down, I don't remember it.
I've found that I'm doing nearly all the things that are mentioned. Haven't used the washing powder yet, as I still have about 5 kilo's of the regular stuff to use up first (bulk buy). Being a single person it will probably take awhile though.
Guess I just have to learn to stop impulse buying. Can't budget to save myself. Pay the bills, spend the rest. So I've opened an Internet account at a higher rate of interest (only 7% but that's as good as a term deposit).ee if that will help me at all. I'm transferring nearly my whole wage in and only the bills out as well as a small allowance for myself. Hopefully, if I can't access the funds straight away I will have to think things through more prior to purchase. Especially since I have to return home to make a transfer!
As for the Olympics, well I didn't do too badly. I couldn't save as much as the other participants, but I've gained employment again after 6 weeks out of work (started on the 11th ... first pay this week ... YAY finally have the best paying job I've ever had!), but on the other hand, I certainly haven't spent as much either.
I sold a car which I suppose doesn't really count, as I'll pay the funds towards my current car debt (I'll have it paid for by Christmas). I did spend $6 on fuel for that car I sold, as well as $250 getting it transported 2.5 hrs away ~ all of which came out of the sale price ~ which I'm also not counting for the Olympics. So I didn't spend out of the ordinary, but didn't have anything to save either.
I hadn't purchased takeaway for over two months prior, but have snuck in a chicken kebab since the closing ceremony (and can honestly say it wasn't worth the money). I noted everything I did spend for groceries, fuel, house payments etc, and found my dollar has been going just that bit further.
I'm learning to live out of my pantry/fridge/freezer rather than purchase something because I "feel" like eating that. I've yet to inventory it all, but really haven't had a spare moment of late (mental note to schedule that in for next Saturday).
In the Gymnastics I did well I feel. I got a whole rump for $4.99 kg ($24 in total) instead of buying a few slices at $10+ kg, and some chicken breasts for $6.99 kg instead of the usual $11 kg. I don't buy prepared foods at all, preferring to make everything myself. Still haven't got bread quite right, but I am eating it. I blame my prehistoric oven as it's doesn't seem to run at the temperature the dial suggests.
Anyway enough of my prattling.
I've found that I'm doing nearly all the things that are mentioned. Haven't used the washing powder yet, as I still have about 5 kilo's of the regular stuff to use up first (bulk buy). Being a single person it will probably take awhile though.
Guess I just have to learn to stop impulse buying. Can't budget to save myself. Pay the bills, spend the rest. So I've opened an Internet account at a higher rate of interest (only 7% but that's as good as a term deposit).ee if that will help me at all. I'm transferring nearly my whole wage in and only the bills out as well as a small allowance for myself. Hopefully, if I can't access the funds straight away I will have to think things through more prior to purchase. Especially since I have to return home to make a transfer!
As for the Olympics, well I didn't do too badly. I couldn't save as much as the other participants, but I've gained employment again after 6 weeks out of work (started on the 11th ... first pay this week ... YAY finally have the best paying job I've ever had!), but on the other hand, I certainly haven't spent as much either.
I sold a car which I suppose doesn't really count, as I'll pay the funds towards my current car debt (I'll have it paid for by Christmas). I did spend $6 on fuel for that car I sold, as well as $250 getting it transported 2.5 hrs away ~ all of which came out of the sale price ~ which I'm also not counting for the Olympics. So I didn't spend out of the ordinary, but didn't have anything to save either.
I hadn't purchased takeaway for over two months prior, but have snuck in a chicken kebab since the closing ceremony (and can honestly say it wasn't worth the money). I noted everything I did spend for groceries, fuel, house payments etc, and found my dollar has been going just that bit further.
I'm learning to live out of my pantry/fridge/freezer rather than purchase something because I "feel" like eating that. I've yet to inventory it all, but really haven't had a spare moment of late (mental note to schedule that in for next Saturday).
In the Gymnastics I did well I feel. I got a whole rump for $4.99 kg ($24 in total) instead of buying a few slices at $10+ kg, and some chicken breasts for $6.99 kg instead of the usual $11 kg. I don't buy prepared foods at all, preferring to make everything myself. Still haven't got bread quite right, but I am eating it. I blame my prehistoric oven as it's doesn't seem to run at the temperature the dial suggests.
Anyway enough of my prattling.