Julia writes
"I've just joined Cheapskates (in November), so am relatively new and loving every minute. I'm a little overwhelmed at all the information and struggling to really start. My DH and I have set goals to clear our CC debt this year and to increase our mortgage payment by $120 a week (an extra $6,240 paid off this year!) and on paper we should be able to do it, but our money just seems to disappear - hence joining (we need the inspiration and the motivation). Do you have any suggestions to new members where to start? For example, I have the forum always open, joined the Saving Revolution and bookmarked Tip Store pages so I can refer back to them. Does anyone have any other suggestions we can use to reach our goals this year? What do other members do to get the best out of Cheapskates?" Do you have the answer? If you have a suggestion or advice for Julia, let us know. We'll enter your answer into our Tip of the Week competition, with a one-year membership to the Cheapskates Club as the prize too.
MN writes
"I am in dire need of help with huge debt. My first issue is denial, unable to collect my mail out of letterbox knowing I will collect bills and I just don't want to see them. Is there any help in this situation? Thankyou. Do you have the answer? If you have a suggestion or idea for MN let us know, by leaving it in the comments below. We'll enter your answer into our Tip of the Week competition, with a one-year membership to the Cheapskates Club as the prize. And keep an eye open, you may even see your answer in next week's newsletter. I watched a fascinating documentary today about Warren Buffet, who takes turns at being the world's richest man with Bill Gates. It's called The World's Greatest Money Maker: Warren Buffet
Mr Buffet has a personal wealth that is estimated to be more than $37 billion. His company, Berkshire Hathaway is worth $150 billion, he owns a quarter outright. So what makes this billionaire different to all the other wealthy people in the world? His attitude to money. This man lives life frugally, he embraces the Cheapskates way of life and is proud to say so. He lives with his wife in the house they have lived in for over 50 years. He and his wife raised their three children in this home, and they were by no means spoiled. Indeed his son Peter tells the story of asking his dad for $5 so he go out with his friends and buy McDonalds for their dinner. His father gave him the $5, but he told him to bring the change back (which we have always done with our kids). He said it with a smile, but he meant it. He wanted the change. His wife clips coupons and shops on a budget. She runs the household on a strict budget and lights are turned off when no one is in the room, food isn't wasted and nothing is thrown away unless there is absolutely no other use for it. Bill Gates says of Warren Buffett "he has never ramped up his ability to consume". What a testimonial! he lives as he did when he had no money and was a struggling young husband and father! A lesson to learn for all of us. In this day and age of out of control consumerism, knowing the richest man in the world shuns it is an incredible example for anyone wanting to live the Cheapskates way and enjoy debt free, cashed up life. But for me the thing that sets Warren Buffet apart from other wealthy people is that he doesn't judge what he does by the standards of other people. Instead, he lives the way he does and works the way he does so he can enjoy the things in life that are important to him. Just like we do. I've always said we choose to not spend our money on things that aren't important to us so we have the money to spend on the things that are. It's why we are Cheapskates and live the Cheapskates way, to live life debt free, cashed up and laughing. This post was first published at Debt Free, Cashed Up and Laughing |
April 2020