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August 2016 Journal Index
From Cath's Desk
Hello Cheapskaters, Another month has flown by and a brand new Journal is ready for you. While I was sitting here, thinking of what to share with you this month I realised it is August - our birthday month! That had me..... read more..... |
Cheapskates Tip Store
No More Smelly Hands Instead of worrying about using lemons or parsley to rid hands of onion or garlic smells, simply rub your hands over the stainless steel sink for about a minute, rinse and no more smelly hands. read more..... |
Feature Article
Things we didn't Spend Money on when we had None (and we still don't!) When Disaster Struck we had no money. NO MONEY. In the space of three 3 days we went from a two income family of four with a home under renovation to a no income..... read more..... |
Read the Information
I love to read, and enjoy learning things, part of the reason I am a Cheapskates Club member. I was recently reading Cath's post on watering down products, and have tried this in the past, but kept..... read more.... |
A Thoughtful Moment
Growing Corn There was a farmer who grew excellent quality corn. Every year he won the award for the best grown corn. One year a newspaper reporter interviewed him and learned something interesting about how he grew it..... read more.... |
Easy Blanching for Freezing
When cooking cauliflower, broccoli cut florets to size and place in a pot steamer, instead of throwing away the stalky ends chop them also and place on top of the florets to steam for half the required time. Then remove stalks and put..... read more.... |
MOO Flavoured Coffee Beans Just in Time for Father's Day With Father's Day just a couple of weeks away I thought I'd share this recipe for flavoured coffee beans. If you have a dad who loves his coffee and has everything he.... read more..... |
Getting the Most from Flybuys Points
We have always used a credit card to pay bills and groceries, leaving as much cash on our home loan as possible. At the end of each month, we withdraw the credit card balance from our loan to pay it off. This way we are charged less interest. I recently discovered.... read more.... |
10 Ways to Save for that Family Holiday
We’ve had two big holidays in the last two years, both of them six weeks long. It took us a long time to save the money for each trip, but before we left home we knew everything was paid for and we had spending money for splurges (and we had a few!) was in the..... read more..... |
The $2 Christmas Saving Plan
I have just started a $2 a day Christmas money tin. The tin needs to be sealed. I don't notice the coin each day and anticipate that after this year, each year I'll be saving approximately $700. This is enough to cover gifts and other expenses during the..... read more..... |
6 Common Reasons You Need Emergency Fund
Saving money isn’t always exciting, but an emergency fund is imperative to your financial health. As I learned 22 years ago, it only takes one unexpected expense to topple your finances. The lack of an emergency fund can result in taking on additional debt or not..... read more..... |
Chuck Steak Savings
Chuck steak is a great staple but can do your head in trying to clean it of fat for cooking, if you use a knife. I use a pair of sharp kitchen shears to trim the meat, membrane (just cut across the top and it will remove a section), and any gristle. This works just as well.... read more..... |
Oh How I Love Freeze-Ahead Meals
Have you ever wished you could fill your freezer with meals that are already prepared and ready to heat and eat? Oh, yeah, they're in every supermarket freezer cabinet, but you’re not convinced they’re that healthy or they don’t come in the foods your family...... read more..... |
Clean the Fire Door and Get More Heat
If you have a wood heater e.g. Coonara and the glass on the front door is burnt and stained with black and ash this tip will bring amazing results. Use an old Chux or strong paper towelling, dampen and squeeze thoroughly. Dip the damp cloth into the..... read more..... |
Dear Cath
How to build a stockpile and why MOO yoghurt doesn't thicken are the questions answered this month. read more...... |
Use Your Freezer for More than Storing Frozen Food
I store my flour, breadcrumbs, powdered milk, oats, polenta, bread flour or any other pantry item that might attract weevils or just to extend its shelf life in the freezer. I also keep my grated cheese in the freezer. When lemons are cheap I buy in bulk, juice..... read more..... |
Frugal MOO Pre-Shave Oil
I have found a link for a YouTube video explaining how to MOO a ore-shaving oil. I noticed in the comments afterwards that someone suggested that Jojoba Oil is better than Olive Oil for this and if you already have a bottle for shaving oil..... read more..... |
Menu Planner
Fill in the meals you plan to eat for the week, fortnight or month and put the plan somewhere prominent: stick it to the front of the fridge with a magnet, blu-tack it to the.... read more..... |
If it's Already Broken
If it's already broken, how much worse can it get? For some things (not recommending electrical) if it's already broken, how much more broken can you make it by trying to fix it? For example my old Caroma toilet was leaking a lot, costing a lot in wasted water..... read more.... |
Another Relevant Reason to Build a Useable Stockpile
The time has come to actually not just think about being the remaining one of a couple but to do more than the obvious, save for a funeral etc. Younger people would maybe think of putting food away for survival a little differently than we older people. For me/us..... read more.... |
Ten DIY Craft Kits for the Price of Two!
My daughter asked for some craft packs she could do with her 3 year old daughter and when I saw how expensive they were I decided I could do my own. I bought large ziplock bags and labels then filled each one with a craft activity. For example for a "mask"..... read ,more..... |